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n950 2016-09-11 16:52

App folder Invisible Icon

How to Make an App Folder Invisible Icon (Hidden Icon) on App screen?

If anybody can help me to do it... or send it here attached.

When I Tap on the folder icon (top left) to change it I want to have the invisible Icon here.

Let me know how to put in the Icon selection of app folder.

Thank you

chenliangchen 2016-09-11 17:29

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
You can just delete relevant .desktop entry, the icon will disappear.

n950 2016-09-15 11:01

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1514873)
You can just delete relevant .desktop entry, the icon will disappear.

In what dir?
can you explain step by step plz with an exemple?

Thanks in advance.

coderus 2016-09-15 11:23

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Please tell, if you want to remove some icon from launcher, or you really want to have invisible folder with icons inside?

n950 2016-09-15 11:38

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
I want to have invisible folder with icon inside.

coderus 2016-09-15 11:52

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Then try ask here:
I hope Schturman will help you with invisible icon.

n950 2016-09-15 11:59

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
OK and if i want to remove some icon from main screen I will not able to click on them after removed? right?

How to do it ?

n950 2016-09-15 12:43

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1515075)
Then try ask here:
I hope Schturman will help you with invisible icon.

Can you please send me the link of his thread? or his username here.

coderus 2016-09-15 12:44

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
absolutely, remove is remove.

coderus 2016-09-15 12:44

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1515081)
Can you please send me the link of his thread? or his username here.

ask him in comments on openrepos page.

n950 2016-09-15 15:27

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1515082)
absolutely, remove is remove.

How to remove one app folder from main screen?

coderus 2016-09-15 16:12

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
remove all apps from folder, then folder will disappear :)

Schturman 2016-09-15 16:58

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
If you need just transparent icon, you still will see the number on it. The number of apps that inside the folder.

coderus 2016-09-15 16:59

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
you can always upgrade your patch ;)

Schturman 2016-09-15 17:55

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
For hiding numbers on folder icon ? Hmmm.. maybe... Thanks for idea ;)

Ok, found how to hide number on folder icons :D
Update later....

pichlo 2016-09-15 18:54

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Hiding the number would be a very welcome improvement.

The number of items in the folder is about the most useless piece of information I can imagine. The most useful would be a clear, descriptive icon. Why on earth have Jolla decided it was exactly the opposite way is beyond me.

n950 2016-09-16 22:31

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1515108)
For hiding numbers on folder icon ? Hmmm.. maybe... Thanks for idea ;)

Ok, found how to hide number on folder icons :D
Update later....

When you update your app?
I am interested by invisible icon.
Just need to know position of app folder if its hidden, right? to click on it.

Schturman 2016-09-17 00:58

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1515167)
When you update your app?
I am interested by invisible icon.
Just need to know position of app folder if its hidden, right? to click on it.

Patch already updated on openrepos. But I didn't add the transparent icon, just added option to hide number on folder icon.

If you want to try, replace for example this folder icon:

to your custom-transparent icon with same name and check how it work for you.

P.S. For replace, first remove this icon from phone and after this copy new one to phone. It will give enough time to lipstick understand that icon changed and you don't need restart lipstick.

Schturman 2016-09-17 15:57

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
4 Attachment(s)
ok, you want something like this:

Schturman 2016-09-17 19:03

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Ok, uploaded version (0.1-7) with transparent icon and allowing empty folder name :D

n950 2016-09-18 13:24

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
when i trying to install with pkcon command your file it says:

patchmanager needed...

how to resolve that?

Greendts 2016-09-18 13:40

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Install patch manager from warehouse

chenliangchen 2016-09-18 14:10

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1515238)
when i trying to install with pkcon command your file it says:

patchmanager needed...

how to resolve that?

Dude do you read English? It says patchmanager needed then obviously you need to install patchmanager. Just slightly use your brain before asking question like this - people spend own time here to help but at least you should appreciate it by not asking something you can solve easily yourself.

coderus 2016-09-18 15:42

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1515243)
Dude do you read English? It says patchmanager needed then obviously you need to install patchmanager. Just slightly use your brain before asking question like this - people spend own time here to help but at least you should appreciate it by not asking something you can solve easily yourself.

