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CepiPerez 2015-07-15 14:15

[Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
I make this thread for this application.

It's another file manager for Sailfish (yes, we have a lot)
Supports Box, Dropbox, Google Drive,OneDrive and WebDAV.
You can extract and compress using this app too.

Mod edit:
We can finally transfer all kinds of files over bluetooth with FileCase!

Some screenshots:

Translation project:

Download is available in openrepos.

setter 2015-07-15 14:35

Re: [Announce] FileCase
Maybe change the thread name to "FileCase for Sailfish" Cepi?

HtheB 2015-07-15 16:03

Re: [Announce] FileCase

Originally Posted by setter (Post 1476736)
Maybe change the thread name to "FileCase for Sailfish" Cepi?

don't mess with me with your 10 chars!

Edit: Lol @ Pedobear screenshot

Astaoth 2015-11-04 10:18

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
Hi, nice app ! Is it possible to add ftp (and sftp and ftps) support ?

gri4994 2016-03-03 18:39

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
What about updating an icon?

pagis 2017-08-11 17:24

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Is there any chance we can fix filecase? It already lost connection to Google Drive and by the end of Sept DropBox as they switch off their API v1 for v2.

hardy_magnus 2017-08-12 08:27

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
i have been using this app ever since i bought fish , great app. but recently i observed that i couldn't share multiple files through bluetooth. i can share only single file. am i doing it wrong?

piggz 2017-08-12 10:29

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by pagis (Post 1532468)

Is there any chance we can fix filecase? It already lost connection to Google Drive and by the end of Sept DropBox as they switch off their API v1 for v2.

I too got the warning from Dropbox :/

HtheB 2017-08-12 18:05

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1532493)
i have been using this app ever since i bought fish , great app. but recently i observed that i couldn't share multiple files through bluetooth. i can share only single file. am i doing it wrong?

Complain to the devs behind Sailfish OS. We can't share more then 1 file over bluetooth.
(However, you can zip all files using FileCase and send the zip over Bluetooth)

pagis 2017-08-13 09:14

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1532537)
wow joke of the day , its like jolla is showing us ...

I have not used much sending files over BT connection, btw do you know other mobile OS to send/receive any type of files over BT?

HtheB 2017-08-13 09:49

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by pagis (Post 1532540)
I have not used much sending files over BT connection, btw do you know other mobile OS to send/receive any type of files over BT?

even my old Nokia 6230 could send MULTIPLE files and any type of file over Bluetooth.

pagis 2017-08-13 10:10

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1532541)
even my old Nokia 6230 could send MULTIPLE files and any type of file over Bluetooth.

so I guess you can still use your 6230 to send multiple files to Android and iOS devices?

szymeczek34 2017-08-13 11:39

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
I am pretty sure that you still cannot transfer files over BT on iOS.
And yes, you can use 6230 to send multiple files to Android, BB10, Meego etc. You can also use these systems to send files over to the 6230.

hardy_magnus 2017-08-13 12:10

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
i have a $10 dumb phone and i can mark and send as many files as i want . its been an year since i have been waiting for useful features but changelog of the update is always like: security features, browser improvements, camera improvements and I'm like wtf . every time i see a changelog its just m#f# cr@p*****. the only new feature i have encountered till now is vpn feature which i don't want at all. its like we guys that respect open source are always let down by our own people.
i think we people should sign a petition or something so that they should get some negative popularity. jolla needs more haters and hooters.

HtheB 2017-08-13 15:08

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1532553)
jolla needs more haters and hooters.

How can someone hate Jolla if almost no one ever heard of them :p

hardy_magnus 2017-08-13 16:31

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1532562)
How can someone hate Jolla if almost no one ever heard of them :p

its true most of them dont know about jolla but most of the rest are buying x like crazy and thats enough haters but only if they start hating.

pagis 2017-08-13 16:43

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
what x devices have ti do with filecase and bt then?

mousse04 2018-06-14 12:43

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
Hey guys,

with the latest SFOS, a blank page is displayed when starting FileCase.
According to some comments on openrepo, to fix the problem we have to :
"devel-su vi /usr/share/filecase/qml/pages/TransfersDelegate.qml +145"

alright, but at line 145 I have : _hasValueLabel: false

Although it is commented, blank page is still present.

So, what line do I have to comment exactly?


juiceme 2018-06-14 12:52

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1532516)
Complain to the devs behind Sailfish OS. We can't share more then 1 file over bluetooth.
(However, you can zip all files using FileCase and send the zip over Bluetooth)

Not really necessary; there's no limitation like this in BT, it's just a design desision of filecase.

Seems at least @hardy_magnus is under the impression that it is Jolla's fault that filecase does not support multiple file sharing?

Mara 2018-06-14 13:13

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545463)
Hey guys,

with the latest SFOS, a blank page is displayed when starting FileCase.
According to some comments on openrepo, to fix the problem we have to :
"devel-su vi /usr/share/filecase/qml/pages/TransfersDelegate.qml +145"

alright, but at line 145 I have : _hasValueLabel: false

Although it is commented, blank page is still present.

So, what line do I have to comment exactly?


