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gryllida 2019-01-16 04:38

jami chat - GNU Jami - have android app but seems nothing for maemo

juiceme 2019-01-16 07:39

Re: jami chat

Originally Posted by gryllida (Post 1552821) - GNU Jami - have android app but seems nothing for maemo

Neat, have you ported it?

pichlo 2019-01-16 09:46

Re: jami chat
Yet another chat that no one uses. Great.

eson 2019-01-16 10:44

Re: jami chat

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1552826)
Yet another chat that no one uses. Great.

Not really. It's the former Ring.

pichlo 2019-01-16 10:48

Re: jami chat

Originally Posted by eson (Post 1552829)
It's the former Ring.

Same thing. No one uses. At least no one I know.

endsormeans 2019-01-16 16:49

Re: jami chat
"Jami chat" ?
it isn't new!
its been around for hundreds of years...
why I remember as a kid ...$medium$

we used to sit around and "jami chat" all the time...

catbus 2019-01-16 18:24

Re: jami chat
^You are there in the middle? ... or left front?

endsormeans 2019-01-16 18:33

Re: jami chat
Oh god no....
This isn't MY family!
Who in their right sane mind ...makes their entire family wear the same outfits and patterns?!?!?!
This is a family of psychopaths...
They look like the freakin' "Borg" from star trek...
Frightens me!

I just followed them home from the local Walmart...
If you look will see a pair of eyes peering from underneath the couch...
I am just waiting for them to all go to bed I can steal and fence their X-Boxes, Playstations and Stupidphones

wicket 2019-01-16 19:32

Re: jami chat

Originally Posted by gryllida (Post 1552821)
but seems nothing for maemo

It's already available in Maemo Leste...

gryllida 2019-01-17 01:31

Re: jami chat
Hi juiceme, eson, wicket :-)

It is a debian package but doesn't porting also include writing UI for Hildon also? I think Wikiwide suggests writing it as a telepathy (?) plugin to better integrate it into the system

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