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abranson 2016-03-04 08:28

[Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Unofficial Pebble smartwatch support for Sailfish.



Rockpool is a Sailfish port of the Ubuntu Touch application RockWork, which is a port of the Sailfish application Pebbled, which can trace its history back through several other Pebble apps. It exists because a large amount of work was done in RockWork to support different OSes and the v3 version of the Pebble firmware, which was released with the Pebble Time and is now available for earlier models.

Rockpool does a few things that Pebbled and even RockWork do not; most notably pushing pins from your calendar to Pebble's timeline (doesn't need Rebble), dismissing or replying to notifications on the phone from the watch, and supporting the full Music protocol including the track progress bar.

Please feel welcome to contribute on GitHub, either by filing issues or chipping in. Please contribute to translating Rockpool to other language here:

Latest version: 1.9-2
  • I finally got admin access to the Weblate repository, so there are lots of translations merged.
  • Reverted back to QtWebKit for the app settings pages. Sometimes crashed after you submit the data, but at least your watchfaces and apps get configured now.

HtheB 2016-03-04 10:49

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
I've tried Football Pal app, and it didn't work:
The scores wont be updated
I'll try some more watch apps

abranson 2016-03-04 11:19

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1500624)
I've tried Football Pal app, and it didn't work:
The scores wont be updated
I'll try some more watch apps

Ah there are two things that don't work:
  1. Timeline integration through This is awaiting implementation in RockWork's libpebble. It looks like they'll have to support the timeline pin's JSON format for that too.
  2. WebSockets - This is implemented in RockWork, but using the Qt WebSockets implementation that was introduced in Qt5.3. Sailfish is on Qt5.2 :( I've had to preprocess all of that out, else it won't build.

I'd like to get onto the first one as soon as we're integrated into RockWork, although if it gets done in the meantime I can pull it over. The second one, no idea!

Bundyo 2016-03-04 14:08

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
There's an external WebSockets implementation that might help:

Feathers McGraw 2016-03-04 19:15

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
I've been using this since yesterday, and it is working really well for me. Thank you again for the time you've spent working on this, I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes.

I particularly like that you can open/dismiss messages on the phone from the watch, very convenient for getting rid of the notification LED.

abranson 2016-03-04 20:01

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Yeah the actions are cool and were really simple to do. I don't think the other plain 'dismiss' option works yet until I do as RobertMe suggested and integrate Javispedro's notification monitor that can pick up the notification ids after they've been sent. Then it'll be able to remove notifs from the watch when you dismiss them on the phone too. I think there's also potential to add extra actions - the Jolla apps give one to open the message and another to just open the app. There's a lot of potential in here.

Really I'm just stalling the QML as long as possible. If anyone fancies a shot at it... :D

Fuzzillogic 2016-03-04 22:55

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
My Pebble Steel is still on firmware v2.9. Is firmware update supported? Or is the Android way currently the only way?

QML is great tho, it's the nicest way of doing GUI-stuff I know. Not that I know much. But still, it was the first time I actually enjoyed making a GUI. I'm not much help here tho, as I'm procrastinating my own little QML project for over a year now :(

Feathers McGraw 2016-03-05 09:19

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1500673)
My Pebble Steel is still on firmware v2.9. Is firmware update supported? Or is the Android way currently the only way?

I don't know whether it's possible to use the FW upgrade on rockpool yet, but my PTS is on 3.6.1, which I upgraded using Pebbled, so you don't need an Android device to upgrade.

abranson 2016-03-05 10:03

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1500679)
I don't know whether it's possible to use the FW upgrade on rockpool yet, but my PTS is on 3.6.1, which I upgraded using Pebbled, so you don't need an Android device to upgrade.

Pebbled doesn't check for 3.8 upgrade firmware, which is the one that upgrades Pebble classics to v3. It has to flash twice too because there's an intermediate firmware to flash on the way.

The Rockpool daemon can flash, you'll see the new firmware available message in the logs. It can probably be triggered through DBus, but I wouldn't recommend it until it's tested.

abranson 2016-03-12 22:36

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
I've just pushed a new version to Openrepos. This one can track notifications and close them from the watch, thanks once again to javispedro's libwatchfish. And it has a new icon on the non-functional app launcher thanks to Greg!!

ruff 2016-03-13 10:46

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Hi guys,

I'm currently using smoku's pebled on the phone and even started porting appstore to the api2 and now stumbled upon this project (where new store is already on board).

