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Wasmachinemann-NL 2020-12-14 01:39

Purging Hildon cache
Is there a way I can purge Hildon's cache? Whenever I open Notes it briefly shows something I wrote and deleted ages ago, and I'd like to see it gone permanently.

Maemish 2020-12-14 05:30

Re: Purging Hildon cache
Now got interested what you have written you never wan't to see again. Sorry do not know answer to your question.

nonsuch 2020-12-14 06:23

Re: Purging Hildon cache
Haven't looked at it, theoretically applied GNU/Linux knowledge: have you looked in $HOME/.cache?

sixwheeledbeast 2020-12-14 13:53

Re: Purging Hildon cache
Can't stand the default notes application and use other things like leafpad instead.
If you want to have a look about your home directory for caches the programs full name is "osso-notes"

sicelo 2020-12-14 21:01

Re: Purging Hildon cache


gconftool-2 -R /apps/osso/osso-notes
and the paths in the keys:
  • last_save
  • last_open, and
  • default_folder
will help you find the file to remove

xman 2020-12-15 00:30

Re: Purging Hildon cache
I dont really use it for note taking. But sometime need it for other things. So when I do I just create a new blank note before closing. Not sure if I still have cache though.


Wasmachinemann-NL 2020-12-17 15:46

Re: Purging Hildon cache

Originally Posted by sicelo (Post 1570495)


gconftool-2 -R /apps/osso/osso-notes
and the paths in the keys:
  • last_save
  • last_open, and
  • default_folder
will help you find the file to remove

That didn't work. What i'm specifically after is the brief window that appears when you open a app.

sicelo 2020-12-17 16:18

Re: Purging Hildon cache

Originally Posted by Wasmachinemann-NL (Post 1570518)
That didn't work. What i'm specifically after is the brief window that appears when you open a app.

Okay, it sounds like what you are talking about is something called PVR.

Try this:

close the Notes application then run the following:


$  rm ~/.cache/launch/

Wasmachinemann-NL 2020-12-18 23:30

Re: Purging Hildon cache

Originally Posted by sicelo (Post 1570519)
Okay, it sounds like what you are talking about is something called PVR.

Try this:

close the Notes application then run the following:


$  rm ~/.cache/launch/

That's the one, thanks!

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