Works for me? Surely you did add "//" to the beginning of this line and saved the file? You did do this as root?

mousse04 2018-06-14 13:18

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1545466)
Works for me? Surely you did add "//" to the beginning of this line and saved the file? You did do this as root?

Yes, did that. Look at my screenshot attached

Mara 2018-06-14 14:20

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545467)
Yes, did that. Look at my screenshot attached

I'm wondering if the indentation makes a difference? I added my comment out slashes at the same level as the line just above it.

mousse04 2018-06-14 14:27

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by Mara (Post 1545470)
I'm wondering if the indentation makes a difference? I added my comment out slashes at the same level as the line just above it.

no, it didn't change anything :(

aspergerguy 2018-06-14 14:47

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545471)
no, it didn't change anything :(

Was just going to suggest this, although used nano from openrepos instead of vi to achieve the same result as here:

hardy_magnus 2018-06-14 15:01

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1545465)
Seems at least @hardy_magnus is under the impression that it is Jolla's fault that filecase does not support multiple file sharing?

ok i get it that filecase doesn't supports multiple file sharing but i don't see how sailfish os supports it. open storage, then stock file manager and there is no option to do that. so how is it possible? but this wasn't enough, now we can't turn on mobile hotspot without mobile internet in newer sailfish releases . if you want share large files between two jolla devices (with no sim cards) using hotspot and some android app then you are screwed.

juiceme 2018-06-14 15:46

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1545474)
ok i get it that filecase doesn't supports multiple file sharing but i don't see how sailfish os supports it. open storage, then stock file manager and there is no option to do that. so how is it possible?

It's just a design choice, there is nothing that prevents it.


Originally Posted by hardy_magnus (Post 1545474)
but this wasn't enough, now we can't turn on mobile hotspot without mobile internet in newer sailfish releases . if you want share large files between two jolla devices (with no sim cards) using hotspot and some android app then you are screwed.

Nope, again wrong :)
As an excercise check how the hotspot can be activated from console :)

hardy_magnus 2018-06-14 16:08

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1545477)
It's just a design choice, there is nothing that prevents it.

And there is nothing that supports it.


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1545477)
Nope, again wrong :)
As an excercise check how the hotspot can be activated from console :)

Sorry man, console is not the answer to everything. why not ui way if it is possible. it was possible in older releases. i m feeling mad, sad mad like w*ll ferrel.

Schturman 2018-06-14 16:56

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545471)
no, it didn't change anything :(

If you use patchmanager, you can install and apply my patch Start as root for FileCase and it automatically will fix the white screen.

mousse04 2018-06-14 19:57

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1545479)
If you use patchmanager, you can install and apply my patch Start as root for FileCase and it automatically will fix the white screen.

Is it compatible with latest patchmanager from Coderus?
Cannot find it in webcatalog and if I install it through OpenRepo; cannot find it in patchmanager menu ...

Schturman 2018-06-14 20:37

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545481)
Is it compatible with latest patchmanager from Coderus?
Cannot find it in webcatalog and if I install it through OpenRepo; cannot find it in patchmanager menu ...

Hmmm, I don't have PM3 (I use PM2). My patch not in Web catalog, it's rpm package on openrepos and I don't know why it not shown in PM3 (ask Coderus).

P.S. you sure the package installed (rpm -qv sailfishos-filecaseroot-patch) ?

mousse04 2018-06-15 07:06

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1545483)
Hmmm, I don't have PM3 (I use PM2). My patch not in Web catalog, it's rpm package on openrepos and I don't know why it not shown in PM3 (ask Coderus).

P.S. you sure the package installed (rpm -qv sailfishos-filecaseroot-patch) ?

Yes installed : I got :


Thanks anyway. I may need to speak with coderus, indeed.

Schturman 2018-06-15 09:14

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545493)
Yes installed : I got :


Thanks anyway. I may need to speak with coderus, indeed.

Check something else: /usr/share/patchmanager/patches if folder of my package existing ?
If no, try to reinstall my package from terminal: pkcon install-local -y /path/to/file.rpm and show me output if it have some errors.

mousse04 2018-06-15 09:34

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1545496)
Check something else: /usr/share/patchmanager/patches if folder of my package existing ?
If no, try to reinstall my package from terminal: pkcon install-local -y /path/to/file.rpm and show me output if it have some errors.

Yes, it exists.

So, I rebooted my device ... and your patch is now in the patchmanager choice ... except that I cannot apply it :(

Schturman 2018-06-15 09:39

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545497)
Yes, it exists.

So, I rebooted my device ... and your patch is now in the patchmanager choice ... except that I cannot apply it :(

Probably because you already changed original file of FileCase, try to reinstall filecase, reinstall also my package and after this apply patch.

mousse04 2018-06-16 12:27

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1545498)
Probably because you already changed original file of FileCase, try to reinstall filecase, reinstall also my package and after this apply patch.

Thanks. By remving your patch and FileCase and reinstalling everything, it works :)

mousse04 2018-06-16 12:29

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS
Do you know how to remove service ? Box account already set actually?


Schturman 2018-06-16 12:45

Re: [Announce] FileCase for Sailfish OS

Originally Posted by mousse04 (Post 1545555)
Do you know how to remove service ? Box account already set actually?


Sorry, don't know... I don't use accounts in FileCase.

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