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mr_jrt 2015-09-24 18:42

Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Just a random heads Jolla developed a classic "yellow burn" on its screen recently, and when I got around to contacting Jolla for a replacement I got a rather cryptic:


A situation has developed which may lead to a delay in repair service for the issue you are experiencing with your device. We are working to solve the situation as quickly as possible.

We will close this ticket for now and get back to you once we have more information.

Our apologies for the inconvenience and thank you in advance for your patience!
...anyone got any ideas as to what's going on? If it was going to be quick I suspect they'd have left the ticket open. I'm a bit put out at getting it closed, tbh. I use Zendesk at work so I know the flows and how it works...and I suspect this will vanish from most agent visibility now it's closed :(

coderus 2015-09-24 18:49

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
I heard there is a lack of displays for replacement.

pichlo 2015-09-24 18:56

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Yeah but, "we will close the ticket"? That is arrogance even worse than pretending the OOM issues do no exist by leaving the cover on the screen. A decent reply would have been, "sorry, we are out of spare parts, here is a new phone instead". Or at least some kind of compensation.

ste-phan 2015-09-24 19:06

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
"We will close this ticket for now and get back to you once we have more information." of course this is not done as you may be 2 months from out of warranty.

On the other hand' for out of Warranty repairs I found Jolla Care to be responsive, reasonable and prepared to fix stuff instead of advising to buy new one.

salyavin 2015-09-24 19:55

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
ste-phan did you ship from Hanoi to Finland and back? For OOW repairs might almost be cheaper to buy a used one. My first one is still working fine but just curious for my future reference if it does fail.

Rauha 2015-09-24 20:14

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
They can't service in warranty items? That is bad! Even with the usual disclaimer of Jolla being a


kind of way.

chenliangchen 2015-09-24 20:16

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Some of my personal experience regarding Jolla at Zedesk, not related with OP but can be a Jolla care reference.

Bought a Jolla phone on official website, after 2or3 working days (did not count weekends) the status did not change to "in picking", still shown as "paid".

I would be travelling abroad 1 week later from that time, realised that I might not able to get it before leaving. Because it hasn't been shipped AFAIK I can ask to cancel and refund, so I submitted request, and ordered from Amazon instead.

Got a quick response saying we will issue you a refund blabla, case closed. I guess that would be done immediately.

Waited for 3 working days, nothing happened. Order status changed to "on hold" since last reply from Jolla. No additional info was provided.

Replied to Jolla care asking if it is on the right path, or how many days I should wait. NO REPLY.

3 working days later still no reply no refund. I asked the same question from Zendesk again, just asking how many days they need to proceed refund. I got an *immediate* close and merge of question WITHOUT any reply!

I then send another reply saying you must've received, why don't you just quickly reply indicating the date or procedure that may take?

The next day I got an reply finally, saying we will proceed refund *TOMORROW* and afterwards your order status will be changed from "On hold" to "cancelled". Yay!

Almost 3 days has passed I have not heard anything. There is NO refund issued. I don't call them liars but at least they failed to achieve what they've promised.

It's been almost 3 weeks and I'm still just waiting for a refund, which seriously can be done in less than 5 minutes.

Good luck with your repair.

P.S: I hope they are not facing technical issues similar to tablet causing repair or refund services. But seriously delays on refund?

Rauha 2015-09-24 21:13

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
If they can't repair an in warranty item, you should either ask for new device or refund. Here is the english version of the warranty information page of Finnish competion and consumer rights agency.

mrsellout 2015-09-24 22:41

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
@chenliangchen Maybe contacting @cybette on Twitter/TJC might get some results.

mr_jrt 2015-09-24 23:16

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
What really annoys me about it is that I bought my Jolla back in Feburary and discovered pretty much immediately it had a hardware fault - the internal MMC was faulty, so when swapping started happening it died.

I explicitly told Jolla that I wanted a replacement new phone as I paid for a fully-functional new one (hadn't even got the screen protector off yet!) and yet I'm fairly certain they sent me a refurb that was over a year older than my original unit (November 2013 vs. December 2014), which is why I think it's susceptible to this yellow-burn problem I noticed seemed to start occurring to people soon after launch, based upon what I found online. My replacement phone has rare overheating and lock up issues briefly from normal usage, which is what I think caused the screen to become damaged from heat.

...I'm just glad Fedex refused to ship the battery, so I got to keep my original, much newer one. :/

Out of courtesy I'm giving them a week and then asking for a full replacement. They can keep this unit and replace the screen on their own time - it's my warranty ticking down here.

...also really annoys me they don't swap units, so I have to be without a phone for over a week. Just not good enough, IMHO.

My full (and other people's) experience here.

chenliangchen 2015-09-25 12:12

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1483561)
@chenliangchen Maybe contacting @cybette on Twitter/TJC might get some results.

Thanks that might be the final option. I just posted a question on TJC just see if anyone else knows how long it takes.

Jolla care stopped replying my questions again, and they still did not do anything.

If they did are in trouble, some friendly and respectful responses won't hurt. But they failed to do so.

nodevel 2015-09-27 08:47

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1483610)
Thanks that might be the final option. I just posted a question on TJC just see if anyone else knows how long it takes.

Jolla care stopped replying my questions again, and they still did not do anything.

If they did are in trouble, some friendly and respectful responses won't hurt. But they failed to do so.

Could you please post the link to the TJC question? I couldn't find it.

