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chenliangchen 2016-04-15 14:07

[Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
As Jolla is shipping the final batch of tablets and more lucky users got theirs, it will be easier if there is a dedicated thread for i486 branch of SFOS software, as most were spread/hidden in different threads.

As suggested, this thread is specifically about i486/Jolla tablet software. Any contribution to the collection is welcomed.

So I start with the must-have Patch Manager. Credit to Sfietkonstantin (Took me a day to find it...)

To install:

HTML Code:

ssu ar sfietkonstantin-obs
ssu er sfietkonstantin-obs
pkcon repo-set-data sfietkonstantin-obs refresh-now true
pkcon install jolla-settings-patchmanager

abranson 2016-04-15 14:19

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Everyone knows tablets are only used for watching films. The gallery app can play them but is more suited to short home videos, so you'll need LLs Player:

And to play videos with AC3 or DTS audio tracks without having to convert them first, you'll need these gstreamer plugins:

Edit: These packages only contain the gstreamer plugins, not the actual codecs libs they use. These are pulled in as dependencies from the same repo, so you *must* add his repo or else the installation will fail...

Edit: and I should mention that I did an unofficial build of Warehouse for the tablet:

It doesn't filter out apps that don't have x86 versions available, because I think that would need a few server side changes, but it works well for installing and upgrading openrepos apps.

chenliangchen 2016-04-15 14:35

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
@abranson Thank you!

Do you think we should add your build of Unofficial Warehouse for Tablet as well? ;) It's also a must have.

velox 2016-04-15 17:17

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
m4r0v3r has made an unofficial kodimote build:

edit: I propose that the first post be updated with the aggregated stuff – if your time allows for it, chenliangchen. Thanks for the thread!

Fellfrosch 2016-04-15 17:44

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Thanks for destroying my soon:D
Ok these patches work:
Launcher combined patch
Return to app from eventsview
Ambience Powermenu2
and therefor of course Powermenu 2 is working too.

Fellfrosch 2016-04-15 17:52

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Further on I like to mention that I'm really happy that Zimpedia is working.
So do Poor Maps and modRana

Schturman 2016-04-15 18:37

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
2 Attachment(s)
All this patches working for me..

Fellfrosch 2016-04-15 19:20

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1503710)
All this patches working for me..

Which one?

Schturman 2016-04-15 19:46

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1503715)
Which one?

I added screenshots, sorry for delay.. Sailfish browser didn't want to add screenshots....

Schturman 2016-04-15 20:09

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
FileTug, packaged by Coderus :)
SSHFS from tablet to jolla phone and ImageMagick you can install from this thread:
Installation of Kodi app (android):
USB-OTG auto-mount:

chenliangchen 2016-04-15 23:19

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by velox (Post 1503694)
m4r0v3r has made an unofficial kodimote build:

edit: I propose that the first post be updated with the aggregated stuff – if your time allows for it, chenliangchen. Thanks for the thread!

Yes, I plan to update first post as a content page. Will do that when we got more entries.:)

Schturman 2016-04-16 13:33

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1503734)
Yes, I plan to update first post as a content page. Will do that when we got more entries.:)

Many apps we can install from warehouse (openrepos).

chenliangchen 2016-04-16 14:27

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1503773)
Many apps we can install from warehouse (openrepos).

Yes. But not all apps shown in Open Repos work on tablet. And lots are not in Open Repos, and hence the purpose of this thread. :)

Schturman 2016-04-16 15:13

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1503781)
Yes. But not all apps shown in Open Repos work on tablet. And lots are not in Open Repos, and hence the purpose of this thread. :)

Yep, but with warehouse user can see button "Install" if it available for tablet ;)

velox 2016-04-17 14:02

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
I have made a list of i486 Applications available on OpenRepos to ease finding apps there.

Those are packages listed in the Warehouse App under "Categories > Applications", there are some apps missing (compared to the home page) and I did not get all the way through – but it should be a good start.

If someone uses it, I can update it in irregular intervals ;)

edit: List is sorted by date now, did not see something missing this time – but there could be. It's 81 apps, the oldest app listed is from October last year.

