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switch-hitter 2019-08-10 18:16

Symbian is alive
Do the details of Huawei's 'new' Harmony OS have a certain ring of familiarity? They did to me too and after a bit of Googling...

I also understand Xiaomi and Oppo are weighing it up.

Now wouldn't it be an irony if the OS that started to challenge Android's dominance was the spawn of Symbian :D

mscion 2019-08-11 02:12

Re: Symbian is alive
Too bad they didn't use meego...

endsormeans 2019-08-11 04:11

Re: Symbian is alive
Where have I heard that name before...??

Isn't that the brand of one of those super vibrators...??

I must be thinking of Sybian !

suicidal_orange 2019-08-13 10:35

Re: Symbian is alive
Been using my 808 Pureview for the past week due to a smashed Xperia X screen, Symbian still makes sense while passing me an Android device leads to frustration.

Interesting development, maybe in a few years I'll want a Huawei.

aspergerguy 2019-08-13 11:36

Re: Symbian is alive
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by suicidal_orange (Post 1559043)
Been using my 808 Pureview for the past week due to a smashed Xperia X screen, Symbian still makes sense while passing me an Android device leads to frustration.

Hope it's running Belle Delight v1.7:D

suicidal_orange 2019-08-13 12:08

Re: Symbian is alive

Originally Posted by aspergerguy (Post 1559045)
Hope it's running Belle Delight v1.7:D

No, it's not :eek:

I'm down to my last usable phone so must resist the urge to have a play but surely will in the not too distant future.

tortoisedoc 2019-08-14 19:32

Re: Symbian is alive
NOOOO - not two stacks not again /o\ oh Huawei what have you done!

switch-hitter 2019-08-15 10:15

Re: Symbian is alive

Originally Posted by tortoisedoc (Post 1559081)
NOOOO - not two stacks not again

PyS60 was cool though :cool:

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