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salahkhani 2022-01-26 12:53

Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9
Dear Fellows,,

I have Nokia N9 a long side with my Monster Nokia N900 which am using it till now as daily use. My other device which is Nokia N9 has this issue were I can not press the Power Button either to lock the device or shut it down / reboot.

Is there any solution how to make Nokia N9 reboot when it is power off !!!

Is there any application which can make me turn the device off also !!!


Macros 2022-01-27 12:06

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9
The N9 boots if you connect it to a power source, so you can carry a very small power bank with you and use it to boot the N9.

For shutdown you can just use the terminal or use the handy application PowerControl which gives you a icon that offers you the choice to reboot or shutdown.

You could try opening your N9 and repairing the button. But as the power button requires a nearly complete disassembly I would not recommend it if you don't have experience.

salahkhani 2022-01-27 18:34

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9
Thanks for the reply,,

as for the Power Control Installation file no longer working which I do not know why like almost most of N9 applications. Each time I try to install this application it says not installing...

As for for the repair I will see what I can do regarding this matter,

My question is,, is there any terminal command to shut it down??

aspergerguy 2022-01-27 18:43

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by salahkhani (Post 1573404)
Each time I try to install this application it says not installing...

Have you tried resetting date upon N9 to ~ 2012-2014 in case security certificate lapsed upon application(s)?

nowave7 2022-01-28 09:20

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by salahkhani (Post 1573404)
Thanks for the reply,,

as for the Power Control Installation file no longer working which I do not know why like almost most of N9 applications. Each time I try to install this application it says not installing...

As for for the repair I will see what I can do regarding this matter,

My question is,, is there any terminal command to shut it down??

Of course there is, you need to be root though.

this grants you the root access, careful what you do when you're root
enter your root password, and then


/sbin/shutdown -r 0
to restart the device down immediately, or

/sbin/shutdown -h 0
to shutdown/halt the device immediately.

Macros 2022-01-28 11:52

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9
You can install old applications in the console with aegis-apt-get / aegis-dpkg (Big thanks to coderus for the awesome tools!)

salahkhani 2022-01-28 12:58

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9
Thank you all friends for your reply.. I wish Nokia N9 was as good as the Monster Nokia N900 which it is pretty good from the design. function and the built quality.. Unlike N9, the quality is good but from the button side is very bad. The power button seems like melted inside won't come out and can not press it or push it. Such a shame.

nonsuch 2022-01-30 08:37

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by Macros (Post 1573401)
You could try opening your N9 and repairing the button. But as the power button requires a nearly complete disassembly I would not recommend it if you don't have experience.

Considering the way the N9 is built, you will need to remove the screen first and possibly lift out the mainboard to do any sort of repair.
I wouldn't consider this "nearly complete disassembly", and if you want to continue using a 10yo phone you better get used to it.
I did it several times even without the special tools (but have a hard guitar plectrum or something similar handy).
In other words, I do recommend it.

If the plastic cover of the power switch is broken you can tinker with it and hopefully fix it, but I wouldn't start messing around on the board itself.

Nokia provided its customers with excellent hardware documentation, I have uploaded what I have here.

nowave7 2022-02-01 08:29

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9

Originally Posted by salahkhani (Post 1573423)
Thank you all friends for your reply.. I wish Nokia N9 was as good as the Monster Nokia N900 which it is pretty good from the design. function and the built quality.. Unlike N9, the quality is good but from the button side is very bad. The power button seems like melted inside won't come out and can not press it or push it. Such a shame.

Yeah I know what you mean. If it's any consolation to you (probably isn't), N9 is some 11 years old. I have one Garmin cycling computer, top of the line, only 4.5 years old, the on/off button completely disintegrated. The only button on the device made out of some sort of gumi, not even plastic. What's worse, Garmin is still operating, unlike Nokia, but refuse to repair the device, even though it's a well known problem, and a lot of users are affected. And that's not the only Garmin's flop when it comes to reliability. A small off topic rant on my side. Sorry, will stop now.:)

salahkhani 2022-02-02 10:32

Re: Power Button Not Working for Nokia N9
Thanks for your suggestion,

Actually the button is deeply inside like stuck and would not go out side or come out after pressing the button, so it is stuck inside not going back out side like the volume buttons when you press them and they go back to normal.

I do not count on this device much, my Monster N900 is my daily use mobile which I love it to the BONE..

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