And are they replying now? Since they are not replying to me (I've had a warranty repair on hold - as my wish they had no problem with - until I move to different country and can send it from there, but now I contacted them again and got no reply for days).

pichlo 2015-09-27 08:56

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Err, this one?

nieldk 2015-09-27 09:42

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
There are many problems regarding Jolla and warranty repairs.
It doesn't really make sense to count anymore.
But, they are into serious trouble if someone takes these to the right legal instances. That much is for sure.
They are in trobke in so many ways the way they handle this. They are in EU and they are breaking the law/consumer rights in more ways than I care to count.

Edit: Jolla needs to read this, really.

tommo 2015-09-27 11:21

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
I'm just glad my phone has never developed any faults.
Make me wonder if it's time to sell, I hate the thought that there is no spare parts available!
Also this doesn't bode well for the tablet ( when I get it... around Xmas haha)

chenliangchen 2015-09-27 13:47

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
This sounds quite serious now. I will probably PM Carol just asking the general status of Jolla care. Maybe they are indeed facing some troubles but if we are informed and know their excuses I guess most of us will understand.

But keeping customers in the dark does not good to both side, especially is dangerous to themselves as well...

nodevel 2015-09-27 15:29

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Contacting Carol is a great idea.

It all seems pretty weird to me - all my interactions with the Jolla Care had been very positive, until now. They always had been very responsive, helpful and offering me to send my phone in if there are any problems.

Pretty much the only problem I ever had with my Jolla was that the phone speaker (for phone calls) stopped working. The warranty repair was very fast - I had my phone back in a matter of days. The only problem is that the speaker quality is quite bad now, so they offered me to send it back in once I move and I'm able to do it.

That's why I don't understand why they are suddenly not responding. In my case, it's just one exception among very positive experiences, but the end of my warranty is coming quite soon (being one of the first ones), so I'd really appreciate if they replied sooner than later.

mosen 2015-09-27 16:29

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Is Tablet shipment done inhouse so they maybe are all "busy" getting it out?
Jolla has a "tendency" to not respond well if they are running at 100%.
My recent Phone order was handled with only the automatic email answer with thanks for paypal payment. then no change in status for 8 days. When i wanted to contact them i had the fedex shipment confirmation in the inbox. Delivered 3 days later.

Copernicus 2015-09-27 16:43

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1483787)
Jolla has a "tendency" to not respond well if they are running at 100%.

Yeah, actually, they've consumed all available resources, so their corporate OOM manager has killed some of their previously running processes.

ste-phan 2015-09-27 19:03

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?

Originally Posted by tommo (Post 1483759)
I'm just glad my phone has never developed any faults.

Mine has developed most of the typical issues: SIM card holder, Loudspeaker , Antenna problem (due to repair, ) battery too loose problem, camera lens coating.

It’s been back to Finland three times and now comes with such gigantic ecological footprint that I am obliged to keep using it till it really falls apart.

But I really can’t complain about the level of service from Jolla Care so far. I feel treated in a friendly way and my request are taken seriously..(as recent as a couple of weeks ago)
Maybe repairs should have been handled quicker, maybe I had the right on replacement when reading the letter of the European consumer rights legislation but regarding warranty I felt they live up to the promise of being people (powered).

I hope they did not overstretch their service capabilities with yet another generic hardware to support (Tablet)


Originally Posted by Copernicus (Post 1483789)
Yeah, actually, they've consumed all available resources, so their corporate OOM manager has killed some of their previously running processes.

There really should be a button for thanks for making me laugh :D

ste-phan 2015-09-27 19:08

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1483782)
The only problem is that the speaker quality is quite bad now, so they offered me to send it back in once I move and I'm able to do it.

How do you benchmark it to determine "bad speaker quality"
I would like to know if my suffering can be made lighter with some speaker repair / boost.

Currently I feel my speaker is not able to get its sound out of the case. The whole case vibrates but the sound stays internally. And it is easy to deform. Only high tones are heard.

(compared to a N900 that somehow manages to draw a perception of full sound)

lokai 2015-09-28 19:02

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Is this already signs of end of Jolla as hardware manufacturer? (would match their split and total unresponsiveness and silence o 'we-changed-structure-and-people-but-continue-better' PR noise.

Sorry for sounding negative.
But hopefully we may have another future (not the Indian one).

LordSnick 2015-09-30 12:56

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
My glass broke late july and i haven't got any answer beside standard With 2 options on what i wan't to do. Have asked them 4 times now, and still no answer.

mosen 2015-09-30 13:40

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?

Originally Posted by LordSnick (Post 1484084)
My glass broke late july and i haven't got any answer beside standard With 2 options on what i wan't to do. Have asked them 4 times now, and still no answer.

Maybe bypassing Jolla Care and directly ask at is an option?

nieldk 2015-09-30 16:34

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1484087)
Maybe bypassing Jolla Care and directly ask at is an option?

I would say no!
1. Jolla is responsible
2. If they cant fix, a new device, or refund (if it is warranty covered = factory fault)

In either case, warranty or paid repair, they should be able to help, in reasonable (thats the consumer rights)

I smell a joint lawsuit coming up.

PS! I wont need their service. I use the devices as long as they work and then to the trash. But, it will influence further purchases from Jolla for sure.

The warranty, repair and not least no battery situation is just plain uacceptable, and I doubt even legal doing business this way.

minimos 2015-09-30 17:06

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
I wonder if the failure rate of the Jolla phone has been higher(*) than what they expected, and so they ran out of the stock they did likely reserve for the service.

(*) or put in another way, they have been too optimistic that few people would have requested service.

nodevel 2015-09-30 19:12

Re: Jolla unable to service in-warranty phones?
Just to update on my situation and not to put Jolla in such a bad light, I finally sent them another e-mail, asking there for a reply and they responded immediately, apologizing for not responding earlier to the previous e-mail.

They were also really helpful with my request (not flashing 1.1.9.x, but 1.1.7.x).

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