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evoman16 2007-11-21 03:11

Skype on OS2008?
typing to you from my new n810.....I was wondering if anyone knows when skype will be available? Thanks all!

ercanmetin 2007-11-21 13:29

Re: Skype on OS2008?
Don't know about skype yet, but Gizmo is all set!
I installed it yesterday night works great!

Rider 2007-11-21 18:09

Re: Skype on OS2008?

smammon 2007-11-27 02:23

Re: Skype on OS2008?
As my co-workers were fondling my 810 this afternoon someone clicked the skype link in the menus. Instead of the little 1k message about it not being available - It downloaded - about half of a 4.5mb file and then told me I needed to update to the latest OS from Nokia.

Looks like it's finally out there if you upgrade first!

Personally - I don't know if it's worth re-installing all of my apps just for Skype. If you have the time - give it a go and let us know how it works...

Synn89 2007-11-27 03:22

Re: Skype on OS2008?
Updated this afternoon to the new OS2008 and Skype installs on it just fine.

technut 2007-11-27 03:32

Re: Skype on OS2008?

Originally Posted by Synn89 (Post 100552)
Updated this afternoon to the new OS2008

Could you be more specific about "the new OS2008"? You're talking about on an N810, right?

I was reading that Skype doesn't install if you are running the official OS2008 beta that was just released today for the N800.

But there are mixed reports.... maybe some confusion because it does install if you use the latest N810 version (-19) of OS2008 on either the N800 or the N810.

basco 2007-11-27 03:33

Re: Skype on OS2008?
Not mine. I upgraded today and problems installing.

edit: upgraded with the beta os2008

TTgowings 2007-11-27 03:37

Re: Skype on OS2008?
I tried a couple of times now on my N800, OS2008 beta install and is a no-go, it keeps erroring out and saying you must have the newest software for the N810..

realitygaps 2007-11-27 03:53

Skype on OS2008 WORKING!
you can do sudo gainroot and then apt-get install skype to get the deb
dpkg -x /var/cache/apt/archives/skype_1. /
To extract it to the right places on the Internet Tablet
It seems to work.


Milhouse 2007-11-27 04:45

Re: Skype on OS2008?
I installed Skype on my N800/OS2008(-18) and it looks like it's the same Skype that is available for OS2007 - no obvious new features, the "Skype for N810" version number is 10017/ can anyone post the version number of Skype/OS2007?

Unless you desperately need to use Skype I'd say there's no rush to download it on N800/N810 - it's still got all the same annoying problems the original version had, no obvious improvements whatsoever (which is a surprise/disappointment I must admit).

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