I'm planning to pick up the QML stuff (started already cleaning up the code).

Have one question tho - while building the project it complains about missing quazip. I can add it of course from smoku's tree, just wonder is it only me or why is it missing - so that I won't screw it up by adding again.


abranson 2016-03-13 11:20

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1501247)
I'm planning to pick up the QML stuff (started already cleaning up the code).

That's great. I was going to get around to that, but I have zero experience in QML so was sort of hoping someone might come along :)

Ubuntu Touch seems to support a lot more of QtQuick than SF does and that seems to have made the QML quite busy, especially the layouts. I thought something a bit simpler would be best for Sailfish, we especially don't need the jumps to the settings app. Though of course with that nice looking store client. I'll leave it completely up to you though. Do you need a list of the DBus methods?


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1501247)
Have one question tho - while building the project it complains about missing quazip. I can add it of course from smoku's tree, just wonder is it only me or why is it missing - so that I won't screw it up by adding again.

It's not needed - you can install the quazip devel package in the VM. Not sure why it was static in pebbled, I assumed it wasn't available then or just didn't work.

ruff 2016-03-13 11:29

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501250)
Do you need a list of the DBus methods?

Ehm, yes, if there's xml or just bullet-point call/descr. to avoid reverse-engineering it.


Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501250)
It's not needed - you can install the quazip devel package in the VM. Not sure why it was static in pebbled, I assumed it wasn't available then or just didn't work.

I can of course, to VM, and even to the phone, but how would it work when generating harbour RPM - will it pull the dependency from some (hidden) repo? If not - should be statically linked (as smoku did).

abranson 2016-03-13 11:47

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1501251)
Ehm, yes, if there's xml or just bullet-point call/descr. to avoid reverse-engineering it.

In org.rockwork, there's a core object registered then one for each pebble. The core one is /org/rockwork/Manager:
  • signal void org.rockwork.Manager.PebblesChanged()
  • method QList<QDBusObjectPath> org.rockwork.Manager.ListWatches()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Manager.Version()

then each watch by bluetooth address: e.g. for my watch /org/rockwork/B0_B4_48_80_B9_87

I've grouped these by function and importance

Connection management & discovery
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.Connected()
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.Disconnected()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Pebble.Address()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Pebble.HardwarePlatform()
  • method bool org.rockwork.Pebble.IsConnected()
  • method int org.rockwork.Pebble.Model()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Pebble.Name()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Pebble.SerialNumber()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Pebble.SoftwareVersion()

Watch app management
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.InstalledAppsChanged()
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.ConfigurationClosed(QString uuid, QString result)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.ConfigurationURL(QString uuid)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.InstallApp(QString id)
  • method QStringList org.rockwork.Pebble.InstalledAppIds()
  • method QVariantList org.rockwork.Pebble.InstalledApps()
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.RemoveApp(QString id)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.SetAppOrder(QStringList newList)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.SideloadApp(QString packageFile)

Firmware upgrades
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.FirmwareUpgradeAvailableChange d()
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.UpgradingFirmwareChanged()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Pebble.CandidateFirmwareVersion()
  • method QString org.rockwork.Pebble.FirmwareReleaseNotes()
  • method bool org.rockwork.Pebble.FirmwareUpgradeAvailable()
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.PerformFirmwareUpgrade()
  • method bool org.rockwork.Pebble.Recovery()
  • method bool org.rockwork.Pebble.UpgradingFirmware()

Notification filtering
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.NotificationFilterChanged(QStr ing sourceId, bool enabled)
  • method QVariantMap org.rockwork.Pebble.NotificationsFilter()
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.SetNotificationFilter(QString sourceId, bool enabled)

Screenshot management (who knew this was a thing...?)
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.ScreenshotAdded(QString filename)
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.ScreenshotRemoved(QString filename)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.RemoveScreenshot(QString filename)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.RequestScreenshot()
  • method QStringList org.rockwork.Pebble.Screenshots()

Misc config
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.CalendarSyncEnabledChanged()
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.HealthParamsChanged()
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.ImperialUnitsChanged()
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.LogsDumped(bool success)
  • signal void org.rockwork.Pebble.OpenURL(QString uuid, QString url) - I'm not sure this one is useful now, as RockWork used to launch a webbrowser for app config and associate itself with the pebblejs URL scheme to capture the return. I think this has been removed now.
  • method bool org.rockwork.Pebble.CalendarSyncEnabled()
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.DumpLogs(QString fileName)
  • method QVariantMap org.rockwork.Pebble.HealthParams()
  • method bool org.rockwork.Pebble.ImperialUnits()
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.LaunchApp(QString uuid)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.SetCalendarSyncEnabled(bool enabled)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.SetHealthParams(QVariantMap healthParams)
  • method void org.rockwork.Pebble.SetImperialUnits(bool imperialUnits)


Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1501251)
I can of course, to VM, and even to the phone, but how would it work when generating harbour RPM - will it pull the dependency from some (hidden) repo? If not - should be statically linked (as smoku did).

