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eekkelund 2017-05-02 19:51

Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
Since there is some small issues with autoposting from to TMO under @CommunityCouncil nick, I will post this myself.


Dear friends and Maemoans. It is again the time for us to elect the new Community Council.

The schedule for the voting process is as follows:

The nomination period starts next Monday, on the 1st of May 2017 and will continue until the 23rd of May 2017.
The election starts on Thursday, on the 1st of June 2017 and will continue until the 7th of June 2017. In order for us to keep the community strong, we need to have new people with fresh ideas to carry on the torch. So, please consider volunteering for the position of Maemo Council.

On behalf of the outgoing Community Council,

Link: Original article.

wicket 2017-05-02 20:53

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
How long is the council term? Is it now a whole year or did the last term just slip? I've no problem with either, I'm just curious.

Anyway, I nominate all current members of the council plus Android_808, Copernicus, endsormeans, gerbick, marxian, mosen, mscion, peterleinchen, rcolistete, robthebold, rzr, sicelo, t-b, theonelaw and Wikiwide.

juiceme 2017-05-03 07:43

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1527597)
How long is the council term? Is it now a whole year or did the last term just slip? I've no problem with either, I'm just curious.

You are correct there; the Council elections should be arranged twice per year but we were so tied in with arranging the Coding Competition that the timeline slipped past.
(Yes, I know that's a sorry excuse :D)


Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1527597)
Anyway, I nominate all current members of the council plus Android_808, Copernicus, endsormeans, gerbick, marxian, mosen, mscion, peterleinchen, rcolistete, robthebold, rzr, sicelo, t-b, theonelaw and Wikiwide.

Excellent nominations, and I also nominate wicket.

pichlo 2017-05-03 08:17

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my intention not to run in the Council election and not to accept any nominations.

Feathers McGraw 2017-05-03 13:15

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1527605)
I would like to take this opportunity to announce my intention not to run in the Council election and not to accept any nominations.


10 chars

pichlo 2017-05-03 14:17

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
It was not a joke. I am currently a Council member and some may expect me to run again. Plus wicket nominated all current members.

juiceme 2017-05-03 15:52

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
Indeed, it is just as acceptable to decline a nomination as to welcome it; there can be a ton of personal reasons why not run for Council seat.

Feathers McGraw 2017-05-03 18:47

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1527616)
It was not a joke.

It was the unusual wording that made me laugh, came across as quite sarcastic!

I nominate Dave999

^that is a joke.

chenliangchen 2017-05-03 20:12

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Feathers McGraw (Post 1527632)
It was the unusual wording that made me laugh, came across as quite sarcastic!

I nominate Dave999

^that is a joke.

That's actually not a too bad idea. We need something to drive Dave's attention and keep him busy from the refund business...

t-b 2017-05-03 21:32

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
@wicket I am flattered by your nomination, but I doubt I am the best man for the job - so I have to decline unless nobody else is willing... :)

It might be good to have some more technical members in the council, the members that are getting things done (or have done in the past).

Just to name a few, there are certainly more..

pali, Android_808, theKit, wicket, coderus, MartinK, freemangordon, Halftux, chenliangchen, dirkvl

wicket 2017-05-03 21:58

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
Thank you juiceme and t-b. I accept the nomination. :)


Originally Posted by t-b (Post 1527640)
It might be good to have some more technical members in the council, the members that are getting things done (or have done in the past).

Just to name a few, there are certainly more..

pali, Android_808, theKit, wicket, coderus, MartinK, freemangordon, Halftux, chenliangchen, dirkvl

Being technical sometimes helps but I'm not convinced that the council must be technical. Please don't let that be the reason for turning down the nomination. I know some of those you've suggested have previously declined nominations as they say that their time is better spent on technical stuff. Maybe mine too but I decided to accept the nomination as I have some ideas which I hope can benefit the community as a whole. I will post my candidate declaration soon™. ;)

peterleinchen 2017-05-04 02:12

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
Hey all,

as pichlo (whereas not being a member of the current council) I need to tell that I would not be a good part of council for this time.
Which does not mean I am off but ...
(thanks for being mentioned)

Nevertheless I have absolute no objections against a longer council term.
I had already proposed earlier to prolong the term to, let's say 9-12 months, instead of "only" 6 months.
These 6 months run very fast and we need also stabilty in 'these times of dusk'. (--edit: sorry!)

And for council it also takes away time to prepare/work the election.
Please share your thoughts

Halftux 2017-05-04 08:18

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I am fine with the suggestions from wicket and t-b.
And thank you for mention my name, however I would like to spend my time for so to say technical support.

I think I am really the wrong person for politics and organization and cannot fulfill this important position. Also I have to many other construction areas in my life which I need to get sorted first.

juiceme 2017-05-04 15:54

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
Indeed, the Council position does not require deep technical knowledge and is very well suitable for people who can dedicate few hours per week for community tasks.

Some technical knowledge is required from some council members but definitely not from all; that means mainly working with databases when setting up elections and maintaining upload/access rights to Maemo repositories.

