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burakalpman 2007-10-31 09:17

How do ı delete an item form the Bruwse İnstallable applications
I want to empty the web calalogue please help me

megabyte405 2007-11-02 19:59

Re: How do ı delete an item form the Bruwse İnstallable applications
That list doesn't have any effect on your device if you don't install anything from it. It shows the packages available from the Application Catalog repositories - I suppose if you really want to not have any software available for install, you could disable repositories in the Tools, Application Catalog menu, but again, I'm not sure what good that would do for you - they're easy to re-enable/re-add, and there is no harm in leaving functional repositories there.

TA-t3 2007-11-04 13:51

Re: How do ı delete an item form the Bruwse İnstallable applications
If you disable one or more of the application catalog repositories and then refresh the list then those apps that are in those repositories won't show up anymore in the list (except for apps existing in more than one repository - there are a few)

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