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deutch1976 2019-09-10 08:17

Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC
Hi there. Some years ago i installed Meego 1.2 on a USB Stick and started my PC on boot. Now i canīt find that image anymore and what is the best software to create a bootable USB stick. Any help would be great. Thanks

endsormeans 2019-09-10 08:42

Re: Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC

you'll have to tell me how it works out once you have it up and running...

As far as software to make a bootable usb..
I tend to use win7 for doing such things..
(I know it seems a bit odd...but when burning usb sticks with bootable linux distros...I tend to use win7...the gui software is simple to complex depending on the need...and for the most part such win software is thoughtlessly saying...)
the best piece of software I have found that is flexible and actually "looks at" the distro and flexes compatibility to cater to the distro in the burning process goes well....
is RUFUS ...
I have found rufus adapts to whatever new or outdated or old distro by grabbing whatever bits it needs at the time to accommodate the distro in question.
I haven't ever had a prob with rufus ....unlike some of the other alternatives...
However ...I haven't tried Meego...with rufus.
That would be a new one for I couldn't say whether it would work or not...
But rufus is your best bet with windows.
Forgot to mention...
Rufus is constantly being updated, fixed and new versions come out frequently, of the better pieces of windows software out there.

deutch1976 2019-09-10 09:17

Re: Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1560122)

you'll have to tell me how it works out once you have it up and running...

As far as software to make a bootable usb..
I tend to use win7 for doing such things..
(I know it seems a bit odd...but when burning usb sticks with bootable linux distros...I tend to use win7...the gui software is simple to complex depending on the need...and for the most part such win software is thoughtlessly saying...)
the best piece of software I have found that is flexible and actually "looks at" the distro and flexes compatibility to cater to the distro in the burning process goes well....
is RUFUS ...
I have found rufus adapts to whatever new or outdated or old distro by grabbing whatever bits it needs at the time to accommodate the distro in question.
I haven't ever had a prob with rufus ....unlike some of the other alternatives...
However ...I haven't tried Meego...with rufus.
That would be a new one for I couldn't say whether it would work or not...
But rufus is your best bet with windows.
Forgot to mention...
Rufus is constantly being updated, fixed and new versions come out frequently, of the better pieces of windows software out there.

It will look something like this

Maemish 2019-09-10 11:48

Re: Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC
Yes, rufus is good - or best. With new linux distros like Mint you have image installer as default.

vectis 2019-09-10 11:53

Re: Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC
Try the wayback machine (internet archive)

Here's one link I found on there:

The download started when I tried it, but it's over 800MB so I didn't download it all.

deutch1976 2019-09-10 12:16

Re: Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1560131)
Yes, rufus is good - or best. With new linux distros like Mint you have image installer as default.

My first attempt with Rufus did not worked. Will try again later and also with Linux Live Usb Creator

deutch1976 2019-09-10 12:16

Re: Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC

Originally Posted by vectis (Post 1560133)
Try the wayback machine (internet archive)

Here's one link I found on there:

The download started when I tried it, but it's over 800MB so I didn't download it all.

I already have the file but thanks anyway ;)

tioubxancur 2019-09-10 13:48

Re: Meego 1.2 img USB Boot for PC
If you are on linux, you can also use the dd command to copy the contents of the img file to the flash drive. Most, if not all linux distros will boot as is. Although not recently, I have done it this way many times.

$ sudo dd if=</path/to/file> of=/dev/<device> status=progress

If you prefer GUI, then there is most probably a disk utility present on your system, which will do the same. For example I am using gnome and gnome-disks is pre-installed which allows to do the same using the the option "Restore Disk Image..."

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