Yes, it gets declared as a dependency in the RPM, then the lib just gets installed from the standard Sailfish repo during install, just like other libs. As for the harbour - I think this has about as much chance of getting in the Jolla store as Smoku's did - it just uses too many not-yet-approved APIs.

ruff 2016-03-13 13:43

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501253)
In org.rockwork, there's a core object registered then one for each pebble. The core one is /org/rockwork/Manager:

Yes, it gets declared as a dependency in the RPM, then the lib just gets installed from the standard Sailfish repo during install, just like other libs. As for the harbour - I think this has about as much chance of getting in the Jolla store as Smoku's did - it just uses too many not-yet-approved APIs.

Great, thanks! Can you point me to this Sailfish repo with i386/arm7 rpms pre-built for SFOS - I've tried some suse build but that was built against qt4

abranson 2016-03-13 13:50

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1501259)
Great, thanks! Can you point me to this Sailfish repo with i386/arm7 rpms pre-built for SFOS - I've tried some suse build but that was built against qt4

My phone says it's in the standard jolla package:

$ zypper pa | grep quazip

i | jolla | quazip | 0.5.1-1.1.6 | armv7hl
| jolla | quazip-debuginfo | 0.5.1-1.1.6 | armv7hl
| jolla | quazip-debugsource | 0.5.1-1.1.6 | armv7hl
| jolla | quazip-devel | 0.5.1-1.1.6 | armv7hl

$ ssu

- jolla ...

Is that what you need? I'm not sure what you're after.

ruff 2016-03-13 14:04

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
whops, indeed, have it there as well. Ok, will dig then why build still fails on it.
Got it, it actually was attempting to be built on my host pc, not on SF SDK

Bundyo 2016-03-13 14:42

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
If someone wants to toggle the Health app on, use this Python script, as QVariantMap can't be passed through qdbus (disregard PHP on top :):

PHP Code:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import dbus
from optparse import OptionParser

def main
dbus DBus()

"""Wrapper class for notify daemon dbus interface"""

def __init__(self):
self.__notify dbus.SessionBus().get_object("org.rockwork""/org/rockwork/B0_B4_48_78_2E_4B")
self.__iface dbus.Interface(self.__notify"org.rockwork.Pebble")

def notify(self):
self.__iface.SetHealthParams({ "enabled"True"age"41"gender""male""height"176"weight"95"sleepMore"True"moreActive"True })

__name__ == "__main__":

abranson 2016-03-13 18:22

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Perhaps we need a CLI as well as a GUI...

abranson 2016-03-14 22:51

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
New version on openrepos with calendar event reminders

Edit: Hold off on that one for a bit - the timeline pins are duplicating...

Edit2: Fixed, and managed to add a check for disabled calendars too.

abranson 2016-03-16 11:07

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1501261)
whops, indeed, have it there as well. Ok, will dig then why build still fails on it.
Got it, it actually was attempting to be built on my host pc, not on SF SDK

Actually, I've just been reminded why it's the only one to complain - for every other required package I just reference it in the PKGCONFIG of the project and the build VM will automatically find it, but for some reason this doesn't work with quazip. When I try I get:


Project ERROR: quazip development package not found
Installing the quazip-devel manually works fine. I have to reference it in LIBS and INCLUDE instead.

Anyone know why this is?

ruff 2016-03-17 12:18

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501438)
Installing the quazip-devel manually works fine. I have to reference it in LIBS and INCLUDE instead.

Anyone know why this is?

I've tried playing with PkgConfigBR and Requires but didn't manage to make it work smoothly - simply because quazip doesn't have pkg-config file.
And I guess that might be the reason for such behaviour (i.e. all the details could not be resolved without pc file hence it's up to devel to place it properly).
So ended up installing it manually as well into the sandbox.

