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DNA_Splice 2018-02-13 01:11

Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
Hello. I just noticed that there is no option to voice call or video call via Skype in my contacts. The only thing I can do is to send a IM. Strangely enough I can be called by someone on Skype and it works ok but it won't show as a contact but rather as a Skype login. Any idea how to fix it?

endsormeans 2018-02-13 01:55

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
well now...
that is interesting...
I have heard of some folks having weirdness with their skype on the n900...since M$ decided to start killing the all the fun for various devices...
Still works fine for the n8x0...

I imagine your sitch is solvable though...
since there are no reports yet of the n900 suffering terminal skype-death.

I'm sure one of the n900 gurus will input their input, understanding, suggestions and solutions ....
over the next week for you.

pichlo 2018-02-13 07:34

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
DNA_Splice is right, I also only have "Skype IM" but not "Skype call" or "Skype video call".
There is a "Call with Skype" which is a different animal. It is to call an ordinary phone number using your Skype credit. That one is still available.

DNA_Splice 2018-02-13 07:42

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1541089)
DNA_Splice is right, I also only have "Skype IM" but not "Skype call" or "Skype video call".
There is a "Call with Skype" which is a different animal. It is to call an ordinary phone number using your Skype credit. That one is still available.

I have never paid attention to Skype until yesterday when I needed it. I don't think that M$ has anything to do with this especially that I still can use my N900 for voice call if someone calls me. I suspect some minor bug or config glitch more then anything else.

endsormeans 2018-02-13 08:51

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
Well that right sucks.
Hopefully it can be sorted out for the n900...

CarlessDriver 2018-02-14 22:39

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
This might be something related to the recent Skype updates. I think there have been some changes to the online status system.

I have noticed that whenever I log into Skype on my N900 I cannot see my Skype contacts' online status anymore - everyone appears offline, and I would suspect that's why you can't Skype call anyone anymore.

If we're on the subject of missing features then I am also annoyed with the fact that Skype group chats do not work at all.

pichlo 2018-02-15 08:16

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM

Originally Posted by DNA_Splice (Post 1541090)
I don't think that M$ has anything to do with this especially that I still can use my N900 for voice call if someone calls me. I suspect some minor bug or config glitch more then anything else.

I think CarlessDriver is right. I have not made any changes to my setting for years, my Skype call functionality simply disappeared on its own. Most likely a protocol change: our outdated clients can no longer talk to the server and think they are disconnected.

DrYak 2018-02-15 09:33

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
Indeed they have changed their protocol, and legacy clients are left out.
Currently, the most up-to-date protocol seem to be their Web protocol.
  • that's what they use for the current official Skype for Linux package (it's basically the Web Skype, rolled together with Chromium browser thank to Electron frame work)
  • it also works fully on Linux simply with Chromium and Firefox (last I checked, chromium manages to make calls without any 3rd party plugin, only with WebRTC. I haven't checked Firefox recently)
  • it's supported by EionRobb's libSkypeWeb purple plugin under Pidgin/Adium/etc. (tough no support for WebRTC calls yet), but means you can get status+chat easily into anything that "talks purple".

Brodyga 2018-02-27 20:11

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
We still can make a skype call.
Just open dial pad from phone app, change cellular call to skype, open keyboard and type skype nickname (for example echo123) then press dial.

endsormeans 2018-02-27 22:29

Re: Skype no voice or video call. Only IM
well ...
good news still ...then...for the n900..
it is simply a matter of "convenience" in making calls...

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