Dave999 2017-05-04 20:30

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by chenliangchen (Post 1527635)
That's actually not a too bad idea. We need something to drive Dave's attention and keep him busy from the refund business...

Don't nominate me please. I don't have time join.

Hey, why don't you run for President of TMO?

I could however be in a council only responsible for the off topic section if that was requested. That's the part of TMO that is open source.

chenliangchen 2017-05-04 21:50

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by t-b (Post 1527640)
@wicket I am flattered by your nomination, but I doubt I am the best man for the job - so I have to decline unless nobody else is willing... :)

It might be good to have some more technical members in the council, the members that are getting things done (or have done in the past).

Just to name a few, there are certainly more..

pali, Android_808, theKit, wicket, coderus, MartinK, freemangordon, Halftux, chenliangchen, dirkvl

Thank you for nominating! It's a great honour. Council member also comes with great responsibility and I might not have enough time. Will keep support our community in other perspectives. :)

reinob 2017-05-05 19:26

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I'm afraid I will not candidate for the next term. I suffer from chronic lack of time, and sometimes I just cannot work with the enthusiasm that juiceme and eekkelund have. These two certainly must - and deserve to - be in the council again.

I'm happy that wicket has accepted the nomination. I'm sure he'd (or he will) be a great "acquisition" :)

I'd also like to explicitly nominate peterleinchen and mosen!

mosen 2017-05-05 22:24

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
How could i turn down two nominations :eek:
Thanks, i would be honored!

I frequently have to travel on very short notice and am unavailable for days though.
But I would be more than happy to use the time i already spend here to do some more effective things.

wicket 2017-05-17 22:36

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
There's less than a week left until the nomination period ends and we're short on candidates. As far as I can tell, only mosen and myself have put ourselves forward. Any more volunteers?

sicelo 2017-05-18 08:49

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1527597)
I nominate all current members of the council plus … sicelo

I had been hoping more suitable candidates than I would come up. I am accepting the nomination. Hopefully there will be more candidates in the upcoming days.

meet.vino 2017-05-18 10:01

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I am not being sarcastic or anything.. But what does this council do? What is a member of the council expected to do? Really sorry for asking a dumb question, but I would sincerely like to know..

juiceme 2017-05-18 10:16

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
Originally I thought I could pass this by as I have already been in Council for 7 terms already. (yes, I had to check it from the election results files to be sure!)

However, I am willing to step in as an example to others; it is really not that tasking position to be in so I encourage all to consider running for Council!

Note that to make it official, you need to send a message to the mailing list to announce your candidacy.

Here's the link to my announcement I just posted;

juiceme 2017-05-18 10:32

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by meet.vino (Post 1528107)
I am not being sarcastic or anything.. But what does this council do? What is a member of the council expected to do? Really sorry for asking a dumb question, but I would sincerely like to know..

There's no dumb questions; I think at least part of the Council responsibilities are documented in various parts of the Maemo Wiki but might not be easily found.

Main tasks of the Council are (at least) the following;
  • act as a common point of focus for community; all kinds of issues can be talked out with the Council and hopefully somethng comes out of it :)
  • meet regularily to discuss these issues brought to council
  • arrange all elections and referendums of the community
  • call up and orchestrate the annual GA meeting (meeting which selects the officials of the community)
  • care for the garage repository and build machine user priviliges
  • update the wiki documentation
  • keep the mailing list running

Other general tasks, like arranging the Coding Competition last year. (here you can insert anything else that you'd like to do/have/arrange)

Main requirements are willingness to dedicate some time to Community needs, to be able to participate in IRC meeting regularily (we have tried to keep that 1 meeting per week)
There are no strict technical abilities one needs to have, with the exception that someone in council needs to take care of the election machine which means some database skills.

eekkelund 2017-05-23 19:28

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
Kind reminder that today is the last day to announce your candidacy by posting it to the mailing list

Also I have chosen that I won't candidate for the next term. Reason is this famous 'no time' as I have lately become entrepreneur + have other job and studies.

I wish good luck for all candidates :)

sicelo 2017-05-24 08:17

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
made mine official: 2017-05-24 11:19

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1527597)
How long is the council term? Is it now a whole year or did the last term just slip? I've no problem with either, I'm just curious.

Anyway, I nominate all current members of the council plus (...) rzr (...)

Thanks I appreciate, but I am afraid I won't be able to do this as I did before, so I'd rather nominate *ALL* candidates that we're not elected before, I have nothing on elected ones, but it's good to give a extra chance to those who are supporting this community.

mosen 2017-05-24 11:28

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by eekkelund (Post 1528305)
Kind reminder that today is the last day to announce your candidacy by posting it to the mailing list

Also made it in time.
To be fair, i am on utc +2 so i missed by half an hour.
Schroedingers candidacy :p

wicket 2017-05-24 13:31

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1528327)
Also made it in time.
To be fair, i am on utc +2 so i missed by half an hour.
Schroedingers candidacy :p

I posted mine a few hours later. I'm on UTC -5 so it was actually still 23rd May here. ;)

My email hasn't appeared on the mailing list web archives yet. I got an automated message saying that it was awaiting moderation so I guess I just have to be patient.