Astaoth 2016-03-17 13:45

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

I've tried to install some apps and most of them didn't work. Here is the full list :
- Stopwatch - works
- Timer - doesn't work
- Timer+ - doesn't work
- Steps - doesn't work
- Misfit - doesn't work
- Cards - works but can't load data
- Love Weather (watchface) - doesn't work
I can't find why the timers don't work, they are simple apps :s.
And this lead me to this question : is it currently possible to remove an app on the PT with only a Jolla phone ?

I also noticed than after extracting apps to the right folders, they are available on the PT only after restarting rockpoold.

abranson 2016-03-17 14:01

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by ruff (Post 1501548)
I've tried playing with PkgConfigBR and Requires but didn't manage to make it work smoothly - simply because quazip doesn't have pkg-config file.
And I guess that might be the reason for such behaviour (i.e. all the details could not be resolved without pc file hence it's up to devel to place it properly).
So ended up installing it manually as well into the sandbox.

Thanks, I don't really have a clue how pkg-config works. I'll mention it in the README. Is this a bug in the sailfish packaging that needs reporting? I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect end users anyway.


Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501552)
I've tried to install some apps and most of them didn't work. Here is the full list :
- Stopwatch - works
- Timer - doesn't work
- Timer+ - doesn't work
- Steps - doesn't work
- Misfit - doesn't work
- Cards - works but can't load data
- Love Weather (watchface) - doesn't work
I can't find why the timers don't work, they are simple apps :s.

Thanks for the testing! Logs would be good. I know the websocket stuff won't work for now. I have PebTimer on mine and that works.

Edit: Misfit seems to work for me. What error do you get?


Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501552)
And this lead me to this question : is it currently possible to remove an app on the PT with only a Jolla phone ?

Dbus call should do it, as this is what the UI will do. Substitute your bluetooth address below:


qdbus org.rockwork /org/rockwork/B0_B4_48_80_B9_87 org.rockwork.Pebble.RemoveApp 1e420b43-63be-45f7-822c-2a7d57a55384
To find the uuid, do grep -R [name] /home/nemo/.local/share/rockpoold/B0_B4_48_80_B9_87/apps


Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501552)
I also noticed than after extracting apps to the right folders, they are available on the PT only after restarting rockpoold.

That's probably done in the UI somewhere...

Astaoth 2016-03-17 16:12

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
How can I access to the logs ?

abranson 2016-03-17 16:15

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501564)
How can I access to the logs ?

As root, do:

journalctl -fl

Then try your app.

Astaoth 2016-03-17 16:18

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
Thanks, I will check.

I don't have qdbus on my Jolla, which package provide it ? Or should I execute this command as root ?

mrsellout 2016-03-17 16:43

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501566)
Thanks, I will check.

I don't have qdbus on my Jolla, which package provide it ? Or should I execute this command as root ?

I installed qt5-qttools-qdbus and it installs qdbus into the /usr/lib/qt5/bin/ directory

Astaoth 2016-03-17 16:57

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
I have no log about the app. not even a AppMsgManager::handleAppLaunchMessage:293 (which seem to be the log when an app is started succefully).

I think it is a problem which occurs during the upload of the app, however after trying to install an app on the watch, I have no error. The installation end with the messages :
UploadManager::handlePushBytesMessage:315 - upload 2 succesful, invoking callback
AppManager::handleAppFetchMessage:148 - resource file uploaded successfully

But, next to the install, on the watch I have an empty screen with a white dot at the middle. I can leave this screen only by pushing the back button 5 sec. After that, when I try to start the app, nothing happen, there is still the menu screen, however I can'tmove inside. I have to push 5 sec he back button in order to be really back in the menu.

This problem happens only with the new apps. With the old ones, with no colors, there is no problem. My watch is a PTS, with the firmware 3.4.


I installed qt5-qttools-qdbus and it installs qdbus into the /usr/lib/qt5/bin/ directory
Thank you.

abranson 2016-03-17 18:47

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501570)
I have no log about the app. not even a AppMsgManager::handleAppLaunchMessage:293 (which seem to be the log when an app is started succefully).

I think it is a problem which occurs during the upload of the app, however after trying to install an app on the watch, I have no error. The installation end with the messages :
UploadManager::handlePushBytesMessage:315 - upload 2 succesful, invoking callback
AppManager::handleAppFetchMessage:148 - resource file uploaded successfully

But, next to the install, on the watch I have an empty screen with a white dot at the middle. I can leave this screen only by pushing the back button 5 sec. After that, when I try to start the app, nothing happen, there is still the menu screen, however I can'tmove inside. I have to push 5 sec he back button in order to be really back in the menu.

