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homejogger 2018-09-30 15:54

sorry wrong forum
4 Attachment(s)
Just realize this forum is Hardware only. My appologizes.
Since most Repos are no longer working(lack of depends), I can't use 'apt-get install' to add Wgames/Filebox on my N900.

So I searched and downloaded the 43GB Maemo-software-mirror. zip

Luckly I did find the packages I need(bzip2,preenv,libgles1 in deb files), but when I tried to install it locally, it keeps saying 'Unable to install,Incompatible application package'(Same problems for all the deb files I copied)

Does anyone have ideas about it?

Please do me a help.

DA5 2018-10-01 01:57

Re: sorry wrong forum
Does it also give errors when trying to install those packages with dpkg?

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