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Maemish 2020-01-03 21:21

There are forums and forums.
I have started to feel other members may use and hang around on some other forums or sites too. For me this is the only forum and site I use. I could like to check some good linux, hackr/cybersecurity, retrogames, scientific (watched a lot ted talks with iphone but since I can't play youtube vids straight with N900...) or conspiracy sites or forums.

If you have knowledge and you like to share it - please, be my guest.

With pc I watched a lot of stuff from Top Documentaries site. Have also checked some stuff from Forbidden Archeology (have to filter a lot though) etc. Searched a lot info about civilisations and their ruins which doesn't fit in the accepted and official history writing and chronology.

Also have liked to watch defcon and blachat conference lectures. But I don't know any good forums besides this one.

mosen 2020-01-04 18:48

Re: There are forums and forums.
You might check for the recordings done on Chaos Computer Club events and many others where the CCC "Video operations center" did streams.
Most content is in english.

Other forums? Blasphemy :p

cy8aer 2020-01-04 19:27

Re: There are forums and forums.

Originally Posted by mosen (Post 1564092)
You might check for the recordings done on Chaos Computer Club events and many others where the CCC "Video operations center" did streams.
Most content is in english.

Other forums? Blasphemy :p

And if you just want to know something from the 36th chaos communication congress (this is a sub of you can try Congress at openrepos or harbour (now with offline video support).

Maemish 2020-01-05 06:35

Re: There are forums and forums.
Just trying to find something I could make use of with my N900. That one I can't.

mosen 2020-01-05 10:34

Re: There are forums and forums.
To the hidden question in my hint:
Does open correctly on your n900? ;)

Maemish 2020-01-05 21:28

Re: There are forums and forums.
No, it doesn't. And even it does I can't watch any vids with N900. Or can I? if you can.- please tell me how?

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