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claypikes 2020-03-05 11:30

Weather app N900
Help me, I want a weather app that works 100% on the N900 Thanks
Do you have any suggestions ?

nonsuch 2020-03-06 06:41

Re: Weather app N900

sudo apt-get install omweather omweather-yr-no-stations-db

teroyk 2020-03-06 10:56

Re: Weather app N900
Saddly good Foreca app doesn't work anymore. Last year there was good support for Micro-B browser to their web-page, but not anymore...But if you need only for one weather forecast only to one place this works good with Opera in N900:
- Go with computer to Foreca web-page choose your place, take 10 days forecast.
- Then copy that address to N900.
- Bookmark it to Opera.
If you ask why 10 days forecast, because it work as your ui to today, tomorrow etc. and that address is always same.

claypikes 2020-03-06 15:32

Re: Weather app N900
Great Nonsuch and Teroik . Thanks very much for your availability and it finally works. If I could even get the app to work " Stock This " for stock action would be the best :)

Halftux 2020-03-06 16:32

Re: Weather app N900
How about meecast is it still working or is it broken too?


Originally Posted by claypikes (Post 1565968)
If I could even get the app to work " Stock This " for stock action would be the best :)

It is a python application and needs maybe support for tls > 1.0.
Or it needs some update for yahoo finance.

To get newer ssl support I suggest to update:
and maybe update other dependencies. Which will be in total a lot of work.
So I would suggest to check stockona, if it needs an update it would be easier.

claypikes 2020-03-06 16:42

Re: Weather app N900
Yes Meecast working 50% only " YR.NO "
" Weather " not working

xman 2020-03-06 21:53

Re: Weather app N900
none of these are working for ma sadly

Got it working after removing and reinstalling the app and But also removing db.

Glade I tried again.


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