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Karanpreet 2019-08-03 05:50

Help with flashing. No device connected
I just bought new n900 and it is on 1.1 i tried to flash it but my pc says no device connected. Couldn’t find any usb driver for n900.
Please help

peterleinchen 2019-08-03 07:12

Re: Help with flashing. No device connected
It seems you did not search thoroughly.
All info ils availabke and even the binaries are here on TMO (or sourceforge).

libusb is the keyword, needed for 64 Windows.
or use a VM of XP 32
(no idea regarding Win10 but should do)

Or just use a linux system!

Okay, I need to admit the search engine hers on TMO is not the best.
Nevertheless the search with givsen keyword 'libusb' spit out as the last entry on first page following clear named thread
" How to reflash N900 in Windows 7 64bit "

Just head over to the last post and all info there...

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