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llelectronics 2015-08-01 16:53

LibreSignal Jolla Edition (APK) (formely TextSecure)

as I wanted TextSecure for my my Jolla Device I looked at the sources and found JavaJens version which uses WebSockets instead of GCM.
As the SMS Verification does not work on ACL I patched the source to include a check if a Jolla device (or BlackBerry) is detected and skip the SMS verification.
So basically you need to use the Phone/Call verification which works fine.

You can find JavaJens Sourcecode here:

The newest version is now based on Signal which includes WebSocket support. The above link is kept for historical reasons.

Update: 3.31.4 APK uploaded
You can get my APK from here:

You can use this APK without Google Play Services installed.

UPDATE 2: Landed in the Jolla Store.
Github with SMS verification patch:

thessy 2015-08-03 08:45

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Nice to see some action in this direction. I'm following this topic quite long now.

I'm not sure, if the sources of JavaJens are using the productive servers of textsecure. Have a look here:

llelectronics 2015-08-03 09:43

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I guess they are if you are able to see and write to contacts that are using the playstore version on their android devices.

You actually need to have SMS support activated in the settings for contacts to show up on the Jolla.
Though It does not seem to differentiate between normal contacts and TextSecure contacts.
I guess its a bug in Alien Dalvik as it is working fine on BlackBerry Android Runtime (Yeah I also own a BlackBerry)

However if you click on a contact that is a TextSecure contact it shows you an indicator in the chatbox that it is a TextSecure contact so the message is not send as SMS

Elektrobier 2015-08-11 01:34

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Thank you sooo much! I waited for a looong time for a textsecure version that works without gapps.
I'm using it and it works fine so far.

I have a few questions:

Will you keep it updated and will you publish the updated link to the apk here or publish it in f-droid ? (so i can send it to blackberry/android without gapps friends)

Will the planed integration of redphone into the android version of textsecure work on the jolla too? ^^

llelectronics 2015-08-24 15:18

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: 2.25.3 APK is available now:

Currently in QA on harbour.

xcablex 2015-11-10 16:00

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

thanks alot for the APK. I'm using it for a while now.
What is the best way to get the push notifications?
While I am in a chat it's running really smooth. When Textsecure is minimized in a cover, there are no notifications most of the time.

llelectronics 2015-11-17 12:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
See this thread on Together:

xcablex 2015-11-17 13:24

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Thanks! Seems to work now

xcablex 2015-11-22 12:58

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
since today I got in Textsecure the message that my version is out of date and I can't send messages anymore. Any known workaround or is a new jolla version in progress?

llelectronics 2015-11-22 13:38

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Yeah had that also.
I updated the apk and it is in Jolla Harbour verification process right now.
I don't think it will be approved today or tomorrow. Maybe the day after tomorrow.
(I guess they still have people there working until the end of the year)

As for now if you need it you can also install it from here:

Btw. this is a big update as it includes the renaming to Signal. (originally upstream merged RedPhone and TextSecure to Signal)

This means generally you have also encrypted call support. But it crashes on me here. Might be that it needs some upstream approval after several days on the server for it to work though.

nodevel 2015-11-23 16:38

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1489179)
Yeah had that also.
I updated the apk and it is in Jolla Harbour verification process right now.
I don't think it will be approved today or tomorrow. Maybe the day after tomorrow.
(I guess they still have people there working until the end of the year)

As for now if you need it you can also install it from here:

Btw. this is a big update as it includes the renaming to Signal. (originally upstream merged RedPhone and TextSecure to Signal)

This means generally you have also encrypted call support. But it crashes on me here. Might be that it needs some upstream approval after several days on the server for it to work though.

Thanks! Just tried this out of curiosity (never used TextSecure/Signal before) and I get stuck on the SMS verification (even if I try the calling procedure, Signal crashes soon afterward). Does this version also have the SMS verification skip implemented?

EDIT: To expand on why the calling procedure doesn't work - yes, it calls, gives me the code, but when I type the code back in the app, iy crashes. Every time. It demands the registration all over again on the next start. Doesn't matter if I have background services allowed for the app or not.

