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tori 2007-12-25 12:02

The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard
I've tried a lot, almost gave up..

But, When I foung out the review of :
Plumbing Nightmares "Tudor Homes" (Atlanta / London)
an amazon customer who bought it,

1. Go to Control Panel on the N800
2. Click 'Hardware Keyboard' (OS 2007) or 'Bluetooth keyboard' (OS 2008)
3. Select 'Generic 105-key PC'
4. In control panel click 'Bluetooth' (can click Pair if using OS 2008)
5. Make sure 'Bluetooth' is checked and 'Visible' is Checked
6. Click on Button 'Devices'
7. Click on Button 'New'
8. On the Igo keyboard hold down the left CNTRL KEY, The BLUE fn key and the GREEN fn key at the same time
9. A GREEN LED above the T key will begin to flash.
10. Nokia N800 will display 'Think Outside Keyboard'
11. Highlight the 'Think Outside Keyboard'
12. Click 'OK'
13. 'Pair with Device' dialogue will appear
14. Note the Passcode number
15. Click button 'OK'
16. While holding down the BLUE Fn key (to enter numerics) type the passcode as you noted in step 14. Then hit enter.
17. Hey Presto you now have a full size keyboard for your N800


just great , thanks to him and also can be surely useful for others

ch8xy 2007-12-25 12:38

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard
I forgot: in step 16, do you still hold the blue key down while pressing the enter key?

rayhart 2007-12-25 13:08

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard
This has been covered before, but your explaination is the best. Why don't you put this in the wiki under the accessories section.

tori 2007-12-25 13:30

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard

Originally Posted by ch8xy (Post 115188)
I forgot: in step 16, do you still hold the blue key down while pressing the enter key?

you don't need to hold the blue key down while pressing enter

And. the explanation above is not mine, I quote it

Robert Ray 2007-12-29 21:49

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard
Where were you three weeks ago! By far the best directions for the i-go connection. I finally got mine to recognise each other but not before I had done so many different combinations that I gave up and ordered a Nokia keyboard. Decided to give it one more try and it connected. Now I have a new Nokia as backup should the I-go go bad. Thanks should help many others.
When I contacted I-go they told me there keyboard was incompatible with a linux based tablet. I replied to them with their incompatible keyboard

munkey 2007-12-29 23:18

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard
great! now I can pair it.

next problem: how do I remove this stupid sticker from the case and keys!!!?

I agree with this quote from the amazon reviewers. I think amazon got a bunch of these cheap because of the impossible to remove sticker on it!


BUT... some rocket scientist at iGo decided to place a big, friendly "How To Use Me" sticker across the keys and the case. It's a nice thing to do, but instead of using Post-It glue so you could easily remove the sticker, they used industrial-strength price-sticker glue that DOESN'T COME OFF. In removing the sticker, one of the keys broke off. Amazon made good on it and replaced it, but the manufacturer was entirely useless in this regard and refused to do anything about it.

(I think iGo or Amazon's supplier must have had a large inventory of these with the bad stickers that they are unloading on Amazon at a fraction of the original price, which is why the price here is so very low compared to everywhere else, and which is also why the manufacturer's website is sold out on these right now.)

If you get this, REMOVE THE STICKER VERY CAREFULLY and plan on it taking awhile. I found that RUBBING worked better than scratching, but it was still impossible to get all of the residue off and of course I damaged the key.

gemniii42 2007-12-30 03:45

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard

Originally Posted by munkey (Post 117526)
great! now I can pair it.

next problem: how do I remove this stupid sticker from the case and keys!!!?

I agree with this quote from the amazon reviewers. I think amazon got a bunch of these cheap because of the impossible to remove sticker on it!

Actually the paper wears off, I expect in a few years I'll be able to fully see my "L" key.

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-30 03:58

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard

Originally Posted by gemniii42 (Post 117594)
Actually the paper wears off, I expect in a few years I'll be able to fully see my "L" key.

Seriously, what the hell kind of cheap sticker are they using.

Take heart, though, as there is an easy solution! There's this wonderful stuff known as Ronsonol, it's lighter fluid that comes in a yellow and blue plastic container that's available from most drugstores. Unlike most lighterfluids, Ronsonol is naphtha based and incredibly effective at removing almost any stick (worked in a used bookstore for a few years and we used it for getting stickers off old books—very effective). It wont stain and it evaporates very quickly!

Just be sure to buy Ronson, as almost all other lighter fluids are nasty butane-based stuff that wont get rid of stick and will just leave you with a big stinky firehazard (though they are actually better lighter fluids).

LordFu 2007-12-30 05:47

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard
Yeah, that's exactly how I did it. It took me a half-hour to figure out, since I've never had anything bluetooth before. Thanks for posting them for everyone!

4mula1 2007-12-30 13:23

Re: The easy way to connect N800 to I go keyboard

Originally Posted by munkey (Post 117526)
great! now I can pair it.

next problem: how do I remove this stupid sticker from the case and keys!!!?

I learned on another forum to NOT use a hairdryer.

I just rubbed in a circular motion with my finger until it was gone. It took probably 40 minutes off and on.Ended up with a blister on my right index finger and a swollen eye the next morning because I apparently didn't get all of the adhesive off of my finger before I rubbed my eye at some point. My wife kindly offered to make the other eye match...

In a factory somewhere in China is a guy putting on stickers laughing himself silly knowing what awaits us.

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