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technut 2007-11-14 06:58

How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Edit as of Nov.26:
Nokia has just released an OFFICIAL beta OS2008 for N800. For download links and instructions, see the news here. The procedure that is detailed in this thread is no longer needed.

For those who weren't following the thread about the OS2008 release date, there has been a surprising development.

There is an OS2008 firmware file available... intended for the new N810, not the N800... but some smart folks here have figured out how to install it on your N800 right now, without having to wait for Nokia's official N800 release (apparently delayed to mid-December).

This is probably not the exact version that will be released by Nokia for the N800, but if you are adventurous and impatient you can be running OS2008 on your N800 today! Others have done it, with success.

If you are not already a bit of a hacker or are not in a rush, then you should probably just wait a little longer for the official release.

Proceed at your own risk! A firmware upgrade gone bad could brick your N800!

Also, as with any firmware upgrade, your settings will be lost. Back up any data or settings that you want to restore.

technut 2007-11-14 06:59

Edit as of Nov.26:
Nokia has just released an OFFICIAL beta OS2008 for N800. For download links and instructions, see the news here. The procedure that is detailed in this thread is no longer needed.

NOTE: You cannot perform the update from Windows at this time. You must use Linux or MacOSX.
  • If you need a copy of Linux for PC there are many distributions and LiveCDs available on the 'net [1] [2]. A LiveCD allows you to run Linux from a bootable CD without installing it to your computer. I personally recommend using Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop Edition. Although it is a large download (700 MB), it is very complete and user-friendly, and suitable for most Linux newbies.

The OS2008 install instructions that were previously linked here are now out of date.

Here is a more detailed and updated (Nov 23) revision:


  1. From your Linux or MacOSX web browser, bring up this post. That way you can click on the links and copy/paste as you follow along with these instructions.

  2. Go to the N810 software download page.

  3. Enter the Product ID (WLAN#) for an N810 device. For the Product ID you can use any number between 001d6e9c0000 and 001d6e9c9999. (credit to TPC) Then on the next page click "I accept".

  4. Download the latest firmware file
    and save it to a directory that you can easily find later.

  5. Go to the Flasher utility page and click "I accept".

  6. Download the latest firmware-flashing software for Linux (flasher-3.0) or MacOSX (flasher-2.0.macosx) and save it in the same directory as the firmware file.

  7. Start a Linux or MacOSX terminal session window and change directory to the location of the two files you just downloaded.

    The commands in the next instructions will all be entered at the terminal session command prompt. These instructions are for Linux users, but the MacOSX instructions are very similar - Just substitute the Mac flasher program name in place of the Linux one.

  8. Enter (or copy/paste)
    chmod a+x ./flasher-3.0
    to make the flasher file be executable.

  9. Enter (or copy/paste)
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 -u -F RX-44_2008SE_1.2007.42-19_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin
    to unpack the components. If prompted, enter the password for the Linux/MacOSX system.

  10. Turn on your N800. Unplug the AC adapter (if you were using it) and check that you have a good battery level before you proceed. Leave the AC adapter unplugged.

  11. Switch off your N800. Don't simply lock it... it must be powered off.

  12. Using the USB cable that came with your N800, connect it to the computer.

  13. Hold down the HOME button on your N800 (the one with a house icon) until you complete this next step. Now also press and hold the POWER button to turn the N800 on, but do not release the HOME button just yet. Keep holding the HOME button until your N800 shows the white NOKIA screen with a small USB icon in the top right corner of the N800 screen.

    If your N800 booted normally (to the home screen), then turn it off and repeat the last step until you get the correct boot screen with the USB icon.

  14. Now enter (or copy/paste) the following three commands in the terminal window to transfer the firmware to the N800:
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 -f -k zImage
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 -f -n initfs.jffs2
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 -f -r rootfs.jffs2

  15. When all three transfers are completed, enter (or copy/paste)
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 -R
    to reboot the N800.

  16. You can now disconnect the USB cable. In a few moments the N800 should start to boot up normally. You will then be prompted to go through the initial setup procedures as if it were a new tablet.

    Congratulations, you are running OS2008!

  • If you followed older instructions which included the command
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 --enable-rd-mode
    then your N800 may still be in "R&D mode". It is not strictly necessary, but if you want to turn off R&D mode you'll need to use the flasher program one more time with the command:
    sudo ./flasher-3.0 --disable-rd-mode

Credit for the original ideas/info/work in the other thread goes to fanoush, aflegg, anidel, N770-Freak, hns, cairn, BOFH, jmk, and also to several others who have already installed it and reported on their experiences. Good job all!

chilko 2007-11-14 07:08

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
here is it -

Lithorus 2007-11-14 08:13

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Thanks, works like a charm :)

Puck 2007-11-14 08:44

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
MAC address has been removed ...

No one else can post the number can they? Someone must have a record of it.

Rocketman 2007-11-14 08:46

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Thoughtfix has pulled the dmesg log from his site, which contained the MAC address that was being used to enter Nokia's firmware download site. He is (understandably) pretty steamed about it, as he is afraid this may damage his relationship with Nokia. N810 mac addresses can widely be seen in pictures of the device online, so it is a bit annoying that the CNET article chose to reference one accidentally posted (as part of a log posted to satisfy *nix gurus about the N810 hardware) by a prominent and well respected community member.

unique311 2007-11-14 08:49

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by Puck (Post 94483)
MAC address has been removed ...

No one else can post the number can they? Someone must have a record of it.

read the how-to from cnet man....

chilko 2007-11-14 08:49

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!

Originally Posted by Puck (Post 94483)
MAC address has been removed ...

No one else can post the number can they? Someone must have a record of it.

look here

nat 2007-11-14 09:02

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
That's 001D6E9BB693.

geneven 2007-11-14 09:05

Re: How to put OS2008 on N800.... now!
Pretty funny, and it helps Nokia rather than hurts. I'll wait till the actual release, though...

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