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besen 2015-06-12 14:49

my camera is not warking

besen 2015-06-12 14:57

Re: Mr
Cant complete the download.Connection to the application provider was lost.

nieldk 2015-06-12 15:00

Re: Mr
No idea what You are talking about

late88 2015-06-12 15:03

Re: Mr
This must be the most bizarre thread for asking help.

Dave999 2015-06-12 15:20

Re: Mr
WHO Said anything about help. Maybe its just a statement, Mr.

pichlo 2015-06-12 15:26

Re: Mr
I think he misspelt Mir.

Copernicus 2015-06-12 15:31

Re: Mr
Oh, come on now foks. The original poster was obviously going for a minimalist and post-modernist expression of the common man raging against the cold irrationality of the machine. ;)

But yeah, a little more information is needed here. :)

Dave999 2015-06-12 16:15

Re: Mr
just read between the lines. Mir is a excellent guess...

thedead1440 2015-06-12 16:43

Re: Mr
Thread closed due to lack of details. If/When the OP sends me a message with his clear intentions, I may re-open it with appropriate content.

HtheB 2015-06-13 00:40

Re: Mr

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1473408)
Thread closed due to lack of details. If/When the OP sends me a message with his clear intentions, I may re-open it with appropriate content.

And I re-opened the thread, because the OP cannot (!) send you a message due to lack of posts of the user....

seems like its a google translated text, lets see what will happen

Edit: from what I understand is that the user has the following camera problem:
When you open the app, it just crashes, telling you that its not responding. (I had such problems too a long time ago)

Edit2: Seems like something else might be going on.
I searchef on google what he meant on his second post, and I came across this:

It seems like he tries to install something that might give this error

Kangal 2015-06-13 02:38

Re: Mr
Excellent moderation here, and I'm not being sarcastic.

H the Best indeed that seems to be his problem.
Is this a new owner/member, I don't recall him from anything before.

supergaban 2015-06-13 03:25

Re: Mr

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1473428)
And I re-opened the thread, because the OP cannot (!) send you a message due to lack of posts of the user....

seems like its a google translated text, lets see what will happen

Edit: from what I understand is that the user has the following camera problem:
When you open the app, it just crashes, telling you that its not responding. (I had such problems too a long time ago)

Edit2: Seems like something else might be going on.
I searchef on google what he meant on his second post, and I came across this:

It seems like he tries to install something that might give this error

yup, he got the problem as what you describe. and he cannot reinstall camera-ui app, coz he always got..'call something error' but i think it repository issue.
or something.
he need some 'apt-get' command to reinstall stock camera from some xpert here.

nieldk 2015-06-13 05:34

Re: Mr
If he is trying to install Whazap, he should instead try to install either Whatsup or Mitakuuluu3

I suggest the user installs Warehouse to assiist him managing this using (

He probably also should install N9 RepoMirror from openrepos.

pichlo 2015-06-14 21:13

Re: Mr
Mitakuuluu? Warehouse? OpenRepos? RepoMirror? And there was me thinking all this time that we were talking about the N900. Clearly, more info is badly needed. OP, where are you?

endsormeans 2015-06-14 21:24

Re: Mr
The big questions I see are...
who is this mysterious "Mr"??
will he try to swindle Mrs. Penelope (the wealthy spinster) out of her inheritance given to her by the Frickasian Monks whose shadowy past is filled with Shaking and Baking?
will he "accidentally" fall off the crenelated tower near the back of the vast estates plummeting to his doom in the moat?
stay tuned for next week's episode where we find out the answers to these questions and more...
...Like who, what or where is "warking"?
is it the warking dead coming to maemo talk?

All this and week...
"like sand through an hourglass...So are the Maemoans of our Lives"....

pichlo 2015-06-14 21:30

Re: Mr
But, endso, aren't "Mrs" and "spinster" mutually exclusive?

Hariainm 2015-06-14 22:27

Re: Mr

Originally Posted by besen (Post 1473386)
my camera is not warking

That's because it is not a chocobo.

endsormeans 2015-06-14 23:31

Re: Mr
durn pichlo....thought I could sneak one past ...
And therein lies yet further questions concerning not only the shady "Mr" ...but also Mrs. Penelope the spinster...
only on...
"As the Maemo turns..."

Twilight 2015-06-14 23:57

Re: Mr
Ground control to major besen Tom
Ground control to major besen Tom
Can you hear me, major besen Tom?

I think whomever Mr is, he has kidnapped or killed besen. :(
Rest in peace, OP.

HtheB 2015-06-15 00:02

Re: Mr
guys, please stay on topic!

I've PM'ed the OP. Lets see if he will show up

Dave999 2015-06-15 06:35

Re: Mr
I think OP has solved the issue and relaxing in the sun, drinking unbrella drinks and laughing at us, trying to sikve the riddles ...thats what I would do atleast, if I was OP :D

juiceme 2015-06-15 06:59

Re: Mr

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1473595)
I think OP has solved the issue and relaxing in the sun, drinking unbrella drinks and laughing at us...thats what I would do atleast, if I was OP : D

Could be, could be...
However if he ever got his camera warking I'd like to know how it's done! Not that I have any desires like that but still... to increase the common knowledge pool of mankind...

chenliangchen 2015-06-15 09:27

Re: Mr

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1473597)
Could be, could be...
However if he ever got his camera warking I'd like to know how it's done! Not that I have any desires like that but still... to increase the common knowledge pool of mankind...

Hope everything is warking well with him!

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