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railroadmaster 2016-10-19 20:53

3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
Samsung sold 3 million Tizen phones in 2015 and now Tizen is 4th place in marketshare. Samsung should gradually migrate their low end phones, this would gradually move it to 3rd place. I think Tizen has the most future of any Mobile Linux platform and for this reason Mer should cooperate with Tizen to ensure a level of compatibility.

Dave999 2016-10-19 20:57

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
I would love to support tizen but I havin some issues to find devices...

Hope to see some more hardware in my flyzone soon. 2016-10-19 21:44

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
wearables should be easy to buy

kinggo 2016-10-20 07:59

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
......and TV's......
But we don't care about them.

Dave999 2016-10-20 09:56

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
I do own a tizen top notch tv from last year. Very bug...y. Clocks. No thanks. Im looking for phones...

juiceme 2016-10-20 10:25

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1517046)
I do own a tizen top notch tv from last year. Very bug...y. Clocks. No thanks. Im looking for phones...

What kind of bugs do you have in the TV?

Dave999 2016-10-20 10:44

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1517047)
What kind of bugs do you have in the TV?

Ok, Lets go of topic :D

Just a few at the top.

Picture settings For apps and input source not working and inherit some of previous source settings.
Subtitles always on and have to keep turning get off every time a video is played, even though always off in settings.

Network playback limited to a 2-3 minute pause then loses the source and playback position. You have to search again. And search option is bad.

Smart tv function is slow and hangs often.

Dont remember sound Settings per source.

Also anoying that Samsung/netflix dont update to support HDR.

Software feels very beta. Simular to sailfish OS in many regards. You cant Trust it fully.

kinggo 2016-10-20 12:07

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
.... so basically the same crap as android TV just smells differently.

herpderp 2016-10-20 12:32

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
I have a 2016 Tizen smart TV and it's been working perfectly, fast, snappy, no bugs, very enjoyable experience.

Dave999 2016-10-20 12:45

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by herpderp (Post 1517054)
I have a 2016 Tizen smart TV and it's been working perfectly, fast, snappy, no bugs, very enjoyable experience.

Snappy Isnt the Word I would use.

Had on 9000-series(2016) at home for a week but returned it. Also had a LG oled. Returned that too.

Tv are far behind when it comes to OSes. Soon it will be the main hub with touch screen and all so the oses have 5 years to mature ;)

Still 2016 is faster than 2015 indeed!

cvp 2016-10-20 14:14

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
i use a Samsung TV with Tizen. Its okay. Its fast if the OS is boot up complety. But the menu is bad. Strange settings e.g. if i want change to Game/PC mode... to many clicks to get this menu to change. The OS is okay, but not perfect ^^ i know, no OS is perfect :P
... and there is no real hacks and root :(

Feathers McGraw 2016-10-20 16:05

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1517046)
I do own a tizen top notch tv from last year.

Did you buy it for the "smart" features, or did the TV that had the resolution etc. you wanted just happen to have smart features?

I get why average consumers buy smart TVs but I would have expected you (and most other people on this site) to stick a general purpose computer behind the TV and use that instead with some media centre software like kodi - so much easier to update and tinker with. If an update goes wrong with your TV you could end up with a shiny brick, which is a rather strong incentive against developing for it!

Or did you buy it to try Tizen? Just curious!

Dave999 2016-10-20 16:25

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1517064)
Did you buy it for the "smart" features, or did the TV that had the resolution etc. you wanted just happen to have smart features?

I get why average consumers buy smart TVs but I would have expected you (and most other people on this site) to stick a general purpose computer behind the TV and use that instead with some media centre software like kodi - so much easier to update and tinker with. If an update goes wrong with your TV you could end up with a shiny brick, which is a rather strong incentive against developing for it!

Or did you buy it to try Tizen? Just curious!

I bought it to support tizen and for the epic image + the Oneconnect which is great. Will switch to oled next year.

Still, top TVs Are more expensive than phones so maybe you should expect better software? If you pay 5000-10000 Euro maybe your tv shall work a bit better even if you dont use it? ;)

mikecomputing 2016-10-20 16:32

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
TV!? WTF is people still use TV? It is deprecated long ago.

A use my laptop for film/documentary/news.

kinggo 2016-10-20 16:34

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1517064)
Did you buy it for the "smart" features, or did the TV that had the resolution etc. you wanted just happen to have smart features?

