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thoughtfix 2007-11-30 01:30

Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
I created this post to ask readers which phone they used. My answers are there and the questions are as follows:

1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

Especially with the holidays approaching - it's a good time to talk gadgets.

geneven 2007-11-30 01:46

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. no
2. Some old Nokia with a Tracfone plan.
3. Very
4 Tracphone
5. Very affordable; I spend less than $100 a year on phone calls.
6. I spend a lot of time at my house, so usually have wifi. I don't need to use my N800 while driving. I use it while jogging, but for mp3 files on an sd card. I rarely use the cell phone.

thoughtfix 2007-11-30 01:51

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
Thanks geneven! I will clarify, though - this was more targeted toward Bluetooth DUN: Using the phone/service for internet access.

raakshasa 2007-11-30 01:59

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Yes
2. Blackberry Pearl 8130
3. Yes
4. Verizon Wireless
5. $30 + $15 (data + tethering) in addition to $40 for voice.
6. Coverage and speeds are great, but could be cheaper. Especially the $15 for tethering is a rip off.

deeteroderdas 2007-11-30 02:00

1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?<br />
<br />
Yes, when there's no wifi nearby.<br />
<br />
2. What kind of phone do you have?<br />
<br />
Nokia 6555i (3G)<br />
<br />
3. Was it easy to get working?<br />
<br />
With OS2007, somewat difficult.<br />
With 2008, not a bit of a Wizard at first boot walked through all the steps flawlesslessly.<br />
<br />
4. Who is your service provider?<br />
<br />
AT&amp;T, Cingular, or whatever they're called this week.<br />
<br />
5. How affordable is your data plan?<br />
<br />
I got the MediaMax $19.95 &quot;unlimited&quot; plan. Personally, I think it's highway robbery, but I'm enjoying the anywhere Internet.<br />
<br />
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?<br />
<br />
Well, strictly speaking, it's not a plan where you're supposed to tether a PDA-like device, but an AT&amp;T CSR said that, unless it's abused, no one will do anything...I've streamed Internet Radio through it; last month I pulled down over 125 MB of data. ;^)

Beni 2007-11-30 02:00

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
I'm going to try, but currently no


2. What kind of phone do you have?
Moto SLVR v7

3. Was it easy to get working?
I tried it and it synced, but I never bothered to actually try using the internet via the GPRS, so I don't know it if "really" works or just says it synced

4. Who is your service provider?

5. How affordable is your data plan?
5$ monthly forr unlimited data


6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Unless you have an unlimited data plan, using the n800 with your phone is moot since you still have to worry about charges.

frethop 2007-11-30 02:14

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

Yes. In my opinion, allows the use of phones over Bluetooth was genius.

2. What kind of phone do you have?

Nokia N95.

3. Was it easy to get working?

Yes. But see below for changes I had to make.

4. Who is your service provider?


5. How affordable is your data plan?

An extra $4.99 for the data plan.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

I had to change the settings. I changed the access point name and I added a proxy for HTTP and HTTPS.

jmk 2007-11-30 02:18

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Yes
2. Nokia N80 (max 384 kbps)
3. Very easy
4. DNA
5. 9.80 euros per month, unlimited GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA

BanditRider 2007-11-30 02:29

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Yes
2. LG VX8600
3. Very easy
4. Verizon Wireless
5. No data plan, hacked phone to just use minutes. Free on nights and weekends.
6. Procedure to hack CDMA phones to use EVDO dun is readily available on Howard Forums.

ks1g 2007-11-30 03:16

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. With Nokia 770 - frequently - whenever I can't find a wifi hotspot (way too often). Extremely useful when we've been on vacations.
2. Motorola V557, about 2 years old now. Pairing was idiot simple.
3. Relatively. Someone posted a script on connecting to the Cingular service here at ITT for OS2005 and I've used it since (currently on latest OS2006). I didn't get the built-in Cingular/att client script to work, since I have one that does work, it's what I use.
4. Cingular/att
5. $20/mo (probably same plan as Thoughtfix's) for unlimited data (MediaNet service). I am not sure if it's really intended for use with tethered devices vs the phone itself (handy for Google's mobile services) but it's worked for me.
6. Wifi is much faster. No idea unless/until I upgrade to a newer phone if we have faster service in this area.

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