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baptx 2019-06-10 16:41

N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?
I had PR 1.1.1 installed on Nokia N900 and after flashing to PR 1.3, I noticed that the pre-installed N900 commercial video "Nokia_N900.mp4" has a different background music :D
Did you also notice and do you have an idea why it was changed? Maybe a copyright problem?
The previous music was nice and it was weird to see it changed. The original commercial is still on YouTube:

wolke 2019-06-10 16:43

Re: Nokia commercial video changed the background music after update?
what year is it?!

baptx 2019-06-10 16:47

Re: N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?
@wolke I never used Nokia N900 before and bought it in 2019 since Neo900 was cancelled and my Nokia N9 SIM slot stopped working ;)

robthebold 2019-06-10 16:50

Re: N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?
Never too late to get your first N900! Unless supported 3g bands have disappeared where you need to use it :(

pichlo 2019-06-10 17:35

Re: N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?
I never noticed the change. But then, preinstalled pictures and videos are usually the first thing I delete from every phone I lay my grabby paws on.
Without ever bothering to watch them.

endsormeans 2019-06-10 17:42

Re: N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?
What the last guy said
(gotcha back pichlo :D)

and to add to Robs statement...
even when 3g disappears...
The n900 STILL will be a superior device to what is out there

endsormeans 2019-06-10 17:45

Re: N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?
And wolke....
it is 2019 the last time I checked my astrolabe.

robthebold 2019-06-11 15:42

Re: N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1557766)
The n900 STILL will be a superior device to what is out there

I'd forgotten that I still use my N900 in the living room periodically. It's got that IR emitter I use with Pierogi to control the components of my A/V system, the XMBC remote to control my Kodi box, SSH and a keyboard to fix most anything that goes wrong in Kodi or the Myth server in the basement (and gnumeric to keep track of finances during commercials ;) ). Sadly the browser isn't compatible with the Home Assistant web interface. That would really be the living room quadruple-crown.

Edit to add that the SFOS browser doesn't work with HA either :mad:

endsormeans 2019-06-11 17:00

Re: N900 commercial video changed the background music after update?
I have one n800 hooked up to my surround sound system in my studio / workshop...pumping out gad....zillions of tunes ...and keeping an eye on rss feeds ...
another n800 in my study ...beside a comfy chair ....for reading and listening to tunes....
yet another in my pack ...I take to work (along with an n900 to putter with...) filled with books and music and film...(2 32gb cards can pack a lot of ***** I'll tell you...)
and an n810 in the kitchen in a easy to remove mount on the wall ...filled with recipes ...

My NITs are so pervasive in my life ...its like a razor or a wristwatch or a toothbrush ...for me.... after so many years...
they are an extra limb I don't think about...unless I pointedly do so.

Then of course there are the NITs I have for puttering with...
that is always a constant joy.

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