I get why average consumers buy smart TVs but I would have expected you (and most other people on this site) to stick a general purpose computer behind the TV and use that instead with some media centre software like kodi - so much easier to update and tinker with. If an update goes wrong with your TV you could end up with a shiny brick, which is a rather strong incentive against developing for it!

Or did you buy it to try Tizen? Just curious!

the thing is, you can't actually avoid smart TV. Especially if you go for some higher model.
So, since I/him/we/most of us end up with one it's OK to explore, compare and bitch about how shitty they are since we paid for them.
It's not that I expected root and CM or some other custom rom or something like a giant tablet that can do wonders. But It would be nice that those 1% of android features and features that one expects from the TV just work.

pichlo 2016-10-20 16:50

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 1517066)
A use my laptop for film/documentary/news.

So would I if I were a student or a single man living in a studio flat the size of a shoe box. But we old farts with a family want to sit down on the sofa with the whole family and watch together.

Dave999 2016-10-20 16:58

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1517068)
So would I if I were a student or a single man living in a studio flat the size of a shoe box. But we old farts with a family want to sit down on the sofa with the whole family and watch together.

Add the experiance to that too, some stuff is not even visible in 17 inch screen ;)

Feathers McGraw 2016-10-20 17:05

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
Thanks for replying Dave.


Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1517067)
the thing is, you can't actually avoid smart TV. Especially if you go for some higher model.
So, since I/him/we/most of us end up with one it's OK to explore, compare and bitch about how shitty they are since we paid for them.

Yeah I agree, just curious whether the smart features were seen as a positive when making a decision about what to purchase.

In my mind some smart features are actually a negative - I wouldn't want my TV, running some embedded OS that will definitely not receive security updates for the whole of its life, to be networked... that's both an unnecessary security risk and an easy mechanism for manufacturers to collect usage stats and other tracking BS.

I just want it to have a good picture and sound, have built-in digital receiver / "freeview" and maybe some storage for recording programmes. And good ports... that's it. I'll leave the networking to software I can trust and maintain properly.

Feathers McGraw 2016-10-20 17:07

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
Also, do smart TVs now have better support for open file formats and codecs? The last one I used wouldn't play most .mkv files, which was really frustrating. It's not like they would have had to pay loads in royalties to support the extra formats.

Malakai 2016-10-20 17:44

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1517070)
Yeah I agree, just curious whether the smart features were seen as a positive when making a decision about what to purchase.

In my mind some smart features are actually a negative - I wouldn't want my TV, running some embedded OS that will definitely not receive security updates for the whole of its life, to be networked... that's both an unnecessary security risk and an easy mechanism for manufacturers to collect usage stats and other tracking BS.

I just want it to have a good picture and sound, have built-in digital receiver / "freeview" and maybe some storage for recording programmes. And good ports... that's it. I'll leave the networking to software I can trust and maintain properly.

I totally agree. When I had to buy my TV (2 years ago), I looked specifically to TVs that didn't have smart features (as I use a HTPC with OpenELEC). Wasn't easy to find it then, so I can expect it to be very hard to find a non smart TV now that has a good picture and sound quality and a decent size. I can find some 32 inches TV without smart features, but everything above is smart.

I hope my TV will last as long as possible, until the industry finds out that they are some people wanting dump TVs.

kinggo 2016-10-20 18:11

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1517070)
Thanks for replying Dave.

Yeah I agree, just curious whether the smart features were seen as a positive when making a decision about what to purchase.

I didn't care about them. I replaced my sony with their SEN platform for the one with android simply because this one is better TV (better picture) and the deal was way to good not to do it at the time.

And yes, it plays all of the common formats.

railroadmaster 2016-10-20 22:40

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

pichlo 2016-10-21 06:38

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by Malakai (Post 1517073)
I hope my TV will last as long as possible, until the industry finds out that they are some people wanting dumb TVs.

I find that extremely unlikely. If you look around everywhere, providers[1] always do whatever is convenient for them, not the consumers[2].

[1] For whatever definition of "provider", from the manufacturers of tangible goods like cars, phones or TVs to software producers to social services providers to entertainment producers to news providers to governments...

