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Rygir 2018-05-13 11:58

N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing
My N900 has developed an issue where the touchscreen seems to be pressing permanently somewhere on the screen. This means I can't operate the interface, unless via the keyboard.

In addition, long ago, the USB port came out...

It still boots, with the shortcut I can still call up the terminal.

What I need is a way to get all my data off of it.

What would be even better is if I could repair the screen and/or possibly the USB port... I've tried asking several shops but no one seems to be able to get a replacement screen, much less do they dare to install it. I have a spare N900 that I could cannibalize for parts, but I wouldn't want to end up with two broken phones.

Another possibility I thought of was to use the console to enable wifi and telnet in, then transfer everything wirelessly or set up a remote desktop control. But I have no idea how to do that...

Can anyone help?

t-b 2018-05-13 12:56

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing
You can check ebay for a 'digitizer' if that is the problem (could also be a failing connection)

If you have access to your N900 and keyboard is working you should be able to copy/paste everything you need to sd card.

This might be helpful to work with your device without touchscreen.

If you like to backup everything and copy it over to your spare N900 I suggest to install BackupMenu

I don't think touch screen is mandatory for any of these actions.

kinggo 2018-05-13 13:19

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing
from my experinece it's not the digitizer but rather the controler which is located on the LCD ribbon. I had that problem a few times and that's the reason why I retired my N900 a few years back after about 4th LCD replacement.

t-b 2018-05-13 13:23

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing
BTW.. your other question regarding remote desktop. Working with remote desktop will make working with the N900 more comfortable
Assuming you have a bit of Linux experience it shouldn't be too hard.

1 Install X11VNC from Extra-devel repository
2. Install a VNC Viewer on your PC
3. Start the X11VNC on N900
4. Start the VNC Viewer and PC and connect to the IP address of your N900

I have used it in the past and worked like a charm.

t-b 2018-05-13 13:33

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing

Originally Posted by kinggo (Post 1544266)
from my experinece it's not the digitizer but rather the controler which is located on the LCD ribbon. I had that problem a few times and that's the reason why I retired my N900 a few years back after about 4th LCD replacement.

Never had that fail on mine.. probably lucky.. however had 4 ones with dead telephony.
5 if you include one I sold to someone that had this issue pretty soon after receiving it..

pythoneye2 2018-05-13 16:59

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing
to enable a "saved" wifi connection from terminal follow

get the ip via ifconfig

no telnet but:

if you have ssh server installed you can just log in or remote mount it via sshfs.

if not you can install via

Otherwise you may use something from

depending on what you have installed.

Rygir 2018-05-15 15:46

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing
I don't know what to many answers and all of them useful :o
This is one special community... will see if I can get any further with these tips.

I think the main bottleneck will be that I will have to swap batteries mid-activities since I USB port came out.

I ran into one problem though : with my SIM card in, it requires touch screen to push the buttons to enter the Pin code... any wau to bypass that yet have access to SIM once it is booted?

HtheB 2018-05-16 13:09

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing

Originally Posted by Rygir (Post 1544334)

I ran into one problem though : with my SIM card in, it requires touch screen to push the buttons to enter the Pin code... any wau to bypass that yet have access to SIM once it is booted?

- Insert your SIM into another phone
- Disable the SIM PIN Code at the other phone.
- Re-insert SIM back in the N900.
- ???
- Profit!

pythoneye2 2018-05-16 14:20

Re: N900 touchscreen is "stuck", need help repairing

Originally Posted by Rygir (Post 1544334)
I think the main bottleneck will be that I will have to swap batteries mid-activities since I USB port came out.

if you like to tinker you can try a temporary cheap double.

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