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velox 2018-01-16 09:06

Nofono: SFOS ofono restarter
Sometimes, the ofono service on SailfishOS hangs, which may or may not look a little bit like this:

Since fiddling with the terminal to enter a root password (or waiting for the whole phone to be restarted) is a bit inconvenient at times, I stopped waiting for a real fix and essentially made a quick restart icon for ofono.

Get it on openrepos.
Improve it on github.

The code is heavily based on Sailcron. Thanks for the hard work!


deutch1976 2018-01-16 10:05

Re: Nofono: SFOS ofono restarter
Maybe this could help. I'll try it on mine

velox 2018-01-16 10:58

Re: Nofono: SFOS ofono restarter

Originally Posted by deutch1976 (Post 1540286)
Maybe this could help. I'll try it on mine

Thanks, changing the network mode may indeed help with some problems.
The networking button in Sailfish Utilities is another possible solution for some situations.

The one we encounter in my family requires a ofono restart, sadly.
On the bright side: If some of you have the same problem, Nofono may help get you back online quicker now. :)

deutch1976 2018-01-16 11:03

Re: Nofono: SFOS ofono restarter
The problem on my Aquafish is take besides it shows Network signal i stop receiving calls and text messages so i have to restart. Your app helps a bit :)

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