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Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
For this month competition, If this topic wasn't proposed before, I propose "Darkness".

This can be tricky, I don't really know how to make pictures in the night or when there no enough light, everytime there is too much noise going along.
Also please share your tips....

Ah, there should be rules of course. Nothing new (just copied from earlier contests):

Photos must be taken during this month
Photos must be taken by the posting member
Photos must be taken with a camera phone
Users post only one photo per entry
Users can change the entry only once
Users must name the phone they used

Last three days of this month are for voting

Dead End tunnel (Paris France) @ J1

Closed !

Winner is : catbus, N9, "Arcturus" :


chenliangchen 2016-09-02 13:14

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Nice theme! A different topic and can be innovative.

I'm thinking of just pop in to an Apple Store and take a pic......

catbus 2016-09-02 18:13

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Hmmm... Here is so much darkness, maybe too much... Only problem is, how to catch even part of it...

robthebold 2016-09-02 19:19


Originally Posted by catbus (Post 1514135)
Hmmm... Here is so much darkness, maybe too much... Only problem is, how to catch even part of it...

I shot an entire scene.of my first movie.with the lens cap on. The darkness.captured there nearly swallowed my young soul. That was the best scene by far of my five minute silent horror flick!

Laying aside tofhe metaphysical aspects, even the literal catching darkness with one of my cameraphones will.sure be a trick. All dark would just look black or noisy black. Think I'm.gonna need to try for some chiaroscuro for this one. But it's the challenges that inspire our creativity they say...

catbus 2016-09-02 22:41

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1514140)
Laying aside tofhe metaphysical aspects, even the literal catching darkness with one of my cameraphones will.sure be a trick. All dark would just look black or noisy black. Think I'm.gonna need to try for some chiaroscuro for this one. But it's the challenges that inspire our creativity they say...

Big applauses to This!

When i read this, i took a long breath and put my pipe down...

I knew now it is time to take a picture of darkness...

And here it is. - No... No fish or reflection, bird or freedom. Just Darkness...

Still, there is the One sparkling star, which is trying to interferes darkness... "Arcturus..."

Obviously taken by me and My Precious (N9)

[edit]foolish typos, there maybe more...[/edit]

[edit2]Not for competition but aeroplane just landed... [/edit2]

nthn 2016-09-04 19:29

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
I actually took this one on the 28th, but I could take essentially the same picture now so I'm posting it anyway. It's really just a picture of some grapes at night with the camera focussing right next to the spotlight, but I love how it turned out, and it works astonishingly well as an ambience on the Jolla phone, with which I took the picture.

pichlo 2016-09-04 20:27

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
I would let it slip through but the rules say the photo must be taken this month so perhaps leave it to the popular vote? ;)

What is that pattern of blue dots in the middle?

jellyroll 2016-09-04 20:58

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
I think that this topic is easy enough for Dave999 to participate since he's from the dark side.

nthn 2016-09-04 21:02

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1514294)
I would let it slip through but the rules say the photo must be taken this month so perhaps leave it to the popular vote? ;)

What is that pattern of blue dots in the middle?

I think it's some sort of lens reflection from the spotlight.

Haha, I didn't really mean to participate, just share a nice picture in a fitting thread (that said, it was taken after last month's contest was over, as far as I understand). Is there a thread for 'pictures that look good as ambiences on Sailfish'?

pichlo 2016-09-04 21:19

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
I see.

Re participation, I think the idea is that one should not submit photos taken before the theme was announced. At least that's the guideline I use for my own submissions.

mosen 2016-09-05 12:19

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Thanks for your honesty! I guess no one is checking exif anymore and you could have pretended successfully that your shot was done yesterday ;)
since we are already very vague on the timing the vote and new thread starts due to lack of a moderator, we should be strikt in case of rules that are not necessary to bend to keep this competition running conveniently.

I nevertheless read from the current rule that pictures taken before the theme was announced can count when shot during the month in question.
Should we reformulate "Photos must be taken during this month" to "Photos must be taken and posted after theme was announced and before voting starts"?

pichlo 2016-09-05 13:07

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1514329)
Should we reformulate "Photos must be taken during this month" to "Photos must be taken and posted after theme was announced and before voting starts"?