Schturman 2016-04-17 14:44

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
This is correct link for abranson build of warehouse:

Also some of my if you want to add...

mscion 2016-04-17 19:25

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Hi. I have patchmanager installed but was wondering. Before I try anything I want to back up the lipstick code as recommended in the patchmanager thread.

However, I noticed the paths



as described in that opening post does not exist. Everything is fine until the qml directory. I was in su-dev mode when I tried this. Perhaps this is unique for the tablet. If that is the case what is the proper way to back up the lipstick code in case I need to recover it. Thanks!

Fellfrosch 2016-04-17 21:27

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Hey Velox, I hadn' t expected such a great list, when I made the suggestion for such a thread. Thank you very much!!!

velox 2016-04-18 07:20

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1503904)
Hey Velox, I hadn' t expected such a great list, when I made the suggestion for such a thread. Thank you very much!!!

You're welcome, but the real work is done by openrepos – yesterday I've finally noticed the paypal button there and donated some euros to basil… I urge you all to do the same.

Fellfrosch 2016-04-18 08:46

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Hi should place this button more on top. Never seen it before.
Donated some quids of course.

zenecho 2016-04-21 12:37

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1503675)

And to play videos with AC3 or DTS audio tracks without having to convert them first, you'll need these gstreamer plugins:

installing LLP (1.2.1) player brought up lots of warnings. "media type discouraged" Does install and play avi files ok

bad extras - failed dependacies faad2, libdca, and libvpx

ugly - faired better only a52dec and

f&f 2016-04-21 16:33

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
I got Kodimote working after playing around with Sailfish SDK, but I could only run it on the terminal , could not get the icon to work . <- I'm not a developer .
I guess I'll just use m4r0v3r build

And I would love to have the quickradio or similar net radio on the tablet.

Schturman 2016-04-21 17:06

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by f&f (Post 1504129)
I got Kodimote working after playing around with Sailfish SDK, but I could only run it on the terminal , could not get the icon to work . <- I'm not a developer .
I guess I'll just use m4r0v3r build

And I would love to have the quickradio or similar net radio on the tablet.

This build is nice, but it useless in "keypad" mode, it not have icons... Maybe someone can rebuild it more correctly ?

abranson 2016-04-21 20:30

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by zenecho (Post 1504118)
installing LLP (1.2.1) player brought up lots of warnings. "media type discouraged" Does install and play avi files ok

bad extras - failed dependacies faad2, libdca, and libvpx

ugly - faired better only a52dec and

Did you install with warehouse, enabling the repository first? Those dependencies are separate packages in his repo, so you can't just download the rpm and install it manually.

Edit: I'll edit my original post to make that clearer. It seems more people install openrepos packages manually than I thought.

zenecho 2016-04-22 12:55

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by abranson (Post 1504143)
Did you install with warehouse, enabling the repository first? Those dependencies are separate packages in his repo, so you can't just download the rpm and install it manually.

No, me bad, I did download the rpm and install it manually..

nieldk 2016-04-22 13:20

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
There are plenty of my builds that should 1) work om tablet

1) should, as I do not own tablet.

zenecho 2016-04-22 13:39

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
How do you manual add this directory as a repository to get over the dependency problems? I have tried before and failed....

Schturman 2016-04-22 20:07

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
SailCast app you can find here:

Schturman 2016-04-23 12:25

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by zenecho (Post 1504177)
How do you manual add this directory as a repository to get over the dependency problems? I have tried before and failed....

Read also what Coderus wrote about disable after installation needed package...

Schturman 2016-04-26 18:31

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Guy's, someone with SDK can create purple-facebook package for tablet, please...
Here is a source:

velox 2016-05-08 10:36

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
I've updated the openrepos list – it went from 81 to 89 Applications.

To make getting there easier, here's a short link:

jukk 2016-05-10 10:49

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
It is nice that more and more applications are compiled to i486. I'm still missing hangish, though. Did anyone compile it (I guess some google dev account is needed for the API?)?

