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rinigus 2018-08-21 05:35

WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
2 Attachment(s)

on Osmo's suggestion, I am going to fork WhoGo Maps and publish my work under a new map application. This is mainly due to the lack of Osmo's time to review all the changes and, as a consequence, to move forward with the map application development. This fork is planned to be permanent and maintained by me.

There is some ground work to be done for proper forking, including arrangement of new API access codes and making translation pages.

The big part that has to be done before release is in finding
  • new name
  • new icons

And here, with the new name and icon, I would like to ask for help. Please use this thread to suggest the name for new app. If needed, we can later make a poll in respect to it.

If you are good with icons, please make one. Its investment in time to make an icon, so warn others that you are on it.

The name of the app would be ideally reflecting its nature. I would like to keep options open in respect of the platform support. I think, while not trivial, its possible to port the current code to other Linux platforms (Nemo, Ubuntu Touch, desktop), so, maybe SFOS could be kept out of it. However, we can always refer to the roots as well. Think about unique features, maybe modularity of backends, how to stand out in the crowd.

As for timeline, I would like to get it all up and running by the end of this week. The new code is ready and tested over ~2K km drive. I may tweak few things, but otherwise, it should be OK. So, the release is mainly behind finding the name, icon, and some behind the scenes work.

Edit: just few screenshots are added

claustn 2018-08-21 06:30

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
maeMaps? OSDrive (open street drive)? SFOSDrive? HereWeDrive?

pichlo 2018-08-21 06:39

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
How about getting an inspiration from Patchmanager and others and naming it very imaginatively, WhoGo 2? ;)

rinigus 2018-08-21 06:44

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
Great, great, keep them coming. Tiny detail : we have some providers that use not OSM but some other data. I will probably add Here, since, as pointed out by Osmo, they just made a good free plan for their data.

rinigus 2018-08-21 06:46

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1547333)
How about getting an inspiration from Patchmanager and others and naming it very imaginatively, WhoGo 2? ;)

That would depend on Osmo, I consoder WhoGo his trademark and, in future , he may want to develop WhoGo further, which will make 2 or NG bit odd.

itdoesntmatt 2018-08-21 06:51

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
I would like to suggest the name PureMaps, since it recalls the roots of this project (Poormaps) and at the same time pure let me think about something free from (google and others) contamination.

pichlo 2018-08-21 07:34

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by rinigus (Post 1547335)
That would depend on Osmo, I consoder WhoGo his trademark

Yes, of course. It was early in the morning, I was not yet fully alert and missed the tiny detail that you are not Osmo :o

How about WhereYouGo, then? ;)

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 08:46

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
1 Attachment(s)
Maybe something like that?

nthn 2018-08-21 08:54

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity

Originally Posted by Fellfrosch (Post 1547341)
Maybe something like that?

If you turn that 90 degrees clockwise, it looks like a looking glass, otherwise it just looks like an icon.

Fellfrosch 2018-08-21 08:58

Re: WhoGo Maps fork looks for name and visual identity
I would support @itdoesntmatt with PureMaps even so WhereYouGo is also quite nice. But then I would find WhereWeGo better, just to make clear it's the community which goes somewhere and choose this masterpiece of Sailfish software.

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