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bleek 2007-12-21 16:34

Battery Life
What is everyone's experience with the n810's battery life. I can't quite figure out the 'rules' to follow, other than its not laptop so close things down if you are not using them. Duh, I know, but I am a multitask ninja on OSX, its bad.

It seems there have been a few times I was suprised at how quickly it drained, but I couldn't track it down to one thing. Any tips?

Aisu 2007-12-21 16:36

Re: Battery Life
Disconnect then turn off the wifi whenever not in use, only major battery sucker I can think of... Multitask ninja, I like that term ;)

sondjata 2007-12-21 16:51

Re: Battery Life
install the cpu status app and check to see what is pegging the CPU. You'll be surprised at how often it gets pegged by websites with flash adverts. That will kill your battery quick.

sondjata 2007-12-21 16:53

Re: Battery Life
In addition I have mine set to warn me when the cpu usage is high. In full screen mode it's pretty useful. Certain Mac sites (MACNN) are really bad offenders in this department. Ars Technica is another bad site in this regards and as soon as I can get my ad blocker set up these sites are getting their ads blocked. Damn the site use policies. Get control of the frickin' adverts.

gemniii42 2007-12-21 17:09

Re: Battery Life
Don't let your GPS search forever.

prk60091 2007-12-21 17:25

Re: Battery Life
the rss widget is a vampire

pdonner 2007-12-21 17:35

Re: Battery Life
get an external power supply from boxwave ir similar.
turn off wifi/bt when not needed
set screen to shut off quickly
lock device to prevent umplanned turm ons

abrilc 2007-12-21 17:46

Re: Battery Life
Is possible to see the battery power ordered by processes? If i remember well.. i think there's a 'top' - like app for this. Well.. the thing is if it's ported.

janjansenbe 2007-12-25 21:12

Re: Battery Life

Since I have upgraded my N800 towards the new OS2008 I have also the impression that the battery drainage is much much faster then before (using 0S2007).

Cheers, Jan

bilofsky 2007-12-26 03:50

Re: Battery Life
(Lithium ion batteries drain faster until they've been recharged a few times.)

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