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madstunt 2018-12-04 12:23

Latest browser
Hi guys.
I resurrected my N9, and plan to use occasionally.
I would like to know which is the latest and most up to date browser standardswise for harmattan. The default browser and the opera mini can't even load recaptchas sadly

Thank you lads for the help in advance

Macros 2018-12-04 18:21

Re: Latest browser
If those two fail I sometimes have success with MeeFox, but its quite slow and the interface wasn't made for me. ;)
If anybody knows something better, I too would be happy to know.

K.Sharon 2018-12-12 12:02

Re: Latest browser
safari 12 is best suitable updated browser for harmattan.

endsormeans 2018-12-12 12:38

Re: Latest browser
Excellent first post!
If anything...I memorable.

I take it ...that ithe latest safari 12 is available in the nokia apps store?

Hey everybody!
I got him!!!
I just knew it!!
Steve Jobs isn't dead!
he's still alive, in disguise, and trolling us here at tmo!

Ah gawd...!
Thank you Stev- err...K. Sharon...
(*loud whisper voice*) don't worry ...your secret is safe with me (wink wink) *

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