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ScottRD 2007-10-03 03:22

microb browser won't install in new firmware
microb won't install on new firmware (4.2007.38-2). After intsalling the required catalogue it errors with the following:

Unable to download.
Application package not found.

A search for installable applications in App Manager displays only microb-eal. When I check the problems tab for microb-eal it states that the missing packages are browser-eal, libgtkmozembed and microb-|10n

Any help greatly appreciated,


iball 2007-10-03 03:25

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
So what's new in the new firmware?

ScottRD 2007-10-03 03:32

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
Good question. It was SUPPOSED to only be a fix for a known memory card bug. Apparently not.


stevenf 2007-10-03 04:26

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
Same problem with microb here. Woo hoo!

stevenf 2007-10-03 04:48

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
I wonder if it actually has anything to do with the firmware update, or if the link inside the installer is just dead. Or something.

barry99705 2007-10-03 06:06

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
Looks like once again, Nokia has screwed us.

BarneyC 2007-10-03 06:34

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
nicely thought through people.

aren't the repositories in some way keyed to the firmware as a method of only showing compatible software? So unless a repository is marked as being compatible with the new firmware it won't appear in the app manager.

i had the same problem with the microb rep not showing up. a quick switch to red pill mode and oh look there it is.

this isn't nokia screwing with anyone, this surely would be an issue for the microb team?

luca 2007-10-03 07:27

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware

Originally Posted by BarneyC (Post 79399)
i had the same problem with the microb rep not showing up. a quick switch to red pill mode and oh look there it is.

but did you try to install it? I did and it doesn't work.

geneven 2007-10-03 07:44

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
I definitely installed the new firmware (from WinXP) and appear to be in the Mozilla browser. I backed up my settings before installing, so when I restored them, the Mozilla Browser was a choice for me, and it worked.

Application Manager shows it as Installed. I'll look for helpful info...

geneven 2007-10-03 07:50

Re: microb browser won't install in new firmware
Perhsps this link is a clue?

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