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Maemish 2020-03-24 16:13

N9 in 2020
I bought this N9 which I have offered here on Hint Links Thread. Well now my N900 has started to break down (problems keeping sim/cellular on and have lost the camera again. I think I could get all this fixed with reflash but I just would not wan't to do that at the moment.

So if I would start to use N9 in 2020, are there some ssl fixes or good browser options and where could I get the apps? I would really like to keep up with the phone camera competition.

Anyone still using N9?

juiceme 2020-03-24 17:29

Re: N9 in 2020
For usability, I'd suggest at least flashing to open mode and applying the emoji-sms patch to comms library.
I recall there were some alternate browsers, some mozilla nightly port maybe?

Maemish 2020-03-24 18:18

Re: N9 in 2020
I found the resurrect N9 page. It does only speak of Opera Mini 8.0 to be run in JavaVM but I can't find the files mentioned in the instructions any trustworthy site.

So I have now changed the repos to openrepos, installed the hack to be able to install Nokia apps with aegis, enabled developer-mode, installed warehouse and fromg there PhoneMe (JV) and Midlets package. But because I could not find the Opera Mini 8 packages I could not open any https site so no Maemo Talk either. Can't live without. My N900 looses the connection to sim all the time and no camera.

Halftux 2020-03-25 11:15

Re: N9 in 2020

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1566219)
I could not open any https site so no Maemo Talk either.

Not all sites are limited to tls v1.2, so check your certificates and update them because N9 certs are outdated, thus most encrypted sites will not work.

Maemish 2020-03-25 14:29

Re: N9 in 2020
I don't know how to check or update certificates.

pichlo 2020-03-25 18:08

Re: N9 in 2020

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1566228)
I don't know how to check or update certificates.

I can't blame you. I wish there was a simple way, like saving it somewhere on the device and installing it by tapping on it, but it seems the only way to update certs is by a software upgrade, which has not happened in years!

Halftux 2020-03-26 09:45

Re: N9 in 2020

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1566233)
I wish there was a simple way

In some N9 update or refresh thread I posted links how to do it manually and I also made a deb for updating the certs. I am no N9 expert and this aegis stopped me using the N950, but what I can say with my deb the internal browser and also the opera mobile browser got new certificates. For the deb I made some version number increase, but it could be that some packages depend on this with a fixed version number, so it would be better to change the version number to the pr1.3 number again. But then you can't see the update by a version number.
However I think so far there were no complains, but also don't know if somebody tried the deb.
It could also be that my N950 behave different due to some hacks. For example I tried to install Opera mobile from openrepos with the gui and it was not possible, so I needed to use the commandline and it was working.

Will look if I could find my post about certificates.

Halftux 2020-03-26 10:52

Re: N9 in 2020
2 Attachment(s)
So Opera mobile 12.1.1 supports TLS v1.2 and it is working with or openrepos or wikipedia.

The only thing is that openssl has weak chipers, but it should be possible to update openssl not to the newest branch but at least to some more current version.

For Opera you need to disable ssl 3.0 tls 1.0. For that type opera:config and goto Security Prefs select as shown in the screenshot, save and restart.

Here the links to my posts related to certificates.

edit: I don't know if it is necessary but in addition to openssl_0.9.8k-8maemo7+dbg+0m6 I also installed openssl1 package (version 1.0.0c-5+0m7)

Maemish 2020-03-26 14:43

Re: N9 in 2020
Not that easy with me. I first tried to install it straight with warehouse. Not possible. Read again the resurrect N9 thread. Aa, I have to first download it on a pc, then move it to phone and then do this aegis-dpkg thing. So I did that, but no sudo. So I have to enable root access by installing N9 QTweak. So I installed that and opened is and it was all black and a green text root password:

So what did I do? I wrote there rootme and hit enter. Then it started to do something and then it stopped and I couldn't anymore install things. So I am back with my reflashed N900 which I have now got configured and have camera working again but this device now constantly looses the connection to sim and network.

Maemish 2020-03-26 14:55

Re: N9 in 2020
I don't actually know why I wrote rootme there. I just did. Had read rootme somewhere and gave it a try. Not really knowing what I should have done. Found the QTweak thread here afterwards. But the virtualkeyboard of N9 compared to N900 keyboard is just too bad to use.

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