As far as I can tell, we are still one candidate short to form a council. What happens now?

mike727 2017-05-24 13:56

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I could probably give it a crack. Exams are finished in two weeks, which finishes off the degree. So, I should have some spare time on my plate and I would love to help give back.
How many hours does it average per week?

Either way, I have been planning to go through threads; taking notes and summaries for updating wikis, etc.

sicelo 2017-05-24 17:25

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1528333)
As far as I can tell, we are still one candidate short to form a council. What happens now?

Of course I don't know how things will work out this time

wicket 2017-05-24 18:53

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by mike727 (Post 1528335)
How many hours does it average per week?

I'd very much like to know this too. If too many hours are required, it may be in the best interest of the council that I withdraw.


Originally Posted by juiceme
4 is the absolute minimum, if there are 4 candidates then election can be held and stub-council of 3 can proceed

I accepted my nomination as I currently have more free time than I did when I was nominated for previous terms, however it's possible that my amount of free time could be reduced in the coming months.

With all of the talk from existing council members about being unable to dedicate enough time, it has caused me some concern that I might end up falling into the same category. I would feel much more comfortable being on a council of 5 than a council of 3 so that council tasks could be better distributed. For the same reasons, I would also prefer to stick with a 6 month term as opposed to an extended period as peterleinchen suggested.

What's the current situation with karma points? Do all candidates qualify?

sicelo 2017-05-24 18:58

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
to be honest I do not have a lot of time on my hands either, and will be moving to a country with very bad Internet connections as soon as next week. However, it seems that in general, not much time is needed, unless something out of the ordinary comes up.

well, the duties are not very heavy.
tha main one is to listen if somebody needs something to be taken care of (which is pretty rare)

Wikiwide 2017-05-25 01:14

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
If I remember correctly, Council meetings happen once a week, and take approximately an hour (or half an hour?). The main thing is to agree on exact time (members are usually in very different timezones).

Chair (one member of Council, selected at first meeting of Council) takes care that all topics are discussed at the meeting (not forgotten), and summarises results of discussion as can be seen here: .

Example of a first meeting of just-elected Council:

I am quite surprised that I cannot find any posts by CommunityCouncil on TMO in 2017. Have people forgotten how to do it?.. I can send an HTML template from back when I was a Council chairman, long ago.

I do not visit TMO much (like, once a month or so), but I will try to visit #maemo-meeting more.

Best wishes. Thank you.
Per aspera ad astra...

juiceme 2017-05-25 10:05

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1528347)
What's the current situation with karma points? Do all candidates qualify?

We have now 4 accepted candidates, all with enough Karma points;

Mosen (524)
Sicelo (240)
Wicket (406)
Juiceme (1018)

Thanks for all Candidates!

This is enough, and we can proceed with the election of 3 Councillors for the next term.

juiceme 2017-05-25 10:08

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1528351)
I am quite surprised that I cannot find any posts by CommunityCouncil on TMO in 2017. Have people forgotten how to do it?.. I can send an HTML template from back when I was a Council chairman, long ago.

Thanks, I have to admit that the current Council has laxed a bit on the proper minutes upkeep. (and I am also partly to blame for that, sorry!)

It just happened so that there were quite many meetings with nothing important to report that when we actually did have stuff it was already a habit of not to make the minutes.

ibrakalifa 2017-05-25 15:23

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I vote for dave999

Android_808 2017-05-25 15:54

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
I feel as though I should just comment on wicket and t-b's nomination for myself as I haven't done so up until now.

As some of you know, I'm not that great at appearing on irc. I also do shift work plus covering 2 lots of maternity cover during and outside of my own hours at the moment (soon to be 1). As a result my time is quite limited depending on what week of my shift pattern it is.

To top it off, I've not been 100% since before christmas and have now been referred to the local hospital for checks. I don't think it is anything major but until I know what the story is I don't want to commit just in case.

wicket 2017-05-25 18:45

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement
My candidate declaration email has now been approved. :)


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1528364)
We have now 4 accepted candidates, all with enough Karma points;

Mosen (524)
Sicelo (240)
Wicket (406)
Juiceme (1018)

Thanks for all Candidates!

This is enough, and we can proceed with the election of 3 Councillors for the next term.

mike727 also put himself in the mix. Does he have enough karma? Is he too late? I'm concerned that a council of 3 might be spread a little thin, especially if a councillor later withdraws (which has happened before) or is later unable to dedicate as much free time to the council.

Dave999 2017-05-25 19:59

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1528374)
I vote for dave999

Thank you for your vote. Unfortunately I'm not in the game, I don't have time to make TMO great again. ;)

GL all...May the force be with you!

mike727 2017-05-26 01:52

Re: Q2 2017 Community Council Election Announcement

Originally Posted by wicket (Post 1528388)
mike727 also put himself in the mix. Does he have enough karma? Is he too late?

I think my TMO & accounts are now connected. My karma is most likely too low. I submitted the application more than 2 days late. Doesn't worry me, either way.

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