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Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Update about Jolla Tablet refund :
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Well... that means I'm in the last 20%. Here's to waiting.
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Apparently Iam also in those 20%
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Another scam!
All got 50 percent option. But only less than 200 people got second option so it's more like 52 percent or something. |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I think the 80% in the thread title refers to the first phase (going off the date of the post).
The blog update in rcolistete's post says a second batch of 100 emails have been sent. |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
But now it's almost October and another 100. Hope you are more lucky...refund losers(me included) |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Just to double check. What is the subject in the email notification. Is the email notification directly from Jolla? Thanks!
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Still waiting for news on the 2nd half too, hopefully we get news about the discount for SF on the Xperia soon.
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Hmm, I don't remember receiving even the first part of the refund. I may have forgotten. When was it supposed to have happened?
Edit: Never mind, checked my email, they send it to paypal. No news on the second half for me though. |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I'm still waiting too.
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I'm still waiting as well. Kinda glad to stumble upon this topic 'cause I honestly thought I was the only one still waiting...
Edit: ah, I see they've sent an e-mail to a different address. I now chose to wait for the refund, although I'm kinda bummed that I'll only receive 50% of my refund. In accordance with the law, I have the right to receive a 100% refund... |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
the cool thing is that jolla slowly push out second part of refunds now. unfortunately its like 100 per month and much less that actually is refunded. so it will take a loooooong time. october refund mail are still not sent so if we are luckey we might get it this coming week. |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
No matter how many times this is stressed, some people choose to stick to their own dogma. |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
"Bij de ontbinding van een consumentenkoop wegens een tekortkoming in de nakoming van de in artikel 9 lid 4 bedoelde verbintenis vergoedt de verkoper onverwijld alle van de koper ontvangen betalingen." "In the case of dissolution of a consumer purchase due to a shortcoming in the fulfillment of the undertaking referred to in article 9 (4), the seller shall forthwith compensate all payments received from the buyer." (http://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0005290/2017-10-10) and Law on remote buying (=buying something through the internet) "Tenzij de consument en de leverancier vooraf anders afspreken, moet de bestelling binnen dertig dagen na plaatsing worden uitgevoerd. Als het bestelde goed of de bestelde dienst niet leverbaar is, moet de leverancier de consument daarvan op de hoogte stellen en eventuele betalingen binnen dertig dagen terugstorten." "Unless the consumer and the supplier in advance agree otherwise, the order must be carried out within thirty days after placing the order. If the ordered good or ordered service is not available, the supplier must inform the consumer and refund any payments within thirty days." (http://www.iusmentis.com/zakendoen/wetkoopopafstand/) According to the government website, this applies to all goods bought within the EU and Finland is part of the EU. This has been tested in court and has been ruled in favor of consumers multiple times. So don't tell me it's not in accordance with the law 'cause you clearly haven't studied the law of my country. EDIT: IGNORE THIS POST, SEE BELOW |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I'm sorry if I was coming off arrogant. It was just that pichlo's reply felt very crude as he hadn't even studied my law, so I was only trying to point out that my law is different. I wasn't trying to come off arrogant or anything. Again: I apologize. I hadn't noticed that the transaction was with Jolla in Hong Kong. I've switched banks early 2016 so I can't recall the transaction, but I believe you. In that case, ignore my post. (< I'm talking to you, pichlo and everyone else ;)) |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I will talk with Jolla Care then to try and clear this up, thanks :) |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Did you purchase the tablet from the Jolla's website? In that case indeed, you are entitled to a refund. I suppose there may have been a handful of devices sold that way. If you "ordered" one from Indygogo, then you did not purchase anything. You backed a fundraising campaign with no guarantee of a product delivery or refund in case of a failed delivery, at least as far as the law is concerned. That applies to any fundraising campaign, Jolla's is no exception. Which brings me neatly back to my previous post :D |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
how about take a stand on the stage, live sent to the world that “I guarantee you will get it”. What does the law say about that?
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Im waiting too; also, unfortunately, I decided to use some of the refund for the Sailfish X purchase (which I have not completed yet), only to find out I cant combine the Sailfish X voucher from my tablet refund with my community developer discount. :| That's a real bummer. So I wonder how I can revert my SFX voucher.
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
The thing I don't get here is that people don't seem to understand the inherent risk of crowdfunding. You're giving them that money and, while they have some obligation to do what they've said with the money, it doesn't constitute a purchase or a binding contract to deliver you a functional device. Crowdfunded projects get scrapped and people get burned all the time, it's part of the associated risk. That said, Jolla is at least attempting to make good on it. That exceeds their obligation.
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Can't go anywhere on a Jolla forum without stumbling over refund related questions, so I figure it is important enough to make my first post about this great event:
-=Yes I have finally received the 2nd part as I type (from Jolla Asia).=- Thanks Jolla, this means a week of food in these parts! :) |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Congrats, mate. |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
FWIW, I just got my second half of refund. Fair play to Jolla for refunding even though the process was flawed! Now, what to spend the money on? 😃
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
https://blog.jolla.com/second_phase_refund/ |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
I would invest into spirits. The only commodity where you get 40%.
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Still waiting...
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
November refund or do we skip One month. Exciting times ahead. Buckle up. It might be a bumpy road.
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Any Cristmas refund Payment? I guess Jolla have to hurry to make it happen before the holiday s.
We have already experienced one month without refund and two with refunds. So the score: 2 vs 1. Or will December be remembered as the equalizer? |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Not sure if the refund program is still working. But it looks like that we are having next to no refunds nowadays. 2018 is here right on time but the refunds are not unfortunately.
https://media0.giphy.com/media/8OrESzoMlIUrC/giphy.gif |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
still waiting, any news?
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
Waiting for how many years? |
Re: Jolla claims Tablet refunds 80% finished
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