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suicidal_orange 2017-12-01 20:58

Any way to view browser history? (standard and webpirate)
Is there any way to view history in the standard Sailfish browser and/or webpirate? I have both set to store history but without knowing the start of the address I can't find a site I previously looked at and I'm not even sure which browser it was in so guessing isn't an option as I'd have to do it twice!

I guess both store it in a file even if I can't see it in the app, but I couldn't see anything obvious in the .folders...

Thanks in advance for any help.

peterleinchen 2017-12-01 21:49

Re: Any way to view browser history? (standard and webpirate)

Open terminal:

sqlite3 .local/share/org.sailfishos/sailfish-browser.sqlite

select url from browser_history;

for webcat or webpirate
yoj may take a look under
most probably under subfolder Databases (or LocalStorage)

suicidal_orange 2017-12-02 07:41

Re: Any way to view browser history? (standard and webpirate)
Thanks! A very different path to desktop apps, no wonder I couldn't find it...

suicidal_orange 2021-02-21 23:08

Re: Any way to view browser history? (standard and webpirate)
Just a note for anyone finding this today - the standard browser in Sailfish 4 has visible history with search.

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