Easy man, please give users little more attention and care.

n950 2016-09-18 16:24

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Impossible to install patchmanager-ui-0.5.1-10.22.1.jolla_.armv7hl

Fatal error when i try to install it.

Even from warehouse.

coderus 2016-09-18 16:30

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
In warehouse search Patchmanager for jolla settings and install it, if fails - close warehouse, open again, search Patchmanager for jolla settings, click check for updates, then click install.

n950 2016-09-18 17:12

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1515255)
In warehouse search Patchmanager for jolla settings and install it, if fails - close warehouse, open again, search Patchmanager for jolla settings, click check for updates, then click install.

Patchmanager for jolla settings installed from warehouse.

Now For Patchmanager for jolla i have Error Occured
Status: dep-resolution-failed
patchmanager ui 0.5.1... conflicts with jolla settings patchmanager provided by jolla settings rpm file...

coderus 2016-09-18 18:12

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Now you have patchmanager inside Settings -> Patchmanager. The only thing you need is to install patch for folder icons and enjoy.

n950 2016-09-18 19:23

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
How to cause it doesn't work when i want to install error.

n950 2016-09-18 19:28

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
1 Attachment(s)
How to resolve this error?

coderus 2016-09-18 19:31

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
just don't try to install other patchanager, you already installed patchmanager for jolla settings. open Settings. Do you see Patchmanager here? Then you can install patches.

n950 2016-09-18 21:16

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

[root@Jolla nemo]# pkcon install-local /home/nemo/Downloads
Installation des fichiers
Attente dans la file
Résolution des dépendances
Erreur fatale: rien ne fournit sailfish-version >= 2.0.2-10
.35.45, qui est requis par sailfishos-more-foldericons-0.1-

Ok how can i install patches?
I see patchmanager on settings right.

coderus 2016-09-18 21:52

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
this patch requires sailfishos version 2.0.2 and newer. You need to upgrade your phone :)

n950 2016-10-25 19:09

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

with new sailfish os version

the number on folder reappear why?


Can you update your version please?
to be compatible with new sfos version.

Thank you

Schturman 2016-10-25 19:53

Re: App folder Invisible Icon

Originally Posted by n950 (Post 1517407)
with new sailfish os version
the number on folder reappear why?
Can you update your version please?
to be compatible with new sfos version.
Thank you

What you mean the number reappear ? I need more details... What you did, that cause to the number reappear again ?
From quick test v0.1-7 work like before, it hide and unhide folder numbers...

n950 2016-10-25 21:58

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
1 Attachment(s)
I have update new sfos version on my jolla.

After reboot the folder name and number are on transparent icon why?

how to reactivate your patch folder?

seems dont have any news icons now with your patch...

Schturman 2016-10-25 22:24

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
How it work for most patches:
0. Unapply all patches manually or latest Patchmanager will do it automatically for your when you will start upgrade.
1. System upgraded and phone rebooted
2. Go to Settings-> Patchmanager -> apply patches that you want/need
3. Restart lipstick (homescreen) or reboot your phone
4. Go to Settings->choose app (in our case Folder Icons setting) -> check options that you need/want
5. See result in apps list

That all ;)

n950 2016-10-26 19:44

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
1 Attachment(s)
Don't work Take look here:

Schturman 2016-10-26 20:35

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
Probably you did mistake and upgraded your system without unapplying patches... This is a reason you can't unapply/apply now...
For me all work like before upgrade...
You need to do some action to fix it:
1. Unapply ALL patches (that your can)
2. From terminal as ROOT:

/bin/rm -f /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/LauncherFolder.qml.webosinternals.orig
/bin/rm -f /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/launcher/LauncherGrid.qml.webosinternals.orig
pkcon install lipstick-jolla-home-qt5

3. Restart lipstick:

systemctl-user restart lipstick.service
4. Go to Settings -> Patchmanager -> try to apply patches.
5. After applying, restart lipstick again.
6. Go to Settings -> check/change options that you need.

n950 2016-10-27 12:17

Re: App folder Invisible Icon
1 Attachment(s)
I can't install lipstick

how to pass this error?

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