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nthn 2018-11-30 10:43

How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?
The charging port on mine broke (plugging it in the charger, the battery is actually drained instead of charged) and I want to put in a new one. I've read it's easy to disassemble and solder in a new microUSB port, but as there are no screws anywere, I'm not sure how to start pulling it apart without breaking anything.

endsormeans 2018-11-30 10:48

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?

endsormeans 2018-11-30 10:48

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?
"without" breaking anything....


endsormeans 2018-11-30 10:50

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?

nthn 2018-11-30 11:03

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?

pichlo 2018-11-30 11:17

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?
Come on, nthn, it wasn't that bad!

coderus 2018-11-30 11:25

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?
gently remove top and bottom plastic pads and unscrew some screws

nthn 2018-11-30 12:03

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?

Originally Posted by coderus (Post 1551318)
gently remove top and bottom plastic pads and unscrew some screws

Thanks! I removed the black plastic pads and unscrewed the screws that were revealed (three in the front and four in the back). It looks like the back side is attached with five clips. I can easily unclip the side with three clips, but the two clips on the other side are stuck. It also seems like the two white strips with the buttons and microUSB port should come off, but they won't budge. Am I missing a step or are they just really hard to take off?

Edit: the white strips are attached to the back side, and were just really hard to take off. I can now confirm that the tablet is easy to pry open.

deutch1976 2018-11-30 12:27

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?
Some pictures and a soft DIY would be great for others :)

feedme 2018-11-30 15:44

Re: How can you disassemble the Jolla Tablet?
Remove SD card!!!!!!!!!!

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