This problem happens only with the new apps. With the old ones, with no colors, there is no problem. My watch is a PTS, with the firmware 3.4.

Thank you.

Thanks for the investigation. I can only assume that the unzip method doesn't work for these newer apps, but I'm not sure if I can test these as I'm still on a pebble classic. Could you remove those broken apps and try the 'SideloadApp' method in DBus which will use the same code as RockWork uses for installation. Download the pbw and do:

qdbus org.rockwork /org/rockwork/B0_B4_48_80_B9_87 org.rockwork.Pebble.SideloadApp /full/path/to/file.pbw

And see if the daemon does anything extra that might make it work.

Bundyo 2016-03-17 19:58

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501552)

I've tried to install some apps and most of them didn't work. Here is the full list :
- Stopwatch - works
- Timer - doesn't work
- Timer+ - doesn't work
- Steps - doesn't work
- Misfit - doesn't work
- Cards - works but can't load data
- Love Weather (watchface) - doesn't work
I can't find why the timers don't work, they are simple apps :s.
And this lead me to this question : is it currently possible to remove an app on the PT with only a Jolla phone ?

I also noticed than after extracting apps to the right folders, they are available on the PT only after restarting rockpoold.

This is interesting, as Real Weather and Weather Land from the same developer work fine for me. I also modified some watchface's JavaScript to change their defaults and avoid having to configure them ;)

Bundyo 2016-03-17 19:59

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
As for logs - try starting rockpool directly instead through the daemon - it does print all the logs you need.

P.S. And more :)

ruff 2016-03-17 20:06

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501556)
Thanks, I don't really have a clue how pkg-config works. I'll mention it in the README. Is this a bug in the sailfish packaging that needs reporting? I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect end users anyway.

pkg-config is the way devel libs are telling to the devel environment how to use them - which -I, -l & -L and other compiler and linker options to use, etc. Without that - options should be provided explicitly.
Looking at I'd say Jolla/Sailfish has a little to do with it, it's rather up-up-up-stream problem. Could be fixed by re-packaging with all the necessary data but it's not core package so why care (from the vendor perspective).

Fuzzillogic 2016-03-17 22:01

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish
I bit the bullet, moved from pebbled to rockpool. I'm using a Pebble Steel, which was still on firmware v2.9. Updating using rockpool seemed to go smoothly, but at some point the watch booted to recovery mode (v3.8-prf9), and rockpool couldn't make a connection anymore. (Didn't record the log, sorry)

It took me a few hours to realize the normal Android Pebble app won't work, you'd need the Pebble [b]Time[/]b app, to update to v3.10.1. Thanks Pebble :rolleyes:. (Also, I don't have an Android device, which makes it even harder)

My PS now sports v3.10.1, but unfortunately Rockpool v0.4 won't connect, even though the Pebble is paired to Jolla. Log:


Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] Pebble::connect:139 - Connecting to Pebble: "Pebble 0A47" "00:17:E9:AD:0A:47"
Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] WatchConnection::socketError:154 - SocketError QBluetoothSocket::UnknownSocketError
Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] WatchConnection::pebbleDisconnected:143 - Disconnected
Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] Pebble::onPebbleDisconnected:493 - Pebble disconnected: "Pebble 0A47"

Any clues?

[edit] Uggh, I have a clue: pebbled was mysteriously running again, and happy to (try) to connect. Also, Jolla forgot about the pairing.


[nemo@Jolla ~]$ /usr/lib/qt5/bin/qdbus org.rockwork /org/rockwork/00_17_E9_AD_0A_47 org.rockwork.Pebble.IsConnected


abranson 2016-03-17 22:38

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic (Post 1501593)
I bit the bullet, moved from pebbled to rockpool. I'm using a Pebble Steel, which was still on firmware v2.9. Updating using rockpool seemed to go smoothly, but at some point the watch booted to recovery mode (v3.8-prf9), and rockpool couldn't make a connection anymore. (Didn't record the log, sorry)

It took me a few hours to realize the normal Android Pebble app won't work, you'd need the Pebble [b]Time[/]b app, to update to v3.10.1. Thanks Pebble :rolleyes:. (Also, I don't have an Android device, which makes it even harder)

My PS now sports v3.10.1, but unfortunately Rockpool v0.4 won't connect, even though the Pebble is paired to Jolla. Log:


Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] Pebble::connect:139 - Connecting to Pebble: "Pebble 0A47" "00:17:E9:AD:0A:47"
Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] WatchConnection::socketError:154 - SocketError QBluetoothSocket::UnknownSocketError
Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] WatchConnection::pebbleDisconnected:143 - Disconnected
Mar 17 22:53:14 Jolla [9201]: [D] Pebble::onPebbleDisconnected:493 - Pebble disconnected: "Pebble 0A47"

Any clues?

