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branja 2018-08-24 09:20

New user
Hello people! :)

Sorry for creating a new thread but I have some important questions, and I hope that somebody can help me out with these.

I have recently purchased an Intex Aquafish. It is an excellent device, and SFOS is simply brilliant.
How can I trick my Intex to think it's Jolla C (but a total noob guide, please)?
Can you recommend some of the best native apps?
What is the best store for Android apps?
Are there any apps for syncing my Xiaomi Mi Band 2 with the Intex?

Tnx in advance and sorry for my poor English skills

aspergerguy 2018-08-24 11:01

Re: New user
Welcome to the forum, presumably you have come across this resource already?

With reference to apps. remember majority of Sailfish users probably using Sony Xperia X now so most information to be gleaned from there.

branja 2018-08-24 18:41

Re: New user
Also, how.can I install warehouse app? I'm on SFOS

taixzo 2018-08-24 19:09

Re: New user
Hi branja. Warehouse app no longer works on latest Sailfish; you should instead install Storeman from this link.

kuba77 2018-08-24 22:03

Re: New user
Best native apps? It depends on what you need... Muuzik! (folder based music player), OSM Scout (openstreetmap offline), Piepmatz (for Twitter), Quickddit (for Reddit), LLs vPlayer (videos player), TwitchTube and so many more apps :)

Best store for Android apps is probably Yalp Store (which downloads apps from Google Play store) and F-Droid (only opensource apps, and you can download there the Yalp Store)

branja 2018-08-26 09:29

Re: New user
Is it normal that battery drained by 10% overnight (none of the apps were opened and the phone was set on an airplane mode)?
How long does the battery usually lasts on a single charge?

pichlo 2018-08-26 14:05

Re: New user
My Jolla 1 drops from 100% to 90% by the time I get to work. That is about 45 minutes by car on a good day, with the phone in the pocket. But of course that is with all radio on and checking for emails every 30 minutes. Over 3/4G.

A 10% drop overnight is absolutely normal, again with all radio on. In an aeroplane mode I would expect it to drain a bit less, but I suppose it depends on what you have running. I have heard that Android support drains the battery. I wouldn't know, I don't have it installed.

branja 2018-08-26 14:50

Re: New user
Thank you for the info. I'll try to turn off Android support overnight (along with an airplane mode and all of the radios), and I'll see how much of the battery was drained.

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