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ronaldo79 2018-07-03 07:33

I need advise

Im getting a new contract and i have an option of to get nexus s or htc incredible s. im so confused which one i should go for. by the looks, i find nexus s really cool and it also has super amoled screen which makes everything look even better. but then htc incredible s has a better camera and has more ram(768mb in total) and a snapdragon 1GHZ processor where as nexus s has ARM Cortex A8 1GHz processor and 512 mb ram. what do you guyz this is better to go for. a quick help will be greatly appreciated!

oh n btw.. i will keep my n900 too :P im never gonna sell or get rid of my n900

thanks all

endsormeans 2018-07-03 08:39

Re: I need advise
excellent choices....

both phones with less than a gig of ram ....
In fact ...even mashing the pair together and adding the ram of both ...
it is what?
1 1/4 gb of ram?

hell of a contract deal you got there.

Get locked back into the contract with ...
my pick of....


since contracts cost what?
on average how much more than simply buying a phone?

and since what companies do is offer either garbage devices...
such as the above 2 models you mention...
or ..
they offer middling to almost top of the line for an exorbitant cost.

you are better off grabbing 2 nexus 5's ...
with 2 gigs of ram apiece...
with no contract...
for $100

than get locked in for 2 years or more ...
for sub par new shiny-shiny.

badpixel 2018-07-03 08:59

Re: I need advise
That's true, both phones has less RAM tan old Nokia n9, which is much better phone (still using it as daily driver, and except unusable Web Browser[old certs and f***** https everyehere profeam] I'm really happy with it)

Recently I was buying new/simlock free Nokia 3 in retail for less than $100 (330zl in Poland) that went on sale. Much higher specced, latest Android + guaranted Android updates for 2yrs(Google One program). No SailfishOS, etc, but I bought them for coworkers(company wanted budget sub $100 android phones and I found it). The only drawback are UK chargers with adapters but for that price, they are no brainer.

endsormeans 2018-07-03 09:11

Re: I need advise

getting locked into a multiyear contract with either of the phones with specs like those the op posted...
why ...
I would sooner use a melon-baller to scoop out my eye sockets....
I would rather use itching powder on my delicacies than gold bond..
I would rather get instantaneous full and complete head cancer from one of these old babies...

Feel free everyone...
post your "I would rather..."
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