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robthebold 2015-09-25 23:32

N900 and N9 email misses some attachments
Searching hasn't found me a case quite like I've run into.

My N9 somehow has started to fail to get attachments in emails from one particular sender. Every week, she sends a newsletter in pdf format. I get the email body, but the attachment is missing. My wife gets the same email, but she gets the attachment intact. If she forwards me the email she received, the attachment is there.

I get another pdf weekly newsletter from another sender using the same domain, same email system. Those attachments appear for me just fine. I get attachments sent by everyone else -- as far as I know.

When I get home and download my emails on my PC, I get the missing attachment (in KMail, no less). I can even forward that email back to myself (same account) and then see the attachment on my phone in Fenix. Wrong, wrong, I can't forward it to me.

The incoming mail is plain old POP3.

Anyone got an idea? Obviously, it's work-aroundable, but I'd really like to know what gives.

peterleinchen 2015-09-26 06:27

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Now as you say I remember same happening to me (a few times).
I could not nail it down to any sender, mail provider or system.
I have the iDevice in suspicion but...

And onemore prob I have is that for one specific account all sent mails go out but I get a error that sending failed and the mail vanishes. But it is sent and received. Only annoying I cannot track it.

pichlo 2015-09-26 06:51

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Have you tried checking out the offending emails' source? Perhaps you might even post it here, antonymized, ofc.

peterleinchen 2015-09-26 10:37

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
source was someaccount @ a german mail provider (via iPhone), sink was another german mail provider (IMAP)

Especially strange was that also the N900 (modest) was not able to show the attachment but at least told me about an attachment in te overview.
But on big gun (or web) it was there.


Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1483666)

did you mean atomized? :)

pichlo 2015-09-26 11:47

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Sorry, I meant the email source code. All the headers, boundary lines etc. Anonymized as in stripped of any personal info.

robthebold 2015-09-26 15:47

I'm looking at the email source on my PC, and there are differences between sender whose pdf attachments do come through on N9 and hers who don't.

When looking at the breaks between text/html/attachments, the 'good' messages separates section with '------=_Part_ . . .' and the bad has '----boundary_ . . . '

Also, the good one has a field called 'Content-Disposition'. Bad does not.

I'll see what I can do anonymizing the source, but I realize I'm pretty naive about smtp.

And both senders are probably using some form of Apple product, this being a school setting which has been Apple-centric in much of the US even before the Mac arrived.

pichlo 2015-09-26 15:53

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Just edit the source as text, replace anything personal (email addresses, names) with xxxx and attach it here.

robthebold 2015-09-26 16:33

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Ok, let's start with the "bad" message.


MIME-Version: 1.0
From: xxx@xxx
To: mmm@mmm
Reply-To: xxx@xxx
Date: 25 Sep 2015 14:23:23 -0500
Subject: Friday Newsletter/Important Information
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Message-ID: <>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 25 Sep 2015 19:23:23.0483 (UTC) FILETIME=[A522FAB0:01D0F7C7]
X-Gm-Spam: 0
X-Gm-Phishy: 0
X-Bayes-Prob: 0.0001 (Score 0, tokens from: mmm@mmm, CS_DEFAULT, default, @@RPTN)
X-Spam-Score: undef - spam scanning disabled
X-CanIt-Geo: No geolocation information available for
X-CanItPRO-Stream: Outbound (inherits from default)
X-Canit-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available
X-Scanned-By: CanIt (https:// zzz) on zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz
X-Scanned-By: CanIt (https:// zzz) on zzz.zzz.zzz.zzz
X-Nonspam: None

Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=--boundary_82889_93f6af70-22f7-415b-8ac2-0c1d29607a44

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

  . . . HTML message body . . . .

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

  . . . HTML message body . . .


Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=--boundary_82891_eb9a889c-26c2-4bd5-b777-c78674cb8cb6

Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=picture.jpg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

. . . huge block of base64 encoded jpeg data . . .
Content-Type: application/pdf; name="document.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

. . . huge block of base64 encoded pdf data . . .
Content-Type: application/pdf; name="newsletter.pdf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

 . . . another huge block of base64 encoded pdf data . . .


And a "good" message from a different sender at the same domain:


Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2015 16:25:22 -0700
From: yyy <yyy@yyy>
Reply-To: yyy <yyy@yyy>
To:  <rmmm@mmm>
Message-ID: <1971145322.18564995.1441841122592.JavaMail.root@yyy>
Subject: YYY Newsletter
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
List-Unsubscribe: <>
X-Gm-Spam: 0
X-Gm-Phishy: 0
X-Bayes-Prob: 0.0001 (Score 0, tokens from: mmm@mmm, CS_DEFAULT, default, @@RPTN)
X-Spam-Score: undef - spam scanning disabled
X-CanIt-Geo: No geolocation information available for
X-CanItPRO-Stream: Outbound (inherits from default)
X-Canit-Stats-ID: Bayes signature not available
X-Scanned-By: CanIt (https:// mmm) on mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm
X-Scanned-By: CanIt (https:// mmm) on mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm
X-Nonspam: None

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

. . . HTML formatted message . . .

