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Gamerouge 2018-10-31 21:37

Music service on Nokia N9 2018
Hello friends!

I am trying to figure out if it is any musicservice-application that works on a Nokia N9 in 2018?
Meespot does not work, due to Spotify closing their servers to other systems other than Android/IOS.

Do you guys know ANY service that does work?
Or do I simply have to load my old CD's to the computer and put them in the phone?

Best regards

kick 2018-11-01 02:16

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018
Try using musikcloud its a soundcloud client that *should* still work(even if a lil slow on searching stuff(or maybe that's just my internet connection))

kick 2018-11-01 02:18

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018
Or you know you could just download a **** load of music from the internet(not to brag or anything but I have a collection of 7 gigabytes)

lancewex 2018-11-01 02:24

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018

Originally Posted by kick (Post 1549895)
Or you know you could just download a **** load of music from the internet(not to brag or anything but I have a collection of 7 gigabytes)

Don't worry, that's not brag-worthy.

bradvesp 2018-11-01 12:44

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018

Originally Posted by Gamerouge (Post 1549888)

Or do I simply have to load my old CD's to the computer and put them in the phone?

You should still load your old CDs, I mean you liked them when you bought them, I bet there's still some quality audio there that you'd enjoy on a new medium. I rip one or two old albums a year into digital formats. It's often how I spend my new years eve.

Gamerouge 2018-11-01 20:27

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018

Originally Posted by bradvesp (Post 1549915)
You should still load your old CDs, I mean you liked them when you bought them, I bet there's still some quality audio there that you'd enjoy on a new medium. I rip one or two old albums a year into digital formats. It's often how I spend my new years eve.

Yeah, it might not be a bad idea.
Right now I can't even remember how to get a hold of the filesystem in the N9 from a PC.

Gamerouge 2018-11-01 20:29

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018

Originally Posted by kick (Post 1549894)
Try using musikcloud its a soundcloud client that *should* still work(even if a lil slow on searching stuff(or maybe that's just my internet connection))

Will check it out!

PaveL12 2018-11-08 09:43

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018
Also, native YouTube client still works.. so, with these servers closed down, there's zero chance for Spotify working again on N9?

kapu2 2018-11-18 00:28

Is there a version of MusiKloud that still works? Genuinely curious. I uninstalled it over a year ago because it stopped working.

PaveL12 2018-11-19 20:20

Re: Music service on Nokia N9 2018

Originally Posted by kapu2 (Post 1550851)
Is there a version of MusiKloud that still works?

There's MusiKloud2 and it's still working well, It can be found on Openrepos..

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