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ydb 2019-06-03 16:55

N900 Sound Still From Speakers When Headphones connected

Few days ago I bought a Nokia N900 , just for play as a small linux toys:),.So I remove a lot of phone functions such as rtcom,address book...I followed ruskie's remove list and remove some other packages on my own.My N900 works well after reboot .

The only problem is that sound continues came from speaker , when I connect my headphones.The system show a headphone icon when connected, so it won't be a hardware problem.I think it's some packages I removed causes this,but I don't know which one.

Does anyone know which missing package may cause such a problem?

Sorry for my bad English,I hope it's not confuse you guys.thank you for reading.

ontime 2019-06-03 17:39

Re: N900 Sound Still From Speakers When Headphones connected
'ohmd' should be running and listening at least

as root:
# lsof -i

ohmd 779 root 7u IPv4 4271 UDP localhost:3002
ohmd 779 root 36u IPv4 4408 UDP localhost:3001

ydb 2019-06-04 15:05

Re: N900 Sound Still From Speakers When Headphones connected

Originally Posted by ontime (Post 1557582)
'ohmd' should be running and listening at least

Thanks for reply! I run lsof -i, it's really not have "ohmd" runing or listening ,but it's already been install on my device,so how can I activate that daemon?

Best Wishes

ontime 2019-06-04 17:19

Re: N900 Sound Still From Speakers When Headphones connected
as root:

# start ohmd

file '/etc/event.d/ohmd' must exists

also you can check this:

for speakers on:
amixer -qc0 set "Speaker Function" On
amixer -qc0 set "Right DAC_R1 Mixer HP" unmute
amixer -qc0 set "Left DAC_L1 Mixer HP" unmute

for speakers off:
amixer -qc0 set "Speaker Function" Off
amixer -qc0 set "Right DAC_R1 Mixer HP" mute
amixer -qc0 set "Left DAC_L1 Mixer HP" mute

It's no matter if headset / eaphones are plugged in.

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