Jordi 2015-11-23 17:23

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Calling procedure worked well for me.

llelectronics 2015-11-24 08:33

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Yes SMS verification skip is built in. The crash normally should not be one. It is trying to reload itself but alien dalvik does not support this. Though it should start without the registration process on next start.

caprico 2015-11-25 11:51

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
@llelectronics: Thank you for the update and providing the APK due to "frozen" Jolla store.

I still want to learn more about, how Signal works, but tried your port already out. How do calls work? Whenever I click the call icon, the Jolla UI asks me to start a regular call over chosen number. Unfortunately I don't have any contacts yet (!) using signal.

Does Signal on Jolla start calls over data connection whenever the other user has Signal installed as well? How does it work on Jolla?

Thanks for your help and sorry if I ask stupid questions ;-)

llelectronics 2015-11-25 12:03

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by caprico (Post 1489675)

Does Signal on Jolla start calls over data connection whenever the other user has Signal installed as well? How does it work on Jolla?

Thanks for your help and sorry if I ask stupid questions ;-)

Yes it works over the data connection. Either wifi or LTE/3G/GPRS
Both contacts need to be registered at the Server (basically done the registration process at the beginning).
And both need to have a version supporting it.

If you have contacts that already are on Signal there might be still a bug on the Jolla Edition (basically due to AlienDalvik) that do not group contacts that have Signal and those who don't.
So clicking on a contact basically and seeing if the text box to send a text shows SMS or Signal Message helps here to distinguish them. From the textchat you can also create an encrypted call by pressing the call button on the top right.

caprico 2015-11-25 12:31

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
@llelectronics: Thank you for this fantastic answer, appreciate it a lot. I'll try it out as soon as I made one of my collegues install the application :-)

xcablex 2015-11-25 12:46

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Thanks for the fast reply and much more thanks for the fast providing of a new working Textsecure/Signal App.

Works great

Jordi 2015-11-25 16:21

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Great app indeed!

Will we see a port to Sailfish somewhere in the future?

hasdf 2015-12-08 13:06

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
First of all: Thanks for providing the apk here - I'm very happy with it.

Is there any progress on getting the App into the Jolla Store? Will it take so long for future updates as well?

The beta of the new Signal Chrome App is now available. You can also compile it yourself (German Tutorial).
It seems like you have to scan a QR-Code from Signal-Desktop and have to open a link in the QR: tsdevice:/someRandomHash

Will that work with the Jolla-Version of Signal?

Edit: Nevermind. Checked with an Android Device: You just have to go to devices in the Signal-settings and scan the QR-Code directly from the app.


llelectronics 2015-12-13 21:15

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Is there any progress on getting the App into the Jolla Store?
Still listed as QA. I think it will take some time. But I am sure it will be approved :)

hasdf 2015-12-15 07:58

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1491400)
Still listed as QA. I think it will take some time. But I am sure it will be approved :)

Could you post an up to date APK or a description how you built it (really a log of your terminal would do fine)?

ralooyar 2015-12-19 12:45

[SOLVED] Problem with call verification

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1489330)
...the calling procedure doesn't work - yes, it calls, gives me the code, but when I type the code back in the app, iy crashes. Every time. It demands the registration all over again on the next start. Doesn't matter if I have background services allowed for the app or not.

I just had the same problem as @nodevel and managed to solve it this way:
  • I enabled app start on boot up (like nodevel)
  • then rebooted my device
  • started another android app in parallel to signal (maybe this prevents dalvik from stopping)
  • and allowed android apps to access my contact list (Settings -> Android Support -> Allow Android apps to access your contacts)
Then registration via call verification worked flawless. Now I can use Signal on my Jolla Phone. (Big thanks to @llelectronics for bringing this app to Jolla Harbour.)

I guess, only the latter action (enabling contact list access) was really needed. But just in case, I listed all steps, I did.

Maybe this will help other Jolla users.

ralooyar 2015-12-19 13:04

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1491400)
Still listed as QA. I think it will take some time. But I am sure it will be approved :)

Just for the records: Version 3.3.1 arrived in harbour at 14th December 2015. :D

hasdf 2015-12-20 21:59

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I have to restart Android Support ~ every 30min to receive Signal messages. Writing does work all the time (Without the second checkmark being checked).

Does anybody else have that problem?

llelectronics 2015-12-25 20:24

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: Version 3.8.1 is now built.
Get it from directly or wait for harbour to approve it.

grmoht 2015-12-27 15:40

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
First : thanks llelectronics for your work !