Content-Type: application/pdf;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;

 . . .  base64 encoded pdf data . . .

(I did leave out all the routing and forwarding history at the top)

pichlo 2015-09-26 17:17

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Excellent, exactly what I needed.

OK, let's start with the "good" message (because it is simpler, no other reason). It has two parts: an HTML text and one attachment. Simple.

The "bad" message has also two parts, but each of them is nested. The first part has two sub-parts, the text in plain text and in HTML. (Does your phone show the text? And if so, in what format?) The second part is also nested, with three attachments: one JPEG and two PDFs. There is nothing inherently wrong with that format, a semi-decent email client should be able to process it. It looks like a bug the N9's client.

For completeness, it might be interesting to see the email after being forwarded by your wife. You say your phone can read that correctly, maybe her email client reformats it before sending to a form your phone can understand.

peterleinchen 2015-09-26 18:14

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Exactly what I did not see and did not know.

I had that
Content-Disposition: inline;
under suspicion but "nested parts" I did not see.

Now to the question how to solve?
At least for the N900 I see the chance via CSSU...

pichlo 2015-09-26 19:34

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
I should add that my "nothing inherently wrong" is strictly only 99% correct. It is not very common to format emails like that. A canonical form of robthebold's "bad" message would be four parts. The first part nested, with a plain text and HTML sub-parts, then the other three parts for the attachments. Grouping the attachments like in that message may be seen as ambiguous. Technically, it has a single attachment containing three files.

peterleinchen 2015-09-26 19:41

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
And now a bit to the history:

N900 (modest)
does not show attachments but informs you in overview that this mail has got attached something

N9 (fenix)
does not show the attachments and gives you not a hint at all that there could be something attached

Jolla (???)
does not open the mail at all (and freezes mail client completely so you need to close/reopen it)

Make your own conclusions ...

robthebold 2015-09-27 02:25

Re: N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1483706)
Excellent, exactly what I needed.

OK, let's start with the "good" message (because it is simpler, no other reason). It has two parts: an HTML text and one attachment. Simple.

The "bad" message has also two parts, but each of them is nested. The first part has two sub-parts, the text in plain text and in HTML. (Does your phone show the text? And if so, in what format?) The second part is also nested, with three attachments: one JPEG and two PDFs. There is nothing inherently wrong with that format, a semi-decent email client should be able to process it. It looks like a bug the N9's client.

For completeness, it might be interesting to see the email after being forwarded by your wife. You say your phone can read that correctly, maybe her email client reformats it before sending to a form your phone can understand.

The "bad" message body part does appear to be properly formatted in the N9 email viewer . . . at least consistent with what I seen in KMail (part of the text is highlighted in purple in Fenix and KMail).

I forwarded the message again back to myself, and this time checked it on both the N9 and N900. As Peter suggested, the N900 email works fine: attachments can be opened properly. On the N9, Fenix pretends that they don't exist.

Haven't yet been able to get my wife to re-forward the email from her iPhone to me.

So I guess it is a bug in Fenix on N9. N900 mail works as expected as Peter said. And amazingly, even KMail on Kubuntu works! (In case anyone didn't know, email client software is a "bleeding edge" kind of thing in KMail, and shouldn't be relied upon in a production environment. No, really. I'm not kidding. We're still dragging KMail kicking and screaming into the 20th century. Yes. You read that right. The 20th century.)

peterleinchen 2015-09-27 07:42

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
for clarification:
on N900 original mail did not show/open the attachment (neither it was shown in 'message details'). But only in mail list overview there was the icon that this message should have an attachment.

going to forward/resend ...
forwarding/answering (back to own mail) from N9/N900 to N9/N900 did all not work

freemangordon 2015-09-28 21:04

Re: N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1483745)
for clarification:
on N900 original mail did not show/open the attachment (neither it was shown in 'message details'). But only in mail list overview there was the icon that this message should have an attachment.

going to forward/resend ...
forwarding/answering (back to own mail) from N9/N900 to N9/N900 did all not work

May I have such a "broken" message on my gmail account? Or one needs a pop3 account for the bug to be triggered?

robthebold 2015-09-29 13:36

Re: N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1483938)
May I have such a "broken" message on my gmail account? Or one needs a pop3 account for the bug to be triggered?

Good question. I forwarded the broken message to my gmail account and tried to read on N9. Same result. No attachments just like with the POP3 account.

[BTW, it looks like there are some related KMail bugs reported when trying to forward inline emails with HTML formatting that were originally sent from MacOS users -- as in my case. (Well, since it's KMail, I should say: "reported and cheerfully ignored".) So we haven't got the only email client to choke on these.]

pichlo 2015-09-29 14:06

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
If I am right and it is the nesting that is the problem, then it is the message itself. The method of retrieval makes no difference.

