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skeezer65134 2007-12-19 04:13

Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
OK, I searched a little but I couldn't find the answer to this anywhere.... what's the license like for the Wayfinder map data? Would it be legal to host a torrent or direct link to them? Do direct links already exist somewhere or are you forced to use your tablet to download?

I ask because it seems like a lot of people are having problems downloading them (myself included), instead having server timeouts and failed downloads. Is it possible for us to share this info without relying on their servers? Does anyone even know?

I realize this till blow over once all the upgraders get up to speed, but it would be nice to know for the future too.

yabbas 2007-12-19 09:46

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
We had the same issues with Navicore and I asked them back in the day to host the files directly.

Here's an email I've just fired off to them:
There are many issues with the download servers which means it's very difficult to obtain the Wayfinder maps at the best of times.

Please can you host the files directly on your webservers like Navicore did here:

Hope to hear from you soon.

Many thanks!

lumindigo85 2007-12-19 10:14

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
I also asked them if there are going to be updated maps. On their website there is a demo map application which has more detailed maps of Hungary. I hope I'll be able to download that map soon.

See the difference between the two maps here:

technut 2007-12-19 10:15

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
I asked WayFinder about getting direct access to the maps from their site.

That site is available to PDA and cellphone owners to download maps to their PC, which can then be file transferred to their devices. They get an ID/password for the site as part of their software package.

I wrote a little over two weeks ago.. and it took them until yesterday to reply:

> > This e-mail has been sent from
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > Date and time: December 3, 2007 6:35:45 AM
> > --------------------------------------------------
> > Description:
> > I speak as one of many owners of the Nokia N800 or N810 Internet Tablets. Wayfinder Navigator software is included in the OS2008 operating system for our Tablets.
> >
> > Although the software includes a way to download maps directly to the Tablet, the downloads are rather slow.
> >
> > We would like to have the ability to download the maps to our PC first, through the site. But the Tablets don't seem to be supported at that site, and we don't have an ID/password either.
> >
> > Is it possible to add the Nokia Tablets to the site and grant us access?
> >
> > Thanks very much!

Dear Sir
Thank you for contacting Wayfinder support

We suggest that you use a wireless connection when downloading the maps, this connection should be as fast in the Tablet as on a computer. Unfortunately it is not possible to download the maps from any other location than through the Tablet.

Unfortunately the web page is a separate help page meant for the users of Wayfinder navigator that works in phones and PDA-devices. This page is not available for Wayfinder navigator for Nokia N810 Internet Tablet users.

Best regards, Wayfinder support

luca 2007-12-19 14:26

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
So they took 2 weeks to say what you already knew and stated in your email? Nice.

skeezer65134 2007-12-22 03:07

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT

Originally Posted by yabbas (Post 110990)

Awesome, exactly what I was looking for. I completely failed to find that link on my own, thanks for posting it!

SeniorDad 2007-12-22 20:52

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT

Originally Posted by yabbas (Post 110990)
Please can you host the files directly on your webservers like Navicore did here:

Yes! Thanks!

I had given up on getting any maps for this thing until you posted this link.

Seems that in all those failed IT map download attempts, wayfarer installs a Navicore license folder which allows the Navicore maps downloaded and extracted from this site to work on OS 2008.

Took a bit of extractin' and draggin' and droppin' to figure it out, but I didn't change any settings and have a functioning, complete set of the 49 United States and Canada. Can't drive to Hawaii anyway.

Thanks again!

ghsimon 2008-01-02 18:31

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
is there a way to down grade my OS back to OS2008 because i paid $250 for the GPS that i couldnt use with the OS08 so the only way for me is to reinstall OS07 on my tablet

ghsimon 2008-01-02 19:53

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
wayfinder told me to get T3 connection to download the US maps

ebe51 2008-01-03 13:52

Re: Downloading Wayfinder maps with an IT
Does anybody have directions on how to install one of the Navicore maps so that they work with the "Map" program provided with os2008?

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