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linickx 2007-12-24 13:41

Remember the Milk: Vote for n800 Style Sheet
Obviously a Sync Client would be better, but in the mean-time people might like to vote for this....

osofast 2008-02-14 09:26

Re: Remember the Milk: Vote for n800 Style Sheet
I voted...the N800 really needs some sort of PIM or something along those lines. RTM is a good place to start.

dkwatts 2008-02-14 14:58

Re: Remember the Milk: Vote for n800 Style Sheet
In the meantime, Samuel created a greasemonkey script that makes the mobile version more thumb friendly.


Originally Posted by miind (Post 129361)
Im a heavy user of, the site is a nice mobile version but is made for mobilephone. I did a first version of a greasemonkeyscript that makes it more fingerfriendly for the N800. If anyone is interested in it I add it here. Theres more to be done in it but this version makes it usefull.. :)

1. download the zip,
2. unzip
3. put on tablet and click on it from the filemanager.

// Samuel

Deserttaxguy 2008-02-14 17:06

Re: Remember the Milk: Vote for n800 Style Sheet
I voted. too. Thanks for the info.

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