JoOppen 2015-09-29 15:12

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
According to what I have seen, the messages with "invisible" attachments I received all came from iPhones or iPads.

As peterleinchen said:

N900 does not show attachments but informs you in overview that this mail has got attached something

N9 does not show the attachments and gives you not a hint at all that there could be something attached. Only from the size of the email, you can conclude that there is an attachement.

With Jolla, it is a mixed bottle. It appears to me that most emails and attachments are now shown as they should. Only at very rare occasions, I can not download an attachment on the Jolla. Email client on myJolla never freezes.

It would be great if someone could resolve this issue! It must somehow be related to the way how iOS "packs" the attachments.

BTW: my N900 at some point started to corrupt attached .doc files so that they could not be opend by the addressee.

freemangordon 2015-09-29 16:28

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Anyway, could someone send me such an email so I can reproduce the problem and (hopefully) fix it?

peterleinchen 2015-09-30 22:12

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
I tried to forward (also answer to my own) to different providers and also back. But I always end up with either the message not included completely (so attachments missing) from N9/00 or the message gets converted from Mime: Apple to Mime: 1.0 and the nesting is gone (message can be fully read on N900).

So I guess only chance is someone can provide the message via an iDevice ...

freemangordon 2015-10-01 06:57

Re: N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1484142)
I tried to forward (also answer to my own) to different providers and also back. But I always end up with either the message not included completely (so attachments missing) from N9/00 or the message gets converted from Mime: Apple to Mime: 1.0 and the nesting is gone (message can be fully read on N900).

So I guess only chance is someone can provide the message via an iDevice ...

Couldn't you just save the problematic message as .eml and send it to me as attachment?

peterleinchen 2015-10-01 07:06

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Or would you be happy with the 'raw' mail file from modest cache?

freemangordon 2015-10-01 07:10

Re: N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1484165)
Or would you be happy with the 'raw' mail file from modest cache?

No idea if I will be able to open it with modest, I am not really into the email standards, so /me going through the raw email contents won't be of much help. I need modest trying to open such a message while there is a gdb attached to it :)

pichlo 2015-10-01 09:19

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Isn't robthebold's post good enough? Copy and paste that to a text file, rename it to .eml and email to yourself as attachment. You may need to add some Base64 content where he stripped it off. I can do that later today, gotta dash to work now.

EDIT: Just done. Replaced stripped attachments with random PDFs found on the web, otherwise left as robthebold's original. Saved as message.eml, sent as attachment to freemangordon, Bcc to myself.

A curious thing: Outlook can open the saved message.eml but not the one attached in the email. Like peterleinchen says, it shows there is an attachment in the list of emails, but nothing at all when I actually open that email. Jolla, in the same situation, shows there is an attachment "message.eml" and can download it but not open it. Testing on N900 needs to wait until I get back home.

peterleinchen 2015-10-01 20:14

Re: N9 email misses some attachments
Found that modest stores the files in its cache folder in EML format.

So edited it and sent to fmg as well ;)

N9 and N900 show the EML attachment but do not show the attachments inside the forwarded EML.
Thunderbird displays pretty nice.

So now it is on you freemangordon ;)

freemangordon 2015-10-01 20:40

Re: N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1484226)
Found that modest stores the files in its cache folder in EML format.

So edited it and sent to fmg as well ;)

N9 and N900 show the EML attachment but do not show the attachments inside the forwarded EML.
Thunderbird displays pretty nice.

So now it is on you freemangordon ;)

Thanks. I will check what's going on as soon as I have some spare time (hopefully on Saturday)

freemangordon 2015-10-03 22:06

Re: N900 and N9 email misses some attachments
some progress on the issue, see IRC logs on #maemo-ssu

peterleinchen 2015-10-04 11:45

Re: N900 and N9 email misses some attachments
Thanks for yours, and pali's, efforts.
I guessed back then that it is an iDevice failure ...

freemangordon 2015-10-04 16:23

Re: N900 and N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1484370)
Thanks for yours, and pali's, efforts.
I guessed back then that it is an iDevice failure ...

Well, actually I think a found a way to fix the issue without too much of a changes. Just waiting for Pali's comments before pushing modest in cssu-devel.

For N9 I can't do much :(

youFailed 2015-10-04 17:26

Re: N900 and N9 email misses some attachments
I think now N9 misses all attachments. :lol: At least at me dosent work anymore, dosent recognize the password.

The good part? My mail wasnt hacked. ;)

peterleinchen 2015-10-04 18:50

Re: N900 and N9 email misses some attachments

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 1484384)
Well, actually I think a found a way to fix the issue without too much of a changes. Just waiting for Pali's comments before pushing modest in cssu-devel.

Wow, that is marvellous :)
Not that this would be a reason to abandon the N900. Nor something to really care about as those mails were sent probably only by iDevice(s).

BUT this attitude let me believe in the future of Maemo :D
Thank you too. So much!


For N9 I can't do much :(
Who cares? ;)
(I would but unfortunately there is no such thing as M6-cssu :()

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