I have a slightly annoying problem with Signal (both Store's v3.3.1 and new v3.8.1) :
If I enable the background services, whenever I close the app window, Alien-Dalvik is closing too if there is no other android app running in foreground (and so, no notification).
If I disable the background services, whenever I close the app window, it totally shut the app down (and so, no notification either).

Is that expected ? is there any workaround beside leaving Signal open at all time ?

llelectronics 2015-12-27 20:21

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Is that expected ? is there any workaround beside leaving Signal open at all time ?
I also had this problem. Seems to be a strange issue as it should be more of a general issue.
I suspect some deep sleep rule or so might kill alien dalvik.

So nope I don't have a solution for that.
Though I did not experience that problem everytime yet.

llelectronics 2016-01-15 18:21

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: 3.9.1 is now ready.
Again changes include
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Improved support for RTL langauges.
  • Fixed low volume issue in calls. (Calling feature is broken atm with the websockets version as it seems. Feedback welcome here or at the JavaJens github)
  • Support for sending location messages.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

I also uploaded it to harbour and it should land in store soon.

llelectronics 2016-02-23 22:31

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: 3.12 is ready to download

Will be available soon in store hopefully ;)

Jarvis 2016-02-24 16:26

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1499653)
Update: 3.12 is ready to download

Will be available soon in store hopefully ;)

Hi, is there possible to native one?

llelectronics 2016-02-24 18:54

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
There is another thread already discussing a native version.
I am currently not working on a native version and don't have any plans for the future.

caprico 2016-04-05 20:54

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
@llelectronics: Btw, you should upload it to F-Droid if possible. A friend of mine who uses Cyanogenmod without Google Services recently tested your version. It's the only one which works on Google-free Android afaik.
The independant Signal build "LibreSignal" by also needs Google Play Services.

Thank you for your amazing work! :cool:

nthn 2016-04-06 17:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Hey ll, Signal is now complaining it's going to stop working in a week, are you planning to keep updating this or should we switch to eutopia's repository to keep using Signal? (caprico, there are two repositories, one which is bound to Google and another which is using Websockets.)

llelectronics 2016-04-09 12:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Update: Yeah I had several reports about this banner message (though I never had it myself). As the JavaJens sources did not update I had to switch to LibreSignal as base.
This needed a few adaptions to allow upgrading easily from the existing JollaEdition without reinstalling.

But now its there 3.15.2 is available from here and already uploaded to harbour and in their verification process:


PS: Also I will try convincing the LibreSignal people to integrate this SailfishOS/BlackBerry Patch for the Registration process to their sources.

nthn 2016-04-09 15:30

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
Many thanks!

Amboss 2016-05-15 18:06

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
My Signal is now complaining about 8 days left... is there a compatible version upcoming?

EDIT: Signal sais it is 3.12.0 but I'm on newest from harbour which is 1:3.15.2

nthn 2016-05-15 21:46

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I'd suggest ditching the Android application and getting Whisperfish, for now it's available at

Needs a lot of work still, but it's a native application, works for what you need and if Whisper Systems start blocking anything that isn't the identical Signal available on Google Play (which moxie seems intent on doing), both LibreSignal and Whisperfish will suffer the same fate.

gaelic 2016-05-16 08:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

Originally Posted by nthn (Post 1505571)
I'd suggest ditching the Android application and getting Whisperfish, for now it's available at

Needs a lot of work still, but it's a native application, works for what you need and if Whisper Systems start blocking anything that isn't the identical Signal available on Google Play (which moxie seems intent on doing), both LibreSignal and Whisperfish will suffer the same fate.

Looks very promising. Is it running as a daemon? And unfortunately it is not on openrepos (only sailsecure)

llelectronics 2016-05-16 17:55

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)

EDIT: Signal sais it is 3.12.0 but I'm on newest from harbour which is 1:3.15.2
Seems to be a bug in Jolla store as this isn't the newest version. Also maybe you need to restart the Alien Dalvik for the new versions daemon to start.

Amboss 2016-05-17 07:50

Re: TextSecure Jolla Edition (APK)
I haven't installed it new recently. Since installation I had rebooted phone several times.

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