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Maemish 2020-03-27 08:23

If you get problems like your Hildon Application Manager does not find community-ssu-enabler and because of that is unable to install updates or install at all (I have had every time excedpt once problems after flashing) something here you can find it:

The latest one you need to install if you wan't to install CSSU-Thumb, After you install the latest on the bottom your Hildon Application Manager wan'ts to update it to another enabler. Do not do that or you can't install cssu thumb.

ste-phan 2020-03-28 05:57

Re: community-ssu-enabler
Thank you very much, just a minute ago I experienced this same issue, trying to update N900. Appreciated your sharing.

Save to DEVICE might be a good idea, you have been doing a lot of digging into optimizing / installing N900 recently: is there a reliable torrent with everything Maemo 5 just in case?

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