[2] Screw consumers.

pasko 2016-10-21 07:53

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

These comments take me back to the time when I cracked the password of my Loewe TV as you can see here:
However as @pichlo said, manufacturers quickly forget about their products...... hbbtv no longer works in my TV and the worse part is that all the functions are controlled by a binary blob process (app.elf) that I cannot hack at all.

As someone else said, TV's are way back in processing power & innovation from mobile phones.... but this is a completely different story.


ggabriel 2016-10-21 11:51

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
I really hope these tizen devices that sammy "engineered" don't explode too.
Sorry, somebody had to mention tihs...

nthn 2016-10-21 13:04

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
Wow, just what everyone has been waiting for, more exclusive releases in third world countries.

pichlo 2016-10-21 13:19

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
Is the term "third world country" still relevant?

"The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc."

juiceme 2016-10-21 15:11

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1517120)
Is the term "third world country" still relevant?

"The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc."

Whoo, that's news to me.
I have always referred the questionable places where human rights are not respected as "third world"

Mainly this means countries where you have death penalty, no gun control to speak of, no social benefits to people and generally are run by mob rule.

Dave999 2016-10-21 15:41

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1517125)
Whoo, that's news to me.
I have always referred the questionable places where human rights are not respected as "third world"

Mainly this means countries where you have death penalty, no gun control to speak of, no social benefits to people and generally are run by mob rule.

Sorry to break it to you but you live in a third world country ;)

gerbick 2016-10-21 15:53

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1517125)
Mainly this means countries where you have death penalty, no gun control to speak of, no social benefits to people and generally are run by mob rule.

You do know that you just basically described America, right?

acrux 2016-10-21 16:12

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1517128)
You do know that you just basically described America, right?

Southern- or Northern-? :D

railroadmaster 2016-10-21 16:53

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
Samsung's focus should first and foremost be volume so that the platform can be built up and reach a respectable place in the market. Samsung probably doesn't sell Tizen products outside of certain regions due to market saturation in places like Western Europe, Anglosphere and the US, selling in those places would give them little sales and market share gains. Developing nations have the most market growth and the least saturation. Also in those places like the US Samsung sells mostly high end products, Tizen isn't ready for high end products yet due to its lack of maturity.

gerbick 2016-10-21 17:21

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by acrux (Post 1517129)
Southern- or Northern-? :D

Parts of both.

railroadmaster 2016-10-21 18:00

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
A 3rd world country is a country low levels of Human and economic development. The United States has very high levels of Human and economic development, in fact it is higher than most parts of the world. 2nd world countries are in between the 1st and 3rd world extremes of Human development, former communist and Soviet nations fall under this category.

Malakai 2016-10-21 19:33

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1517105)
I find that extremely unlikely. If you look around everywhere, providers[1] always do whatever is convenient for them, not the consumers[2].

[1] For whatever definition of "provider", from the manufacturers of tangible goods like cars, phones or TVs to software producers to social services providers to entertainment producers to news providers to governments...

[2] Screw consumers.

I know. But it doesn't hurt to hope and dream from time to time. In my ideal world the manufacturer should concentrate only on the hardware and document it as much as possible and let the software to others (communities like for OpenELEC[*]). I know it's not possible in this world that's why I said my ideal world.

* I got to the conclusion that I almost always prefer to use open source software than closed one. First for the quality of the software and second by philosophy (even if I am not a coder and I can't understand a source code)

Feathers McGraw 2016-10-21 20:16

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1517125)
Whoo, that's news to me.
I have always referred the questionable places where human rights are not respected as "third world"

Mainly this means countries where you have death penalty, no gun control to speak of, no social benefits to people and generally are run by mob rule.

This really tickled me :D

mscion 2016-10-21 20:29

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 1517128)
You do know that you just basically described America, right?

Not my America!

gerbick 2016-10-21 20:39

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1517142)

Guys... I was honestly joking. Just making that clear to all.

Dave999 2016-10-21 20:41

Re: 3 Million Tizen Phones and 4th in market share
I think we need to get this thread back on track. And I do so By announcing the proclamation of independence, simply by stating that all countries with an average screen size of the total populatio, smaller than 55 inch will be counted as third world countries in this thread and beyond.

A funny thing was that when I was visiting Dubai last time, one family had bought 9 Samsung TVs(all tizen) and was about to check in :D stupid world.

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