Fishnetmount seems to be almost unusable on the tablet. I can't mount any cifs or nfs server. Works fine on the phone. Seems that cifs and nfs support is missing from the tablet kernel.

abranson 2016-05-10 17:44

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by jukk (Post 1505321)
Seems that cifs and nfs support is missing from the tablet kernel.

CIFS is missing (but is on the phone) but NFS is there:


# modinfo cifs
modinfo: ERROR: Module cifs not found.
# modinfo nfs
filename:      /lib/modules/3.10.20/nfs.ko
license:        GPL
author:        Olaf Kirch <>
alias:          nfs4
alias:          fs-nfs4
alias:          fs-nfs
depends:        sunrpc,lockd
intree:        Y
vermagic:      3.10.20 SMP preempt mod_unload
signer:        Magrathea: Glacier signing key
sig_key:        87:EE:C8:63:09:B5:C9:76:5D:5B:AA:B2:3A:72:B8:80:C0:59:11:6D
sig_hashalgo:  sha256
parm:          cache_getent:Path to the client cache upcall program (string)
parm:          cache_getent_timeout:Timeout (in seconds) after which the cache upcall is assumed to have failed (ulong)
parm:          callback_tcpport:portnr
parm:          nfs_idmap_cache_timeout:int
parm:          nfs4_disable_idmapping:Turn off NFSv4 idmapping when using 'sec=sys' (bool)
parm:          max_session_slots:Maximum number of outstanding NFSv4.1 requests the client will negotiate (ushort)
parm:          send_implementation_id:Send implementation ID with NFSv4.1 exchange_id (ushort)
parm:          nfs4_unique_id:nfs_client_id4 uniquifier string (string)
parm:          enable_ino64:bool

korppi 2016-05-14 14:58

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by jukk (Post 1505321)

Fishnetmount seems to be almost unusable on the tablet. I can't mount any cifs or nfs server. Works fine on the phone. Seems that cifs and nfs support is missing from the tablet kernel.

It's very very nice that you report it here and not at site that you got it from...

NFS should work, but I have no tablet to test with so...

jukk 2016-05-14 17:44

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by korppi (Post 1505533)
It's very very nice that you report it here and not at site that you got it from...

NFS should work, but I have no tablet to test with so...

You are correct, I got NFS working (mistakenly only tried with NFS instead of NFS4). Thanks!

But hey, it is unfair to complain about reporting. It is not easy to know where your reports are read within the Sailfish world. This is not a criticism of software developers. I would rather see that Sailfish had one collection of repositories with one site to report bugs (similar to bugzilla). As it is now, it feels very split and you are forced to install software from many places.

korppi 2016-05-14 19:51

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by jukk (Post 1505540)
You are correct, I got NFS working (mistakenly only tried with NFS instead of NFS4). Thanks!

But hey, it is unfair to complain about reporting.

Well this really is not the place to get message through to any developer who is not here all the time. As I get notified if you do it in right place in this case Somebody gave this link to me and I happened to see it this time. Probability is very low that I see these if you just put these here.

chenliangchen 2016-05-16 11:11

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
nieldk has kindly compiled fuse for exFAT.

Works on my tablet under latest SFOS.

jukk 2016-05-16 14:18

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection

Originally Posted by korppi (Post 1505543)
Well this really is not the place to get message through to any developer who is not here all the time. As I get notified if you do it in right place in this case Somebody gave this link to me and I happened to see it this time. Probability is very low that I see these if you just put these here.

I really didn't intend to report any bug without investigating the issue deeper. I just happened to comment about it, because I thought it important (for any application) if something is missing from the tablet kernel. And the issue that I had is solved. It was only a user error. I promise to report in openrepos if/when I find a real bug :)

velox 2016-05-28 10:21

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Found a bit of time and updated the list on – it's at 96 applications now.


rcolistete 2016-12-04 23:56

Re: [Jolla Tablet] [i486] Applications Collection
Nice work, guys, this topic is very useful.

Some softwares that I compiled Mer x86 versions for Jolla Tablet :
- NumPy 1.9.1;
- MatPlotLib 1.4.2;
- python-zmq 13.0.2 and libzmq 3.2.2;
- python-pycurl 7.19.0;
- python-markupsafe 0.21.

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