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endsormeans 2018-08-06 23:39

Wicked. Zerophone being built live on Twitch

Happening now :D

theonelaw 2018-08-07 01:38

Re: Wicked. Zerophone being built live on Twitch

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1547027)

HA haha hahaha ! :D

This defies vocabulary.

How to summarize the feeling
of watching someone else
going through a 'painstaking' procedure
that will obviously consume weeks of bandwidth to witness.

Words fail.

I bailed when he took a break waiting for the board to cool.

But still - this kind of tool is very important,
I thank you for pointing this resource out - amazing.

endsormeans 2018-08-07 04:06

Re: Wicked. Zerophone being built live on Twitch
I gotta admit it was educational...
and illuminating ...very..
But Francis Ford Coppella he is not..

and yes...
It had moments where it was as painful to watch as cysts forming on one's eyeballs

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