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1896er 2018-11-08 12:39

Problems while installing Modrana
I have problems while installing Modrana on my new N900.

The packages
libespeak (1.46.22) and espeak-data (1.46.22) are needed but not installed.

Where can I get these packages? And how I have to install them? I'm not very firm in Linux and a newbie on N900.


justmemory 2018-11-08 12:47

Re: Problems while installing Modrana

Originally Posted by 1896er (Post 1550245)
Where can I get these packages? And how I have to install them?


apt-get install espeak
should solve the problem; at least

apt-get install libespeak espeak-data
If that does not help than you should check your repository settings or at least you can download packages from here and then manually install those with root access and

dpkg -i

Btw. the modrana version that is in maemo repos isn't the latest; I can confirm that the latest version on github works on n900 (thanks MartinK :) )

pichlo 2018-11-08 13:11

Re: Problems while installing Modrana

Originally Posted by 1896er (Post 1550245)
Where can I get these packages?

From Extras:

You do not get them from my link. It is just for demonstration that they are available. You make sure you have Extras included in your App Manager and then just install Modrana the normal way. It will pull all dependencies automatically.

Alternatively, do as justmemory says and install them manually from the command line.

sixwheeledbeast 2018-11-08 13:23

Re: Problems while installing Modrana
Just make sure you have working Extras and Nokia repos and they should install fine through the application manager.

1896er 2018-11-08 13:37

Re: Problems while installing Modrana
They are two repositories enabled: Community SSU and
Disabled are Community SSU (testing), Community SSU (devil) and Community SSU (thump). The three Nokia repos not work. I've disabled them.
There isn't any "Extra" repository...? How can I include it?

I found this in the wiki:
The Extras repository is pre-configured on the N900 and listed as and is enabled by default in PR1.1.

But repo is enabled... And Modrana install failed...

sixwheeledbeast 2018-11-08 13:55

Re: Problems while installing Modrana
You need at least community extras and nokia repos working to have the application manager work correctly.
There are mirrors about to get the nokia ones back up, have a look on the forum and wiki for links.
You can check which packages are available for which repos at

pichlo 2018-11-08 14:00

Re: Problems while installing Modrana

Originally Posted by 1896er (Post 1550256)
But repo is enabled...

But is it set up properly? It should look something like this:

catalogues = extras

name = maemo Extras
uri =
components = free non-free

See also sixwheeledbeast's reply above.

1896er 2018-11-08 14:29

Re: Problems while installing Modrana
I have to add the "extras" catalogue manually in application manager? I can't see any extra repo now...

1896er 2018-11-08 15:45

Re: Problems while installing Modrana
So, I'm sorry: YES, the extra-repository was installed! It is named:

But Modrana can't be installed...

Ok, but now I have to search for the Nokia repos...

1896er 2018-11-08 16:12

Re: Problems while installing Modrana
Here is a reply from a forum's member in another thread. I think, this is the problem:

The problem is, that espeak is in an inconsistent state in the extras repository. [1]
The newest version of the espeak package there is 1.46.22, while for its dependencies espeak-data and libespeak the newest version is 1.46.27. espeak needs exact version matches for its dependencies, but since apt-get tries to install the most recent version, this creates a conflict that can't be resolved.

dirty stopgap:
A: Manually download and install the three packages in version 1.46.22.
B: Install espeak from extras-devel, where espeak is in a consistent state. [2]

I need versions 1.46.27 from espeak, espeak-data and libespeak. If I want do download and install from extras-devel, which version is right for me: i386.deb or armel.deb?

Edit: I found the answer myself. BUT: If I try to install libespeak 1.46.27 from here:

App-Manager will NOT install it, cause the catalogue (repo) is not compatible... I have enabled all repos on the phone: CSSU, CSSU testing, CSSU devel and CSSU thump...

Any idea?


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