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Markkyboy 2020-07-26 08:09

MQTT on Jolla1
Hi all,

I'm running Mosquitto v3.1 broker on my Jolla1 and it runs nicely.

One problem though; I lose the broker when the phone goes into deep sleep. How can I prevent the phone from deep sleeping?, is this possible?, I'm not worried about battery life as the phone is powered from the mains at this point.

Perhaps this is not an issue with my device, but with Mosquitto itself, although I feel the problem is with the device, so any ideas/input is appreciated.


peterleinchen 2020-07-26 15:18

Re: MQTT on Jolla1
If battery life is not important and device is plugged in try the setting for display 'Keep display on while charging'..
This should avoid the deep sleep.

Markkyboy 2020-07-27 10:50

Re: MQTT on Jolla1

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1568426)
If battery life is not important and device is plugged in try the setting for display 'Keep display on while charging'..
This should avoid the deep sleep.

I'll give that a go!, thanks.

mrsellout 2020-07-27 15:11

Re: MQTT on Jolla1
Is screen burn likely to be an issue here?
I'm not sure if there's a screen saver app, but perhaps someone could write a script that will slowly cycle the display through different colours.

Markkyboy 2020-07-28 07:10

Re: MQTT on Jolla1

Originally Posted by mrsellout (Post 1568444)
Is screen burn likely to be an issue here?
I'm not sure if there's a screen saver app, but perhaps someone could write a script that will slowly cycle the display through different colours.

I can only speak for Jolla1 which has an IPS LCD panel, these are not prone to screen burn. Might be a different story with Sony devices though.

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