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deutch1976 2019-06-13 21:03

Speculation or not it is being talked

Wikiwide 2019-06-14 05:04

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked
Sailfish-based Russia-owned Aurora OS to run on Huawei phones instead of Android OS? Not the same as , at all. See And there are rumours about Mer being combined with Sailfish OS:

tortoisedoc 2019-06-14 07:10

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked

Originally Posted by Wikiwide (Post 1557838)
Sailfish-based Russia-owned Aurora OS to run on Huawei phones instead of Android OS? Not the same as , at all. See And there are rumours about Mer being combined with Sailfish OS:

Rumors of mer combined? I thought it happened already?

mosen 2019-06-14 09:54

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked
Would love to read a comment from our russian friends here!
Does the article sound like it is a repetition of rumors or is there mention of any facts in that story?

EDIT, also this one here:

mariusmssj 2019-06-14 10:27

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked
Yes would be nice to have a summary of the Russian news on this subject :)

DDark 2019-06-14 10:35

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1557844)
Would love to read a comment from our russian friends here!
Does the article sound like it is a repetition of rumors or is there mention of any facts in that story?

EDIT, also this one here:

No new facts in the article.

deutch1976 2019-06-14 11:33

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked
More rumours

mosen 2019-06-14 12:03

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked
Ok, so there is some translation of the juicy bits in the article @deutch linked:


According to two sources of TheBell, the publication that broke this story, the question of Huawei using Russia’s Aurora OS was raised during the meeting of Russian president Vladimir Putin and China’s president Xi Jinping. The same source mentions that China is already testing devices with Aurora OS and we know from before that Sailfish is officially present in China. Apart from Huawei and other using OS, the discussions also mentioned the possibility of setting up joint ventures in Russia for production of silicone and software.

catbus 2019-06-14 17:39

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked
Why not original Sailfish? - Ooh... Maybe Mr Putin has more political influence than Mr Niinistö?

nthn 2019-06-16 15:16

Re: Speculation or not it is being talked

Originally Posted by catbus (Post 1557864)
Why not original Sailfish?

"We pay for your Russian mobile OS, you buy our Chinese stocks, win-win", probably as simple as that. Although normal Sailfish is probably almost the same as the Russian fork, there is more to gain from a partnership where the partner can also invest in 'them' (whether that's Huawei itself or Chinese activities in general), especially considering that the meeting (logically) also explicitly discussed economic cooperation in other fields. It's all fine as long as the improvements to Aurora OS trickle back to Sailfish OS.

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