[edit] Uggh, I have a clue: pebbled was mysteriously running again, and happy to (try) to connect. Also, Jolla forgot about the pairing.


[nemo@Jolla ~]$ /usr/lib/qt5/bin/qdbus org.rockwork /org/rockwork/00_17_E9_AD_0A_47 org.rockwork.Pebble.IsConnected


Glad your pebble is ok. I know the migration to 3.x is a two step process involving flashing the recovery firmware first. Hopefully it was pebbled blocking your reconnection the first time - I migrated mine with a tweaked pebbled, but the upgrading in RockPool is unchanged from RockWork so I would think it should be fine. If any other sailfish spartan wants to throw their pebble at it ... :D

I've had problems with pebbled starting again too, and had to remove it. If anyone else has connection problems like this, always check whether the watch thinks it's connected or not to rule out pebbled or another instance of rockpoold running.

Astaoth 2016-03-17 22:56

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501578)
Could you remove those broken apps and try the 'SideloadApp' method in DBus which will use the same code as RockWork uses for installation. Download the pbw and do:

qdbus org.rockwork /org/rockwork/B0_B4_48_80_B9_87 org.rockwork.Pebble.SideloadApp /full/path/to/file.pbw

And see if the daemon does anything extra that might make it work.

Same problem with this method.

abranson 2016-03-17 23:35

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501599)
Same problem with this method.

Fishing a bit here, but did you say you were on v3.4 firmware? The latest is v3.10.1, so it's possible those newer apps might be incompatible?

Edit: you know what, I think that the appstore would probably filter out those apps that your model/firmware doesn't support before you get to this point. There might be alternative versions of apps for different cases.

And also, here's something we haven't seen on Sailfish before. Music track progress! Working but messy, will clean up and release.

HtheB 2016-03-18 12:59

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501600)
And also, here's something we haven't seen on Sailfish before. Music track progress! Working but messy, will clean up and release.

Another request for the music player: can you add the "next track title" showing at the bottom instead of the casette? It can be shown in a small font
(I remember that this was possible with SkippingStones)

Astaoth 2016-03-18 13:36

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1501600)
Fishing a bit here, but did you say you were on v3.4 firmware? The latest is v3.10.1, so it's possible those newer apps might be incompatible?

With qdbus and Rockpool, org.rockwork.Pebble.PerformFirwmwareUpgrade does nothing, org.rockwork.Pebble.FirmwareUpgradeAvailable tell me I'm using the latest firmware available :s. However org.rockwork.Pebble.SoftwareVersion show me that I'm using th 3.4 version.
How can I do an upgrade with Rockpool ?

abranson 2016-03-18 14:10

Re: [Announce] Rockpool - Pebble daemon for Sailfish

Originally Posted by HtheB (Post 1501617)
Another request for the music player: can you add the "next track title" showing at the bottom instead of the casette? It can be shown in a small font
(I remember that this was possible with SkippingStones)

I'm not sure that's possible without a new Music app - I've implemented most of the protocol described in libpebble2:

Maybe it was a thing in an earlier firmware? The only music protocol bits missing now involve telling the watch when the volume or player change, and I don't think that actually does anything on the watch so I didn't bother yet. I'm not sure if the MPRIS interface supports fetching the next track name either.


Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1501621)
With qdbus and Rockpool, org.rockwork.Pebble.PerformFirwmwareUpgrade does nothing, org.rockwork.Pebble.FirmwareUpgradeAvailable tell me I'm using the latest firmware available :s. However org.rockwork.Pebble.SoftwareVersion show me that I'm using th 3.4 version.
How can I do an upgrade with Rockpool ?

That's the correct method, but not having a newer model Pebble I can't say for sure what your latest version should be. I think at this point it might be best to wait for the appstore UI and see if that makes a difference to the apps you're offered. ruff is steaming away at it on github!

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