In the meantime, I suggest accepting nthn's picture as a submission to appreciate the honesty. 2016-09-14 19:04

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
I said darkness not voidness :P

hedayat 2016-09-15 06:37

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Probably you all know better than me, but I recently figured out that raw cam is great to take photos in low-light conditions (if your 'darkness' photo is actually in low-light conditions, it might help :) ).

juiceme 2016-09-15 08:35

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
"Pass U in the darkness"

Taken by Nexus5 running SFOS v.

spfoo 2016-09-20 10:51

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Ok, I give up trying to get a better one so here's my "darkness":

The bright dot in the sky on the left is a planet, but I'm not sure which one. Taken with my faithful N9 as usual.

pichlo 2016-09-20 12:16

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Lucky you! I live in (small, but still) a town with too much light pollution. And even when I venture out, which in my case is not very far, all I see when I look up is the orange glow reflecting off the perpetual cloud cover.
Oh Britain, sweet Britain! :D

robthebold 2016-09-20 13:44

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by spfoo (Post 1515347)
Ok, I give up trying to get a better one so here's my "darkness":

The bright dot in the sky on the left is a planet, but I'm not sure which one. Taken with my faithful N9 as usual.

May I suggest this great N9 app?

spfoo 2016-09-20 14:03

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1515357)
May I suggest this great N9 app?

Yes. I actually have it on one of my linux boxes. But will put it on the N9 and check out the planet.

catbus 2016-09-20 18:27

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by spfoo (Post 1515359)
Yes. I actually have it on one of my linux boxes. But will put it on the N9 and check out the planet.

I guess that is Jupiter... or half of it...

You should have to start thinking about coming month topic...


I must add this... With the spirit of WCOH...


pichlo 2016-09-20 20:49

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
1 Attachment(s)
Here is my entry. It is about as good as it is ever going to get so I might as well leave it at that. It is my 9yo daughter's room in its usual, messy state. I do not dare to think what this room will look like when she is 16.

Attachment 38695

The burnt-out bright spot in the left is a fish tank, in case you were wondering. The room actually looked darker in real life, the camera's long exposure compensated for the lack of light.

Taken about 2 hours ago with a Jolla. I must say the result quite surprised me, considering Jolla's camera's deservedly bad reputation. It is amazing what you can achieve with an improvised tripod and a shutter delay.

saponga 2016-09-21 00:03

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
My very first idea was a long exposition of a road. But I don't think that I'll manage to do that in time. So, here we go with plan b.
N900 as always.

lal 2016-09-23 11:57

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
1 Attachment(s)
"Mumbai, as darkness seeps in"
Happened to be in Mumbai the previous day. I thought, why not!

Intex Aquafish
Intentionally focussed to a shorter distance
And exposed to the streetlight on left top corner (of course automatic)

mosen 2016-09-24 22:54

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Nice variety of entries. Thanks for the pics everyone!
It becomes kind of obvious to myself that i am not having much of a life outside my business...

Looking through the pics i did today with a tripod and 15sec timer function, this struck me to be fitting the darkness theme.
The guys who build the Photokina "Sigma" booth did a good job with light imho.
Yaay, no need to go out in the dark after 14 hours work.

First pic is my entry called "I am contrast" :D
Second is for spatial orientation and to raise the sales of your local sushi-joint ;)

"Camera" was Nexus5 on
Erhm yes, and Sigma does this kind of freaky things which leads me to put camera in quotation marks when talking about phones.

nthn 2016-09-25 11:00

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
That sure looks like nice sushi. Do people who vote for your picture get review samples?

mosen 2016-09-25 17:43

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
humble thanks!
But no, absolutely not. It would distort the competition. No fish for votes!

Its more like, every maemonean by heart that happens to reveal his dark secret when meeting me, will not be able to turn down the offer of a good treat ;)
Photokina is over, next 3 weeks i am in Rostock doing wet jobs (e.g. sushi from material i have no control over and do not dare to offer as reference).
October is K-Fair for Dow Chem. in Düsseldorf, November is electronica in Munich for Kyocera.
They have two underrated Smartphones out by the way.
Could someone compile or point to a list with arguments so i can talk the ceo over to sailfish :rolleyes:

mikecomputing 2016-09-25 19:52

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
1 Attachment(s)
A little down at the moment and got sick of myself and when I am in that mood I go out and take a long walk.

So today I took a visit to my nearest park called, Hissingsparken in Gothenburg, in the evening.

It turns out to be dark very fast in sweden this time at the year the boring winter is coming. I took some photos and a little later it was really dark. I realized I have forgot to install flashlight on my Fairphone and since I did not have any money on my SIM card I could not download the app. So it was a little bit hard walking home since some of the places at the park has no light et all.

