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Thaodan 2019-04-17 07:54

SailfishOS/Jolla usersgroup in Cologne/Bonn, Germany
Hey user,

I'm current looking for interested user for a SailfishOS /Jolla user group in the area of Bonn/Cologne or near NRW, Germany.
I've already made a post at it.
If you are interested leave comment here, at jolla-together
or join the telegram group.

Here a quote as reference:

Hey sailors :)

I'm looking for interested sailors in the Cologne/Bonn area of Germany for a user group much like the one that meets every month at C-base in Berlin. I thought of something like a FSFE Local Group(eg. but for SailfishOS/Jolla related topics.

If you are interested and/or have an idea, please comment and if enough users are interested I'll look for locations.

A possible localtion would be the Bonnlab.

EDIT/Update: I've created a Telegram group to meetup and decide for a date; please ping me on freenode at #sailfishos or in Telegram at SailfishOS Fan Club/Community for invitation.

Have a nice day.

olf 2019-06-18 21:47

Re: SailfishOS/Jolla usersgroup in Cologne/Bonn, Germany
Let's try to find a timeslot appropriate for as many people as possible for a monthly meeting in Bonn at the SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne).

P.S.: This TJC thread provides the same content as this one at TMO, but received way more replies, hence let us try to keep the discussion there to avoid fragmenting it.

olf 2019-09-06 23:34

Re: SailfishOS/Jolla usersgroup in Cologne/Bonn, Germany
For the first (hopefully regular) meeting of the SailfishOS User Group Bonn, see and discuss at

olf 2019-10-07 21:19

Re: SailfishOS/Jolla usersgroup in Cologne/Bonn, Germany
Just to remind everyone to attend the second meeting, this Thursday.

mosen 2019-10-08 09:33

Re: SailfishOS/Jolla usersgroup in Cologne/Bonn, Germany
Bump @peterleinchen, @cy8aer and @blueslee.
I could do Shuttle from and to Ddorf.

peterleinchen 2019-10-08 18:52

Re: SailfishOS/Jolla usersgroup in Cologne/Bonn, Germany
Thanks for the offer. But it looks like I need to work late (CDT).
If I can manage I will ping you once more...

olf 2019-10-13 20:57

Re: SailfishOS/Jolla usersgroup in Cologne/Bonn, Germany
Aftermath of the second meeting.

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