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NotMicro 2018-08-10 15:11

Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.
I have a problem with playing audio through built-in soundcard in my notebook.
I wonder if there is any chance to use N900 as external soundcard connected to notebook via USB port (for examle using USB hostmode).
Has anybody any idea how to do that?

pichlo 2018-08-10 16:00

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.
Dunno, but it can work as a DLNA client. Have you considered that option?

nieldk 2018-08-10 18:18

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.
Well, yes. You can use the n900 as a pulseaudio sink.

NotMicro 2018-08-13 11:25

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1547110)
Well, yes. You can use the n900 as a pulseaudio sink.

Thank you very, very much for this answer.

Nevertheless, I am using on my notebook Windows XP SP3. Is there any chance to use above method on this system? If not - could you please explain in a few words how to connect my N900 to linux and use it as soundcard?

nieldk 2018-08-13 14:58

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.

Originally Posted by NotMicro (Post 1547151)
Thank you very, very much for this answer.

Nevertheless, I am using on my notebook Windows XP SP3. Is there any chance to use above method on this system? If not - could you please explain in a few words how to connect my N900 to linux and use it as soundcard?

Its not USB, but like the answer before mine, streaming on network. Pulseaudio for Windows is not really all up-to-date. But you can have a look at this site if you want to try it.

Halftux 2018-08-13 15:33

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.
On your windows laptop use vlc player to send the stream over tcp rtp.
And maybe for the N900 use the UI-less rvlc to play the stream.

Not tried yet by myself but could work.

Halftux 2018-08-13 17:13

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.
So I tried now stream over http with vlc and using the mediaplayer on n900 (internetradio).
I used wifi network but should work with usb network too and it has 3 seconds delay.

However to get all windows sound streamed you need for example icecast which you can easy configure with altacast and stream over http the stereomixer sound in ogg format. For the N900 you need to install ogg-support and open mediaplayer....
This method has a 13 seconds delay.

Halftux 2018-08-14 08:21

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.
So I could not make pulsaudio for windows to have an output only to have an input.:(
Maybe I did something wrong.

And I was rethinking about the streaming solution with a cast software it could be that is not working when your soundcard has for example driver problems.
So I guess then you need to install a virtual sound card.
It would be good to have a look here.

Anyway I would buy a cheap usb sound card.

NotMicro 2018-08-14 12:39

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1547171)
So I could not make pulsaudio for windows to have an output only to have an input.:(
Maybe I did something wrong.

And I was rethinking about the streaming solution with a cast software it could be that is not working when your soundcard has for example driver problems.
So I guess then you need to install a virtual sound card.
It would be good to have a look here.

Anyway I would buy a cheap usb sound card.

Wow, thanks a lot. It is really impressive. I didn't think about that solution. I will try all this software as soon as possible. I have only one question (slightly off-topic) - is there any chance to stream audio to microphone jack on my laptop?

NotMicro 2018-08-14 12:42

Re: Nokia N900 as external usb soundcard.

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1547158)
Its not USB, but like the answer before mine, streaming on network. Pulseaudio for Windows is not really all up-to-date. But you can have a look at this site if you want to try it.

Thank you once again. Maybe you know how to do it in reverse direction - I mean how to stream audio from Windows to N900 using "USB network" ?

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