Anyway I choose upload this photo since it looks a little bit ghost to me...

Phone is Fairphone 2 with SailfishOS. I did rotate the picture since FP2 sailfishos does not do it :/

pichlo 2016-09-26 06:50

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
^--THAT was pretty much what I was expecting from my shot, given my previous experience with the Jolla's camera and its performance in adverse light conditions. As I said, an improvised tripod and a shutter delay do miracles.

jeff7867 2016-09-26 08:39

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

taken in my n9...long gone :(

robthebold 2016-09-26 15:46

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by jeff7867 (Post 1515619)

Very nice. What have you got now? Can you replicate that shot? Could be a winning entry . . .

robthebold 2016-09-26 15:48

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1515597)
A little down at the moment and got sick of myself and when I am in that mood I go out and take a long walk.

So today I took a visit to my nearest park called, Hissingsparken in Gothenburg, in the evening.

It turns out to be dark very fast in sweden this time at the year the boring winter is coming. I took some photos and a little later it was really dark. I realized I have forgot to install flashlight on my Fairphone and since I did not have any money on my SIM card I could not download the app. So it was a little bit hard walking home since some of the places at the park has no light et all.

Anyway I choose upload this photo since it looks a little bit ghost to me...

Phone is Fairphone 2 with SailfishOS. I did rotate the picture since FP2 sailfishos does not do it :/

That photo makes nice use of the low light/high gain image noise. Does give off a Blair Witch vibe a little.

Macros 2016-09-26 21:44

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
On the way home it got late and outside the glow of our headlights was only darkness.

Taken with my 808

robthebold 2016-09-27 00:07

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"

Well, time is running out, and I'd hoped for something better . . . But at least it's got a story.

First Friday, after dark.

(They said we didn't need another concert hall and opera house, but five years after its opening everyone loves it.)

The first Friday of every month, everybody and their uncle who's got an art gallery, studio, atelier, or whatever stocks up on wine and cheese and prepares for the crowds of lubricated customers that "First Friday" brings.

Well, that aforementioned new performance venue is in the midst of all that artsy stuff, and it's celebrating the fifth anniversary of its opening, so why not synergize? And the opera house within is opening with "Hansel und Gretel". And we're in the middle of the US. Well, that calls for a bake-off! (Get it?)

Anyway, my wife is inside with her entry, and I'm out with the kids on a beautiful late Summer night so why not capture some darkness?

As I said, I hoped it would be better. I'm not super-fond of the "Dutch angle" I picked. But it's a photo. It's shot on a cellphone. It has darkness. And we're having fun, right? Enjoy First Friday Darkness. N9. Camera+

pichlo 2016-09-28 11:30

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
It's three days before the end of the month, so voting time!

This month's theme proved to be highly popular. I do not remember the last time we had 12 (twelve!) entries. Good luck reading this page on a Jolla in the stock browser ;)

1., Jolla, "Dead end tunnel"

2. catbus, N9, "Arcturus"

3. nthn, Jolla, "Grapes at night"

4. juiceme, Nexus 5 (SFOS), "Pass U in the darkness"

5. spfoo, N9, "Darkness"

6. pichlo, Jolla, "Messy room"

7. saponga, N900, "Plan B"

8. lal, Intex AquaFish, "Mumbai, as darkness seeps in"

9. mosen, Nexus (SFOS), "I am contrast"

10. mikecomputing, Fairphone 2 (SFOS), "Hissingsparken in the evening"

11. Macros, 808 (presumably Nokia), "On the way home"

12. robthebold, N9, "First Friday, after dark"

And my vote goes to...
7. saponga

davisrases 2016-09-28 13:43

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
vote for saponga

robthebold 2016-09-28 14:02

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
Wow! 12 entries this month! Great stuff -- especially for a theme I sure thought would be a challenge at first.

Hard to choose, but I like the pure expression of

2. catbus

with that nice silhouette and rich color

saponga 2016-09-28 14:20

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
#2 - catbus
PS: it was a pita to view this page on n900 too with both midori via easydebian and microb. Of course I do NOT want compare the n900's 256 mb with Jolla.

imaginaryenemy 2016-09-28 15:09

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
My vote goes to catbus.

spfoo 2016-09-28 15:48

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
I vote for catbus. What a hard choice though - really nice photos in this month's contest.

mikecomputing 2016-09-28 16:08

Re: Camera phone competition September 2016: "Darkness"
saponga #7

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